
What's the Story Here? A Lovers'
Quarrel? Imparting some Bad News? It's a
Very Compelling Series of Photos.




Grazhdanskaya Ul. 13-15, St.Petersburg
Grazhdanskaya Ul. 13-15, St.Petersburg
I was thinking Russia, because in the last photo you can see an illuminated "peace" symbol à la 1960s, with what I take to be the word "MIR" underneath.
I was thinking Russia, because in the last photo you can see an illuminated "peace" symbol à la 1960s, with what I take to be the word "MIR" underneath.
мир - exactly, that was the first hint, though if you look below, there's a sign that says something like "OVER...." in Latin letters. Never been to that place, didn't know it, but an older brick building, that smelled of Piter. With a little search I found a restaurant called "Over Size Pizza," in capital letters - exactly that sign. It seems to be an attractive restaurant and shopping place for the young, called бертгольд центр / Berthold Centre, there are a lot of photos on the web. Oh and your photos are from a music video (No, I am not Russian)