
Yes, Desmond Morris goes on about that--and I think he says that humans have full lips (compared to apes) because women needed a face-to-face sexual signal that resembled the vulva. ;-) Remember that the next time you put on lipstick, gals.

But most of this stuff (men hate rear entry? Huh?) is so speculative it's a compliment to call it a "theory".

I just cannot picture a bunch of Cro-magnon's sitting around the fire saying "Hey, you ought to make her do it face-to-face, then she won't enjoy it as much! Haw-Haw!"

Nor did Morgan, and nor do I. The reason that the first hominid came up with the bright idea of entering from the front was that they were finding it increasingly difficult to make it in from the back, as women's vaginas, over millennia, made its way from the back more nearly towards the front. Just look at the position of the female chimp's vulva--or that of a mare, or a dog, or a cat--and you will see what I'm talking about. They didn't think for a minute in terms of women enjoying it less. It was an unintended consequence.
SlickTony said:
... The reason ... entering from the front ... they were finding it increasingly difficult to make it in from the back, as women's vaginas, over millennia, made its way from the back more nearly towards the front ...
Is this some kind of biological equivalent to 'continental drift?' :confused:
Yes. Vaginal drift.

Is anyone old enough to remember the old grade school myth that orientals had horizontal vaginas? I worked in a factory with a guy who was convinced this was so.

dr_mabeuse said:
... remember the old grade school myth that orientals had horizontal vaginas? I worked in a factory with a guy who was convinced this was so...
The correct response to that idea was:
"They don't, or when they slide down the bannister they would go . . . "
[move a finger up and down between lips]
. . . "bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub" :D
The reason that the first hominid came up with the bright idea of entering from the front was that they were finding it increasingly difficult to make it in from the back

I haven't noticed this difficulty myself. Perhaps I've been fucking less evolved hominids. I've gotta start hanging out at a different bar.
going back to a point way way back in the conversation my vagina definitely contracts when i cum, I feel it and so does my hubby! so there!*l*
hmm just on the vaginal drift notion...

has it stopped yet or is it planning on being where our belly buttons are?
The correct response to that idea was:
"They don't, or when they slide down the bannister they would go . . . "
[move a finger up and down between lips]
. . . "bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub-bub"

Lol Quasi.

Apparently lipstick was invented by Arabic prostitues, so that their mouths would resemble their vulvas, making oral sex more exciting. The Greeks invaded Egypt, the Romans invaded Greece, the barbarians invaded Rome, the barbarians invaded England and England imposed it's tastes on everyone else. Nice thought for the next time you put on lipstick.

After orgasm a woman's cervix drops open and dips repeatedly into the pool of semen below it. This helps the little guys along on their trip to the ovum. (It's also why orgasm can induce labor in the very late stages of pregnancy.)

It's been theorised that artificial insemination works better when the woman has some kind of clitoral stimulation (going from a 1 in 5 chance to a 3 in 5). Although who they're going to get to test it...

Vaginal drift? That's a new one. I was of the idea that rear-entry was normal in most places around the world until the puritanical English regime either conquered everywhere or imposed it's will on them. The missionaries were of the opinion that all other positions were bestial and only the missionary position (QED) was pure in the site of God. And therefore put back sex by several hundred years.

The Earl
has it stopped yet or is it planning on being where our belly buttons are?

It has stopped.

As to the other question, I'd say that everything in the neighborhood contracted.
My, my how the subject drifts.

I’m not sure if I should be laughing or crying, maybe both. Whatever, I think I’ll weigh in with my two cents worth. I have to warn you all, I feel like writing, but I don’t feel like writing a story.

First off the theory of evolution is a hypothesis, meaning; something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption.. A theory I tend to believe but Whispersecret’s belief that God created us exactly as we are, for the reason she states, is just as valid. A theory is much easier to manipulate than a religious belief, I’ll stick to the theory.

I read this hypothesis about my breast looking like my buns. That made me think, so I ran to the mirror, I’m naked of course, I’m always naked at just the prefect time. Ok, I’ve looked in the mirror, nope I just don’t buy it. Speaking of buns, most women do look at a man’s buns, a good set of buns on a man is sexy, if this theory were true why don’t you men have big breasts? Maybe evolution is sexist, it’s only us women who evolve for the purely sexual purpose of stimulating the opposite gender, I just had to get that in.

