Clarification on sensitive content: hate

Not surprised by the fact the terminally timid are avoiding the mention that this "word" we won't even say, is thrown around 24/7 by black folks like its a joke. Its every other word in a rap song, and its mostly the younger generation because as a friend of mine learned when I was in my teens, you say it in front of your grand father who grew up in the fifties you get slapped in the mouth.

Now we'll get the "they can call themselves that" why? Because they're stupid and ignorant?

Not sure about others, but I don't want to be called an asshole all the time, but if I did, pretty sure others should have the right to. If you don't respect yourself, why should others.

This topic reeks of not only censorship, but fear and double standards. No surprise how many people who write porn and think they're some sort of edge lords march right in with being told what to do.

Last thing I'll say is while everyone is shitting bricks over the word, they seem not to be concerned with 90% of everything in IR screams racism in just about every other way

But don't say the word.

Not getting any responses because this is what happens when the mirror gets held up.
Last thing I'll say is while everyone is shitting bricks over the word, they seem not to be concerned with 90% of everything in IR screams racism in just about every other way

Actually, there really is only one person it seems in this thread who argues that non-black writers should avoid non-black words and that non-gay writers should avoid non-gay words etc. Pretty much every response to that notion has been a flat refutement of such PC censorship. The discussion has been very civil. I don't see anyone shitting bricks.
Actually, there really is only one person it seems in this thread who argues that non-black writers should avoid non-black words and that non-gay writers should avoid non-gay words etc. Pretty much every response to that notion has been a flat refutement of such PC censorship. The discussion has been very civil. I don't see anyone shitting bricks.

I agree with your characterization of the thread, so far.
That's not a bad idea. I'll have to search in the interracial tag, that'd give me the best chance to find out... Either that or any story mentioning BBC. Thanks for the advice.
Why browse through a lot of stories in "the likely category" or with "the likely tags?" You could use either the site's own search or an independent third party search engine to search for the actual word you're looking for.

Save you a lot of time.
There's also the whole "The Author Is Dead" school of thought and literary criticism, whereby the personal life/background of the author, filmmaker, artist etc is deemed irrelevant to the text itself
I was going to protest but I recognize that cultural and commercial "canceling" doesn't have anything to do with "literary criticism," so I guess maybe you're not wrong.
There's also the whole "The Author Is Dead" school of thought and literary criticism, whereby the personal life/background of the author, filmmaker, artist etc is deemed irrelevant to the text itself...shit, that was a bit deep for me! 😲
And opposed to that, the, I dunno, ‘The Author Never Dies’ school, which demands that somebody’s personal life is and always will be central to the worth of their works. Just the latest is the late Nobel Laureate Alice Monroe.