Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

Re: Just a quickie

OutsideObserver said:
I admit. I have been lucky. I have not had the "pleasure" of Lancecastor's bite.

You erroneously point out that the second (actually the 3rd, but no matter) post is about Lancecastor being the cause of posters leaving. I only say that Lancecastor was the direct cause of cymbidia departing. True, she took some fellow posters with her. I am sure you, like me, will lump all those people into one group. That is fine. In my first post, I alluded to that group, but I also meant other posters, not just that group. That is the distrubing trend I have seen of late. It was not just that group that left. It is many others. If it was just that group, I would not be addressing you now.

This thread was not meant to be about Lancecastor running cymbidia off. It was about his current actions. He goes to all that trouble to "beautify" this place, and then leaves? Does that not smell of hypocracy to you? Does it lead you to believe he really meant to do those things to make this a better community? If he had, why would he drop it like a hot tamale?

I felt this deserved some commentary.


I find it interesting that you invite commentary about others, but when the spotlight turns to you and your motivations, that you don't care to discuss.

Cym leaving was her choice, and she was not an angel in her own behavior here, as was evidenced by her drive by flaming of Pure. While I may not agree with Lance's methods, or his targets, there were some issues which he spoke out against that were on target.

While you may see some noble reason for posting your opinions here for the betterment of the forum, as long as you do so under the OO identity, it is just shit stirring, which Pierced Boy was right to point out. And if UCE doesn't like his posts, that is just too damn bad.

Zip - see how easy it is to voice your opinions if you believe in them?

Thank you for answering.

I could get into a long dissertation on this, but will spare the rest of the posters

Re: OO

MissTaken said:
Thank you for answering.

I could get into a long dissertation on this, but will spare the rest of the posters


Awwwww. :(

Are there words across the bottom of your avatar? It's late where I am and I almost imagine I see a script writing.

Be well

Originally posted by Lancecastor
Thanks for sharing your observations, OO.

I sense that you love to read.

To ferret out the things that appeal to you for criticism from your distant perch.

Given that your presence and w ish is to read, observe, criticize.... but not actively participate, I leave you to it.

Enjoy your time here!


Thank you Lancecastor. I appreciate your words on my commentary. I never expected a real answer from you, but I am pleased you did not degenerate into more ugliness as is usually the case.

I wish you well in your current mission.

What is your favorite PAC?

Originally posted by zipman7
I find it interesting that you invite commentary about others, but when the spotlight turns to you and your motivations, that you don't care to discuss.

Cym leaving was her choice, and she was not an angel in her own behavior here, as was evidenced by her drive by flaming of Pure. While I may not agree with Lance's methods, or his targets, there were some issues which he spoke out against that were on target.

While you may see some noble reason for posting your opinions here for the betterment of the forum, as long as you do so under the OO identity, it is just shit stirring, which Pierced Boy was right to point out. And if UCE doesn't like his posts, that is just too damn bad.

Zip - see how easy it is to voice your opinions if you believe in them?

zipman7, who I am should not matter. I have given enough. I have told you about myself. I have let you know that I have been here for a while. The spotlight has been on me ever since I posted my first post. I am also now a registered member. What more would you like, my bra size? My motivation has also been discussed. But I will repeat. It is to comment on this forum in hopes of generating discussion that will hopefully lead to improvements. I do not apologize if you and others think this is a bad thing or as you put it, shit stirring. pierced_boy is entitled to his opinion and is obviously welcome to share it as much as he likes. This will not stop me from sharing my opinion about him however.

I happen to agree with you regarding some of Lancecastors issues. But one has to wonder if he did not just latch on those issues in order to give himself legitimancy while he bitchslapped cymbidia repeatedly into nothingness. While he may be loathsome to some, a hero to others, I will say, he would make an exceptional politician.

Thank you for sharing zipman7. Yes, it is easy to voice an opinion, or commentary, when you believe in it.

Re: Be well

OutsideObserver said:
Thank you Lancecastor. I appreciate your words on my commentary. I never expected a real answer from you, but I am pleased you did not degenerate into more ugliness as is usually the case.

I wish you well in your current mission.


You're welcome, OO.

I guess ugliness is a relative term.

Given that your posts are 100% flame-bait and this one is aimed squarely at me, I was well within my rights to say what I did.

Because you are an ugly to spread negative views about me and I would think, ideally create a new self fulfiling Lance Prophecy in so doing.

No thanks.

But, as I said elsewhere, I do feel a bit sorry for you.

The syntax, the aloof superiority, the cute ascii mask.

I think there will be someone special in your life again...indeed, that there should be.

But not while you stay so closed and cold to others.

Good luck to you. If you wish to come out and be more real....and participate in a positive fashion...I'll bet you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you see in yourself.


You know what I find hilarious? The amount of drama that goes on in BBs. I mean, I suppose we all come to see a little of that every once in a while, but I still think the emotional investment people (including myself) make in BBs is ludicrous. Think about it. You don't KNOW anyone of these people, they could all be lying about everythign they say about themselves. You could be caught in a fight between two people who are really one schizo. In my most extreme times of Cartesian doubt, I have even wondered if BB posters where even real people at all, and not just a pretend society generated by a clever AI for my entertainment.

Makes you think, doesn't it?
Your concern is noted

Originally posted by Lancecastor
You're welcome, OO.

I guess ugliness is a relative term.

Given that your posts are 100% flame-bait and this one is aimed squarely at me, I was well within my rights to say what I did.

Because you are an ugly to spread negative views about me and I would think, ideally create a new self fulfiling Lance Prophecy in so doing.

