Come and play with me

alright a great day to play
what do you say

the sun is shining
the water is rising
the fishing was fun
but my poles not done
A desolate landscape
lil gusher's not here;
bringing fun and frivolity
and a dose of good cheer.

Rest well and heal
til you are whole;
your friends here await you
in your impish role.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
LeBroz said:
A desolate landscape
lil gusher's not here;
bringing fun and frivolity
and a dose of good cheer.

Rest well and heal
til you are whole;
your friends here await you
in your impish role.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

dancing shoes still
like waiting for saturday night
the night of life
when she will cum
and she will gush
I see my dancing shoes blush
me thinks

da boys miss the smile drip as they dip a trip with JC..and et thanks for the comment are exactly right on...I write mostly to put a smile on your face... ;)
bluerains said:
da boys miss the smile drip as they dip a trip with JC..and et thanks for the comment are exactly right on...I write mostly to put a smile on your face... ;)

Oh you Du that so well
I <grin>

thanks hun~
To all my wonderful friends ~ :heart:

I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, support and most of all your loving friendship.

For all the emails and pms full of good wishes and thoughtfulness, I thank you.
They have all been appreciated and aided me in overcoming what has happened.

I miss you all lots and look forward to chatting, writing and playing with you again very soon, time may be a great healer but I feel I need a little more before I can move on.

Again a big thank you to you all, my fellow writers, playmates and friends, I love and miss you all.

See you soon

Jenn xxx

Jennifer C said:
To all my wonderful friends ~ :heart:

I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, support and most of all your loving friendship.

For all the emails and pms full of good wishes and thoughtfulness, I thank you.
They have all been appreciated and aided me in overcoming what has happened.

I miss you all lots and look forward to chatting, writing and playing with you again very soon, time may be a great healer but I feel I need a little more before I can move on.

Again a big thank you to you all, my fellow writers, playmates and friends, I love and miss you all.

See you soon

Jenn xxx


glad to see you J
hurry back and don't forget to eat the roses
I meant smell
I don't mean you smell
but I don't know <grin>
what perfume you use...hehehe

hurry back sweetie
glad to see ya again.
Jennifer C said:
To all my wonderful friends ~ :heart:

I cannot thank you enough for your kind words, support and most of all your loving friendship.

For all the emails and pms full of good wishes and thoughtfulness, I thank you.
They have all been appreciated and aided me in overcoming what has happened.

I miss you all lots and look forward to chatting, writing and playing with you again very soon, time may be a great healer but I feel I need a little more before I can move on.

Again a big thank you to you all, my fellow writers, playmates and friends, I love and miss you all.

See you soon

Jenn xxx


Take all the time you need ~ there's an unlimited supply.
I'm waiting for your return ~ to give you a big hug
and {again} to cop a feel.

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Art, Leon ~ Thank you

You have both been so wonderful to me and I've missed ya both loads ;)

Life goes on and so must I :rose:

I have a busy weekend ahead of me but I hope to find time to spend on here also, it's been a difficult journey but Jenn is back!


See ya soon guys

Jennifer C said:
Art, Leon ~ Thank you

You have both been so wonderful to me and I've missed ya both loads ;)

Life goes on and so must I :rose:

I have a busy weekend ahead of me but I hope to find time to spend on here also, it's been a difficult journey but Jenn is back!


See ya soon guys


Welcome home Jenn ~ we missed your fun presence.
Love the AV - is that what is meant by the signs that say,
"Entrance in Rear?"

Looks delicious to me; have a fun evening here.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
LeBroz said:
Welcome home Jenn ~ we missed your fun presence.
Love the AV - is that what is meant by the signs that say,
"Entrance in Rear?"

Looks delicious to me; have a fun evening here.

:rose: :rose: :rose:

Thanks babe it's great to be back

Looking forward to catching up with all my friends.

Glad you like the av ;)
Jennifer C said:
Art, Leon ~ Thank you

You have both been so wonderful to me and I've missed ya both loads ;)

Life goes on and so must I :rose:

I have a busy weekend ahead of me but I hope to find time to spend on here also, it's been a difficult journey but Jenn is back!


See ya soon guys


you couldn't wipe the grin off my face with a steel wool <grin>
good to see ya's BACK ...<Bigrin> (o_o)
My Erotic Tale said:
you couldn't wipe the grin off my face with a steel wool <grin>
good to see ya's BACK ...<Bigrin> (o_o)

My posts keep getting deleted, this is the third time I have replied to this!

Thank you hun, it's nice to be back, missed ya :rose:
Jennifer C said:
My posts keep getting deleted, this is the third time I have replied to this!

Thank you hun, it's nice to be back, missed ya :rose:

yeah this has been happening to every one...I don't think they like free speech?
how ever some one is looking into this <grin> I just keep replying differently till it sticks or....write a poem...they don't seem to delete poetry, think they are nabbing small posts for some reason....but it is happening to a lot of us hun, not just you.

hey good to see you...hug
My Erotic Tale said:
yeah this has been happening to every one...I don't think they like free speech?
how ever some one is looking into this <grin> I just keep replying differently till it sticks or....write a poem...they don't seem to delete poetry, think they are nabbing small posts for some reason....but it is happening to a lot of us hun, not just you.

hey good to see you...hug

Well it's my thread! lol My PLAY thread and i'll write what I like and keep writing it! :D

Thanks for the hug hun, I need it!

