Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

Re: Re: Re: Re: To Sheath

~Dream~ said:

:D UCE GF!! What's up girl?? long time no see !! geez hey pm me sometime and we can catch up sweety on all the latest Lance garbage and stuff ok?/ heh and you simply must come to my pic thread babe .. hmm maybe over coffee and jelly rols??:kiss: :kiss: :rose:

Hi there kiddo!

I will PM you. There's a lot of people who were on here when I joined that I do not see anymore, and I thought, sadly, that you were one of the casualities. PM coming soon. Where is your picture thread?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OO

UCE said:
I wonder why I didn't see the first response? Anyway thanks for the answer. When I wrote what I did, some indian giver had just done something really nasty with her avatar and me, so I was feeling pretty burnt. I thought I was in some sort of avatar hell.

I think my first response was the victim of "error message" pergatory.

My pc freezes every half hour or so, lately.

Re: Re: Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

RisiaSkye said:
I've been off in RL doing the end-of-quarter thing and the holiday thing, so I just found this, a bit belatedly. Having read the whole thread, I just found this one liner so cute, I wanted to preserve it for posterity. It's always such a delight to have my name dropped by such a joy-inspiring new participant in the forum. (Special Olympics Challenge for the Rhetorically Inept: spot the sarcasm in that paragraph)

As a person who was "welcomed" to this place by having her name dropped constantly but dozens of boobs in the most rude and ridiculous and indeed, vitriolic contexts, I must say to you, "welcome to the fucking club."

There's more to come: the the next step is into the elite "100 hateful mentions" chapter. LOL, actually I'm not as sarcastic as I sound. To me, getting a hundred hateful mentions in a place like this is a very postive and warm verification that I am doing exactly the right thing.

Unda. Cruica. Eximius.
Re: Re: Re: Commentary: Lancecastor what have you done for me lately?

UCE said:
To me, getting a hundred hateful mentions in a place like this is a very postive and warm verification that I am doing exactly the right thing.

As I said the last time you were here, you thrive on outrage and flapping your lips.

All form, no substance.

To leave in a huff for being called on it , then to turn around, come back and confirm my statements by doing it again, speaks volumes.

Without speaking volumes. :)

Thanks for the kudos

Originally posted by Lancecastor
Hi CarolineOh/OO, whoever.

Welcome back!

If Drama is your're doing well already. Kudos!

I look forward to watching you open your mind and spreading yourself for inspection as you become more comfortable here.


Thank you for the kudos, but I do not need them from you or anyone, nor do I want them. I have stated publically why I am posting here. True, I am not posting about BDSM in this persona. But, oh wait, neither are you. I go back and look, and your posts in this forum are rarely about BDSM. One could argue that you are all about fluff, by the definition of fluff.

By the way, how is your current mission going?

Originally posted by RisiaSkye

Sorry to burst your bubble, sweets, but I don't know you and can't be hurt in any real way by words on my computer screen. It'd be hard for you to "victimize" me, given those terms. But, don't let the truth get in the way of your vitriol, by all means.

Did you feel you had to post this to convince me, or yourself? We seem unable to converse in a manner befitting adults without you acusing me of attacking you. I think, in part, you are trying to make this personal. So be it. I will refrain from addressing you further and move along in my merry way. I am sure that will please you. Merry Christmas and be well, RisiaSkye.

Re: Re: Re: Re: To Sheath

~Dream~ said:

:D UCE GF!! What's up girl?? long time no see !! geez hey pm me sometime and we can catch up sweety on all the latest Lance garbage and stuff ok?/ heh and you simply must come to my pic thread babe .. hmm maybe over coffee and jelly rols??:kiss: :kiss: :rose:

Thanks Dream for making me some money. I knew you could not keep out of this forum. And I won double money cause I bet your post would have absolutely nothing to do with BDSM. Understandable cause we all know you know nothing about BDSM.

You are predictable if anything.
Be sure to come back now hear? I get double or nothing!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To Sheath

Ebonyfire said:
Thanks Dream for making me some money. I knew you could not keep out of this forum. And I won double money cause I bet your post would have absolutely nothing to do with BDSM. Understandable cause we all know you know nothing about BDSM.

You are predictable if anything.
Be sure to come back now hear? I get double or nothing!


Bets off... you cheated. LOL. It was too predictable.


Just when I think this thread can't crash any lower, it does.

In one corner, we have ~Dream~ baiting Lance.
In another corner, we have lots of bitching and moaning.
In another, we have ~OO~ doing whatever it is she does.
And in the forth corner there is politesse and discussion.

Add two parts fluff
Shake well and bake at 350 for ten minutes.

It is the Lit BDSM Everything but BDSM Cookie.

Awww nuts!

And I just broke my previously made claim NOT to post to anymore of OO's threads.

See what you all made me do?

MissTaken said:
Awww nuts!

And I just broke my previously made claim NOT to post to anymore of OO's threads.

See what you all made me do?


LOL MissT.

just go back and edit it down to nothing and say you don't know how it got there. :)

PBW "Your posts are mine"

at PBW "Your posts are mine"

Nawwwww, I don't edit stuff like that.

Besides, it was a pretty good post for lil ole me.

So, who own's your ass tonight, PBW?

MissTaken said:

at PBW "Your posts are mine"

Nawwwww, I don't edit stuff like that.

Besides, it was a pretty good post for lil ole me.

So, who own's your ass tonight, PBW?


I'm flying solo tonight it appears LOL.

I think it might be time to pump the propellor.. if you know what I mean LOL

You are being fluffy and flirty on the wrong "yet another fix the forum" thread by OO.

Go to two doors down to the right to "yet another fix the forum" thread from OO on Excessive Fluff.
zipman7 said:
You are being fluffy and flirty on the wrong "yet another fix the forum" thread by OO.

Go to two doors down to the right to "yet another fix the forum" thread from OO on Excessive Fluff.


I must be having a bad night if I can't even hijack the right thread.


I am turning in my keyboard and calling it a night!


I knew between the 3 of us, someone could hijack the thread. LOL

PBW "Professional hijacker and all around flirt"
P. B. Walker said:
I knew between the 3 of us, someone could hijack the thread. LOL

PBW "Professional hijacker and all around flirt"

Well, if you have to be good at something....why not hijacking and flirting?

MissTaken said:
Well, if you have to be good at something....why not hijacking and flirting?


Well I'm not that good at flirting...

I get by on the hijacking instead LOL.

PBW "And don't ask what I'm doing when my typing goes to shit." <winks>