Climate Change: Has the Woke Joke of the Left Ended it Yet? - Keep me updated, thanks

You sniffed that he's a psychologist...that's as "specific" as you got. It's true, but not really germane to his argument, which was multi-layered: That even if it's happening, we don't know what to do about it, so the trillions proposed to remedy it may be ineffective or even worsen the problem, and that those same resources, applied elsewhere, like in child development and nutrition, might be better investments toward the same goal.

You ignored all that in favor of your usual empty snark.

It was incredibly specific...I don't care about anything he says on the topic. So the high lev or the "details"....not relevant to me. It's obvious that your echo chamber thinks it is relevant to you
And just to add...the OP, again, isn't about climate's about the left
It was incredibly specific...I don't care about anything he says on the topic. So the high lev or the "details"....not relevant to me. It's obvious that your echo chamber thinks it is relevant to you

As always, dishonest. I wonder if you even believe your own lies.
I've noticed how the media never really go back and revisit the dire predictions of the warmist Chicken-Littles, do they?

Maybe things aren't as bad as they say, and they're just using the climate to arrogate more power to a ruthless, amoral and incompetent ruling class.

Actually, large-scale impacts are happening faster than predicted by some prior scientific models.

Contrary to right-wing conspiracy theories, "the media" is not monolithic. I've seen reports of under-predicting impacts and reports of over-predicting impacts, but the overwhelming evidence is that humans are causing a significant increase in greenhouse gasses and associated climate change.

And, your hypothesis that this is simply a crisis manufactured for political power is just one many myths being peddled by Deplorables. You have no credibility.
Actually, large-scale impacts are happening faster than predicted by some prior scientific models.

Contrary to right-wing conspiracy theories, "the media" is not monolithic. I've seen reports of under-predicting impacts and reports of over-predicting impacts, but the overwhelming evidence is that humans are causing a significant increase in greenhouse gasses and associated climate change.

And, your hypothesis that this is simply a crisis manufactured for political power is just one many myths being peddled by Deplorables. You have no credibility.

"Impacts" is a loaded term and combines much more than simply weather events.

It's been a year or two, but the trends I saw of predicted global temperatures versus actual measured values showed a much flatter curve than predicted. IIRC, only one (and maybe none) of the annual readings was above the trend line predicted, out of more than a dozen data points.

Not sure what statistical thresholds you use, but in my book, that means the projected trends are far flatter and less dire than predicted, and this hair-on-fire response is more about politics than science.
"Impacts" is a loaded term and combines much more than simply weather events.

It's been a year or two, but the trends I saw of predicted global temperatures versus actual measured values showed a much flatter curve than predicted. IIRC, only one (and maybe none) of the annual readings was above the trend line predicted, out of more than a dozen data points.

Not sure what statistical thresholds you use, but in my book, that means the projected trends are far flatter and less dire than predicted, and this hair-on-fire response is more about politics than science.

Right, the arctic, recorded it's second small ice sheet area (since recordings began), Greenland recorded record glacier losses, Australia set a record for the amount of bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef just for a couple of examples.

But to your point, yes predictions are difficult, data points are debatable, and the rate of change of the curve didn't match the you go on believing climate change is not happening, after all you still think Trump won the election.
As always, dishonest. I wonder if you even believe your own lies.

I'm being very honest. Not caring about what the man says is as honest as it gets.

There's no requirement to acknowledge or comment... sorry. Even if you want me to
Right, the arctic, recorded it's second small ice sheet area (since recordings began), Greenland recorded record glacier losses, Australia set a record for the amount of bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef just for a couple of examples.

But to your point, yes predictions are difficult, data points are debatable, and the rate of change of the curve didn't match the you go on believing climate change is not happening, after all you still think Trump won the election.

“This past Winter, both inside and outside the Arctic circle, appears to have been unusually mild. The ice is very light and rapidly melting …” 1881

“NEXT GREAT DELUGE FORECAST BY SCIENCE; Melting Polar Ice Caps to Raise the Level of Seas and Flood the Continents” 1932

“New Evidence Supports Geology's View That the Arctic Is Growing Warmer” 1934

“The particular point of inquiry concerns whether the ice is melting at such a rate as to imperil low-lying coastal areas through raising the level of the sea in the near future.” 1954

“At present, the Arctic ice pack is melting away fast. Some estimates say that it is 40 per cent thinner and 12 per cent smaller than it was fifteen years ago" - 1958

Eternal Melting
Yawn. Most voters, myself included, are not concerned about climate change. Even the alarmists of that live in dire fear of it are not actually willing to make significant sacrifices. Climate change ranks very low on the list of priorities for most Americans.
“This past Winter, both inside and outside the Arctic circle, appears to have been unusually mild. The ice is very light and rapidly melting …” 1881

“NEXT GREAT DELUGE FORECAST BY SCIENCE; Melting Polar Ice Caps to Raise the Level of Seas and Flood the Continents” 1932

“New Evidence Supports Geology's View That the Arctic Is Growing Warmer” 1934

“The particular point of inquiry concerns whether the ice is melting at such a rate as to imperil low-lying coastal areas through raising the level of the sea in the near future.” 1954

“At present, the Arctic ice pack is melting away fast. Some estimates say that it is 40 per cent thinner and 12 per cent smaller than it was fifteen years ago" - 1958

Eternal Melting

In 2021 the arctic ice area was the second smallest it has ever been recorded at, so what was it measured at in 1932, 1954, or 1958?