How about this one, women have breast because after we lost our body hair, our babies needed something to hang on to while we moved. Only a man could have come up with that stupid idea! I have a challenge for you men, walk around all day with a baby hanging onto your balls. What? Your telling me to go to hell, another theory bites the dust.

Why does our having breast have to have anything to do with you men. It feels good to have them touched, caressed, suckled, so on and so forth, maybe just maybe we evolved breast because they can at times be so pleasurable, pleasurable to us, nothing whatsoever to do with you men. Nothing to do with you men, aside from the fact that it is pleasurable when you touch, caress and suckle them, but it can be just as pleasurable if the person doing so happens to be a women.

Perhaps some women are going to wrinkle up their noses at that, men won’t it’s a turn on, well men wrinkle your noses too I’m including you in this next bit. Just stop it, stop being so provincial, that is a societal bias, we’ve bisexual creatures, we’ve always been so, the Greeks knew this, the Romans new this. We may be products of evolution, but we are much more influenced by the society we live in.

Moving on to the position question. I’m not getting into a debate on which position is the best, just that we have evolved over time to be able to have sex face to face. By theory our earlier ancestor could not do so, yet they did walk upright. I realize that it’s open to debate on how well they walked. Personally I assume very well, if you live among lions, tigers, and bears, you had better move really well or your going to be eaten, end of story no homo sapiens. We did evolve this way for a purpose, if we really evolved at all.

Being I’m somewhat of a feminist, maybe I should just stick to the male conspiracy theory. My humble opinion is, however, we ended up with these bodies, evolution or God, because it was intended. Face to face sexual intercourse is necessary at times within a loving male/female relationship. The feelings transcend those of mere fucking, there is always more to sex then just the sex. I’m not sure how men feel, but I’m sure most women would agree with me, there is something so very special about laying there with the man you love on top of you just after intercourse. For me, at times, it’s been almost a oneness. Stop it Diane, your a lesbian for christ sakes.

My theory on our clitoris.

I’ll start by saying wow to Quiet_Cool’s input, I was always of the belief that we started as a fertilized egg progressing upward from there. It is amazing to me that during that transition from female to male, things regress. You guys know what thing I’m talking about.

I was going to state my theory on the evolution of our clitoris, but it’s like 10 paragraph long, rather boring. So all I’m going to say is there is this little invisible note written on the clitoris, it reads, "Gender Neutral."

See I told you I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. Smile please!

In answer to your question, Dr, I have no idea why my clit is where it is, but it seem like just the right place to me, but I’ll check again just to please you. Oh my god that feels good!!!!!

Final comment, ok two, who really cares, I just thank god I have a clitoris.
I have been really busy with exams this week, but I have been following the several threads that seem to be taking great pains to explain certain aspects of a woman's body. Thanks for the great humor breaks, guys. ;)

I have ONE last exam to take today, so while I'm busy this morning burning off the last few brain cells I have ... I have a question for the guys to deal with!

I find the belly buttom to be a real turn on with men and women. I love to play with my fiancee's navel. I love to have mine played with as well. Sometimes when I "finger" my fiancee's belly button, he tells me it makes the tip of his cock ache, like it feels after having sex .. oversensitive. Now ... who among you guys knows what is going on with that ???

Can't speak for my own. Naval maneuvers leave me cold. But I have known some people who have weird belly button connections.

Had a male friend who steadfastly believed that the most excruciating pain in the world was when he put his finger in his naval and pulled it to the side.

Knew a girl who would just freak if you got closer than two inches to her naval. She just couldn't stand to be touched there at all.

I've always believe dthe purpose of the belly button is to hold the salt when you eat celery in bed.

my belly button is quite sensitive..i hate having it hubby takes great pleasure in poking my belly button because it makes me wiggle and screech. I get him back though, if i prod his belly button he giggles like the pilsbury dough boy! I have to say I really don't find my belly button awfully sexual.....
I understand about the navel thing. It's a pressure point thing which some people have and some don't: the result of two parts of the body being wired up to the same part of the brain. Alright girls try this. Tap the area just below your knee-cap (try both, but left has the best success rate) with a pen or a pencil and see what it feels like. In 45% of women that area is linked up with the clitoris.

Interesting sidenote: When an amputee loses a limb, they can often get phantom limb feelings. This is due to another part of the body spreading it's control functions into the now-vacant part that used to control the lost limb. In the case of a man in America, his penis spread it's control functions into the area previously occupied by his foot. This mean that when he came, it felt like he was cumming from his foot. He told his doctor, but refused any attempt at treatment, as his foot was many times larger than his penis, making for larger sensations...