No thanks.

But, as I said elsewhere, I do feel a bit sorry for you.

The syntax, the aloof superiority, the cute ascii mask.

I think there will be someone special in your life again...indeed, that there should be.

But not while you stay so closed and cold to others.

Good luck to you. If you wish to come out and be more real....and participate in a positive fashion...I'll bet you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you see in yourself.



Again, thank you for reading and your concern is duly noted. My husband and I had a nice giggle over you. We do not reciprocate your feelings of sorrow. And never fear, you are not the only topic worthy of discussion. You were right about one thing, I do love to read. If you ever decide to answer the questions put forth, I will readily read them.

Re: Your concern is noted

OutsideObserver said:
If you ever decide to answer the questions put forth, I will readily read them.


Don't go holding your breath on seeing answers to those questions but hey, stranger things have happened!

Hello Lance

You seem very mellow. Are good things happening in you life? Seems like it. Nice show of patience and forebearance

You are excused

Originally posted by Lancecastor
Don't go holding your breath on seeing answers to those questions but hey, stranger things have happened!


My point is made. Thank you kind sir.

I hope you don't mind my posting to you, Lance, but I believe the ferret is locked in a cage on the GB.

However, that is just my ohpinion.

One can never be too sure when drama strikes.

Lancecastor said:
Thanks for sharing your observations, OO.

I sense that you love to read.

To ferret out the things that appeal to you for criticism from your distant perch.

Given that your presence and w ish is to read, observe, criticize.... but not actively participate, I leave you to it.

Enjoy your time here!

MissTaken said:

However, that is just my ohpinion.

One can never be too sure when drama strikes.

Hi CarolineOh/OO, whoever.

Welcome back!

If Drama is your're doing well already. Kudos!

I look forward to watching you open your mind and spreading yourself for inspection as you become more comfortable here.

Last edited:
*doing my best to ignore rest of the thread*

It seems no one answered roscoe, and I'm curious too...where/what is TK?
Re: Re: OO

UCE said:
Awwwww. :(

Are there words across the bottom of your avatar? It's late where I am and I almost imagine I see a script writing.


Hmmm... no answer to this and the next day she changed her avatar. Did I terrify her by asking a curious, friendly question?
Cirrus said:
*doing my best to ignore rest of the thread*

It seems no one answered roscoe, and I'm curious too...where/what is TK?

KT is

A BDSM bulletin board in which you will find many of the same posters who have or continue to post here.

There are also many new faces as well.

Re: Re: Re: OO

UCE said:
Hmmm... no answer to this and the next day she changed her avatar. Did I terrify her by asking a curious, friendly question?

I tried responding.

The avatar had "Season's Greetings" in script across her bottom.

I changed for a change of pace.

Dare to be different!
MissTaken said:
KT is

A BDSM bulletin board in which you will find many of the same posters who have or continue to post here.

There are also many new faces as well.


I have to admit something funny... lol. This whole time I thought it was actually called cymtalk because of Lance... lol. Geez. Now I'll probably always think of it that way...

Re: Hello Lance

pierced_boy said:
You seem very mellow. Are good things happening in you life? Seems like it. Nice show of patience and forebearance


LOL.....One of the stable Dude.....awsome.......FREAK!
Re: Hello Lance

pierced_boy said:
You seem very mellow. Are good things happening in you life? Seems like it. Nice show of patience and forebearance


Yes, things are good here thanks.



Re: Re: Re: To Sheath

UCE said:
Ok, thank you! No rush to get it to me. I know my girlfriend will love it. She plays in a gay-girl band and recently started her own private yahoo group where she posts these sorts of pics.

It is hard to find naked women and musical instrument pictures, although once I found a fetish group on MSN that featured hundreds of naked men and instruments--the moderator of that group must have been collecting them for years because those pics are even rarer. If anyone is into that sort of thing, I'd be glad to post the MSN URL.


:D UCE GF!! What's up girl?? long time no see !! geez hey pm me sometime and we can catch up sweety on all the latest Lance garbage and stuff ok?/ heh and you simply must come to my pic thread babe .. hmm maybe over coffee and jelly rols??:kiss: :kiss: :rose:
OutsideObserver said:
I felt it was important to show everyone that I am not just here to pick on RisiaSkye, as much as she just likes to play the victim.

I've been off in RL doing the end-of-quarter thing and the holiday thing, so I just found this, a bit belatedly. Having read the whole thread, I just found this one liner so cute, I wanted to preserve it for posterity. It's always such a delight to have my name dropped by such a joy-inspiring new participant in the forum. (Special Olympics Challenge for the Rhetorically Inept: spot the sarcasm in that paragraph)

Sorry to burst your bubble, sweets, but I don't know you and can't be hurt in any real way by words on my computer screen. It'd be hard for you to "victimize" me, given those terms. But, don't let the truth get in the way of your vitriol, by all means.


Personal attacks, as this thread amply demonstrates, go nowhere. Of course, they do an excellent job of making the "flamer" look like an ass--and a mean-spirited one besides. What everyone chooses to make of that exhibition is, as always, up to the individual.

Entertained Resident
Re: Re: Re: Re: OO

MissTaken said:
I tried responding.

The avatar had "Season's Greetings" in script across her bottom.

I changed for a change of pace.

Dare to be different!

I wonder why I didn't see the first response? Anyway thanks for the answer. When I wrote what I did, some indian giver had just done something really nasty with her avatar and me, so I was feeling pretty burnt. I thought I was in some sort of avatar hell.