Let me know when you source your data for those era's that predate satellite measurements.

Where is your 1932,1954, or 1958 statistics on the status of the Great Barrier Reef, or on Greenland's glacier melts?
In 2021 the arctic ice area was the second smallest it has ever been recorded at, so what was it measured at in 1932, 1954, or 1958?

Let me know when you source your data for those era's that predate satellite measurements.

Where is your 1932,1954, or 1958 statistics on the status of the Great Barrier Reef, or on Greenland's glacier melts?

The technology and villains change, the fear-mongering never changes.
Yawn. Most voters, myself included, are not concerned about climate change. Even the alarmists of that live in dire fear of it are not actually willing to make significant sacrifices. Climate change ranks very low on the list of priorities for most Americans.

That about sums it up. If it makes any top ten list, it barely makes it. How many years have the politicians been trying to gin up more control over the citizens lives with this one?

What's worse is that there's no plan, proposed or in place, that is going to make any measurable difference long into the foreseeable future.
That about sums it up. If it makes any top ten list, it barely makes it. How many years have the politicians been trying to gin up more control over the citizens lives with this one?

What's worse is that there's no plan, proposed or in place, that is going to make any measurable difference long into the foreseeable future.

2022 is gona be an interesting year for those who depend upon the Colorado river....but no climate change is not to is just a repeat of the dirty 30's...

Or that rising ocean levels, and cooling of the oceans....

This article is an interesting read.

BTW Bellosaurus...I don't expect you or your fellow bevy of imbeciles to read these just sit tight in your denial. Maybe start thinking up ways to blame Biden, it will help occupy the time you have left in your lonely useless life....
2022 is gona be an interesting year for those who depend upon the Colorado river....but no climate change is not to is just a repeat of the dirty 30's...

Or that rising ocean levels, and cooling of the oceans....

This article is an interesting read.

BTW Bellosaurus...I don't expect you or your fellow bevy of imbeciles to read these just sit tight in your denial. Maybe start thinking up ways to blame Biden, it will help occupy the time you have left in your lonely useless life....

Your the imbecile challenged by reading comprehension. My post said nothing about denying reality. Merely that it isn't on the top ten list of concerns and nothing meaningful is going to be done about it.
Your the imbecile challenged by reading comprehension. My post said nothing about denying reality. Merely that it isn't on the top ten list of concerns and nothing meaningful is going to be done about it.

lol I know Phil...and I love how he hides behind innuendo, like below, to hide his denier status......

How many years have the politicians been trying to gin up more control over the citizens lives with this one?

So, looking at bellows two posts, in one he claims man-made climate change is just a political move to "gain control" over citizens, and in the other he claims he is not denying reality.....okydoky

We are not Dead Yet?:confused:

But I was assured many times that we would be dead because of.

Freeze to death.

Roast to death.

Be killed by Hurricanes.

Ultraviolet Light.

Air pollution.

Food shortages

And several other things Long ago unless we give all control of our money and country to some goverment or something ran by Liberals.

I want my money and rights back!:mad::D:D

We are not Dead Yet?:confused:

But I was assured many times that we would be dead because of.

Freeze to death.

Roast to death.

Be killed by Hurricanes.

Ultraviolet Light.

Air pollution.

Food shortages

And several other things Long ago unless we give all control of our money and country to some goverment or something ran by Liberals.

I want my money and rights back!:mad::D:D

I'm sorry for you that the scientists are having difficulty in getting the timelines predicted 20-30 years ago to be exact...if you live long enough, I am sure you can get to those "good time" you listed above....
lol I know Phil...and I love how he hides behind innuendo, like below, to hide his denier status......

So, looking at bellows two posts, in one he claims man-made climate change is just a political move to "gain control" over citizens, and in the other he claims he is not denying reality.....okydoky

Still can't read worth a shit, can ya.

Politicians will use anything to increase their power. All the while not doing a damn thing to fix the problem. If they fixed the problem we wouldn't need their worthless asses, would we?

OK, so you're going with the man made line. I won't argue with you about that. However it seems to me that when faced with a problem the first step to be taken is to eliminate the cause. In this case humans are the cause and I'm of the opinion that we could do without 4-5 billion humans. According to the 'experts' that is bound to happen anyway, Mother Nature dealing with the issue in her own way.

It is also my opinion that the real hand wringers on this issue should lead by example and off themselves. Take one for the team as it were. Probably aren't enough of you to actually make a difference but at least the rest of us won't have to listen to your incessant whining and we'll able able to go to our graves in peace.