DM: Men do have an invariably sexist influence on the evolution of women. In ye olden times, women were selected by men and if they disagreed that was tough shit. Therefore it was natural selection and quite literally survival of the fittest. The fit women passed their fit genes on and had fit women. Men like big breasts and big breasted women were more likely to be dragged off by their hair and have big-breasted offspring than smaller women.

The Earl
Re: Re: Clits

charlie-codex said:
Missionary Position is not the norm in the human species. It evolved into being the "norm" over the past couple of hundred of years for various Victorian-like reasons.

Before that, we humped like the rest of the land-based mammals in the animal kingdom.

Which is why the clit is where it is.

I would really love to know how scientists come up with ideas like this and those other theories about how Cro Magnon man fucked. How can this be substantiated? How can a skeleton tell you where the vagina was located? What kind of hard evidence is this being based upon?

Personally, I would think that common sense would tell you that throughout history human beings have probably fucked in all sorts of positions. Whatever felt the best was probably de rigeur for each couple.

Bridget, thanks for your acknowledgement. I think you have a good point regarding eye contact for sex. An emotional connection between partners makes good sex great.
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I have to say, this is one of the most interesting threads I've read in some time. Good job. Thanks.
Ahh the knee thing...I haven't tried it on myself but I do know I have a friend and he told me that he used to tickle this girls knees and it drove her crazy because it was a really sensitive sexual spot. The cruel bugger only did it to annoy and not as any form of foreplay though.

I guess that was a totally irrelevent tale...oh well!
Lots of interesting stuff there:

Firstly belly buttons - my wife screams if I as much as blow on hers.

Virginal drift - It hasnt drifted at all its in the same place,
its just the angle which has changed as women (as we all) have walked more upright. If you fold her back over its as accessible as ever it was :)

Clit position. - It seems to me that it gets far more stimulation
in missionary than in doggy. You can give it a good ol' grind
as it were. So face to face seems better from the clit position,
I think its only the g-spot that might benifit from doggie style?

Why face to face evolved? Has anyone consider that at this point
our facial muscles were developing more and so more expressions
were available, maybe these expressions turned on our ancestors, it certainly turns me opn to watch my wifes face as she cums. and maybe this has led to Kissing, which nobody has
mentioned here at all. Kissing is pretty hard to complete properly in doggie style :-~(

All in all give me boring missionary face to face any day as the
preferable modius operandi. I'm not fussy top or bottom.

take cares

No WSO, that's far too simplified. We don't collect it, it grows, multiplying asexually. Some people cultivate it.

My personal theory is that it's the immature form of the chest rug that Greek men sport. If you don't keep getting rid of it, then it'll move up your body. Fluff drift if you will.

WS: I know you don't believe in evolution, but doggy-style is promoted as the number one position for cro-magnon because that's the number one position of the creatures it is believed he evolved from. Its simply putting a theory on top of another theory.

The Earl
Oh, I never said I don't believe in evolution. I actually do. I just think scientists and laypeople alike use the theory to explain all sorts of things in nature that I don't think are attributible.

For instance, if we evolved from apes, then how come we have a conscience? Where'd that come from? How does a conscience promote survival?

I don't really want to debate religion vs. science. I actually am not a religious person and don't attend church. I suppose you could call me a flounderer.

We should get back to the topic: clits.
Let's see if we can explain conscience and clits at the same time.

Homo spaiens is a social animal. A lone human or isolated family has no chance of surviving of its own; we have to live in groups to survive. From this we learn: that love has more survival value than hatred, that compassion and conscience have survival value, and that no matter how big a macho stud you are, you don't have a prayer off on your own.
You'll notice that dogs, which are also social animals, also have a simple sense of right and wrong (they know when they've done wrong). Cats, which are not social, couldn't care less.

Face to face sex probably has a lot of value for keeping societies together since we are so responsive to facial expressions, but I doubt if one position has more survival value than another.

Also, I've been told that most clitoral stimulation is not so much direct, but caused by the movement of the flesh around it during sex, which means it wouldn't really matter where the clit was located as long as it was close to the action.

wildsweetone said:
question: do all men collect fluff in their bellybuttons?
No, WSO, we don't collect it, we spin it. :(

It's a procedure similar to those cotton candy machines that one sees at the fair. ;)

With just a touch of radiation mutation, we might all be Spidermen. :eek:
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