Coffee Klatsch for Ladies and Lesbians #II


Good morning ladies 💋❤️
Unfortunately I'm more like No.2 ...I've probably drunk more from a paper cup than a real one, but...🥺
I wish I could be No.1 in the mornings and No.3 in the afternoon!
Typically if I’m number 1 in the morning I’m also number 1 in the afternoon. 🤭😊
Oh good lord, Pix, she is gorgeous!! 🥰🥰🥰
She certainly is! ❤️
If you and I worked in that restaurant Lori, I think we could fall out or even come to blows as we fight as to who gets to serve her!

But i'm sure we'd kiss and make up at the end of our shift! - Can't stay mad at you forever Lori! 🥰