It's nice to be back but I have soooo much catching up to do! lol
midnight descends
Faint guardian precept
Mates for life
and life takes a stroll
stop me from walking away
i've walked
Down the hatch
Fresh as a clean cotton sheet
A poet's life, a written dream
Clockwork people in a clockwork world, time running out
materialistic…wealth and greed hold hands
spin it
It’s tonight
And the mathematics of dunes
Later, under the sod-black trees
In a single bed.
midnight descends
it rocks
and the clock struck one
Honey flicks your lips
beyond the scent
deep within
with butterflies

to remember...
Jennifer C said:
Well it's my thread! lol My PLAY thread and i'll write what I like and keep writing it! :D

Thanks for the hug hun, I need it!

It's nice to be back but I have soooo much catching up to do! lol
We all enjoy play and poetry here on the board. But a "PLAY" thread belongs on some other forum, like the playground. Do remember this is the poetry board, and we do like to keep as many threads as possible on the topic of poetry. If this thread becomes more play than poetry, then it may be best to move it to a more playful place. Just imagine if we all had your "My PLAY thread and i'll write what I like and keep writing it!" attitude. This would sadly cease to be a poetry forum. I know you don't want that.
But since most of you do post quite a bit of poetry here, I'm sure this thread will remain basically a poetry thread, which is simply fine. :)

Keep writing poetry, and peace and love to you all.

The Poets said:
We all enjoy play and poetry here on the board. But a "PLAY" thread belongs on some other forum, like the playground. Do remember this is the poetry board, and we do like to keep as many threads as possible on the topic of poetry. If this thread becomes more play than poetry, then it may be best to move it to a more playful place. Just imagine if we all had your "My PLAY thread and i'll write what I like and keep writing it!" attitude. This would sadly cease to be a poetry forum. I know you don't want that.
But since most of you do post quite a bit of poetry here, I'm sure this thread will remain basically a poetry thread, which is simply fine. :)

Keep writing poetry, and peace and love to you all.


Thats fine but this thread has been around for months and i've never had any posts deleted before. Play inspires poetry and poetry is written here it's just frustrating when conversation (which happens on most threads) is deleted.

Thank you for your comments.
Jennifer C said:
Thats fine but this thread has been around for months and i've never had any posts deleted before. Play inspires poetry and poetry is written here it's just frustrating when conversation (which happens on most threads) is deleted.

Thank you for your comments.
As far as I know, only certain posts are removed. If a post is in the wrong forum, if it's spam, if someone posts copyright material, someone's personal info, if a post is used to keep a thread bumped up to the top of the forum. Also, if posts are off topic, like on the new poems thread.

I will check to see which of your posts were removed/relocated. We have more than several people operating under the moderator's name, so I'm not sure about your posts. I'm sure they were relocated for a legitimate reason. It was most likely something simple. :) For now, I would simply continue with poetry on this thread, and as long as you don't break any of the posting rules above, there should be no problem.

P.S. And yes, play can inspire poetry. We all do it on most of the threads. Though, usually only in bits and pieces. If any thread has page after page of flirt/play, then it does tend to dominate the top of the forum and keep poetry threads further down the page. I am not saying this thread or any particular thread does, but I do see that happen with some threads.
WickedEve said:
As far as I know, only certain posts are removed. If a post is in the wrong forum, if it's spam, if someone posts copyright material, someone's personal info, if a post is used to keep a thread bumped up to the top of the forum. Also, if posts are off topic, like on the new poems thread.

I will check to see which of your posts were removed/relocated. We have more than several people operating under the moderator's name, so I'm not sure about your posts. I'm sure they were relocated for a legitimate reason. It was most likely something simple. :) For now, I would simply continue with poetry on this thread, and as long as you don't break any of the posting rules above, there should be no problem.

P.S. And yes, play can inspire poetry. We all do it on most of the threads. Though, usually only in bits and pieces. If any thread has page after page of flirt/play, then it does tend to dominate the top of the forum and keep poetry threads further down the page. I am not saying this thread or any particular thread does, but I do see that happen with some threads.

Thanks eve,

I was just replying to a welcome back post and when it was deleted it looked like I had ignored Arts post, when I had replied to it twice.

I know this thread sometimes seems like a playground and I have tried to post more poetry (though I havent been around lately for personal reasons) as it is a nice thread for me and my like minded friends to come and throw ideas around in.

Thanks again

freeway, freeware, free life
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
the shimmy
beyond the scent
blizzards in my eye
a thousand deaths
the edge
but hovers
The past is just the past
Wandering enigma
Death turns it not
like Pegasus.
Brain sleeps
The drifting aftermath ...
melt to a murky blue
with every between breath
Wings spread
Shake it

Lifes tears
Jennifer C said:
freeway, freeware, free life
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
the shimmy
beyond the scent
blizzards in my eye
a thousand deaths
the edge
but hovers
The past is just the past
Wandering enigma
Death turns it not
like Pegasus.
Brain sleeps
The drifting aftermath ...
melt to a murky blue
with every between breath
Wings spread
Shake it

Lifes tears

Testing the waters
our dear friend returns;
thinking in thoughts
oh so thoughtful.

Hey there Jenn, it's a late night there.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Jennifer C said:
freeway, freeware, free life
Infrequent upsurge of glamorous spell
the shimmy
beyond the scent
blizzards in my eye
a thousand deaths
the edge
but hovers
The past is just the past
Wandering enigma
Death turns it not
like Pegasus.
Brain sleeps
The drifting aftermath ...
melt to a murky blue
with every between breath
Wings spread
Shake it

Lifes tears

you placed a tear drop
with your words
on my finger tips

I held it there
deep in thought
in a fixed stare
that it was there
because you cared

I felt that tear drop
create another
when wet trails
found the crest of a cheek
and tickled
while running under
my chin

I took my finger
with your tear drop
and wiped mine
from my gin
that was when
our tear drops


(where did this come from ...
I don't really know JC...
sat here and it rolled out of my mind
like water in a stream...of tear drops.
but i'll more than likely do something with it <grin>