
Satin Desire are there a lot of Men are From Mars Women are from Venus books?

If so which ones would you recomend?

Yeah, John Gray has written quite a few books. I recommend as a starting point, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. That's basically your starting point, and can really help you the most. Although I did really enjoy "Mars and Venus Together Forever: A Practical Guide to Creating Lasting Intimacy" and "Mars and Venus in the Bedroom", too, I would say the first book is REALLY all you need, since communication is what you're mainly struggling with.
Just remember, men and women speak the same language, the words just mean different things to us.
Someone may have mentioned it already, but the actual terms I've heard many times are "active listening skills" and "being an active listener." Many of those links have great summaries and suggestions of things you can work on implementing right away.

Also, when you're not sure what someone wants from you, you can always ask them if they're looking for a sympathetic ear, feedback/your honest opinion or help working through the problem(s). Sometimes it's obvious, but other times it's really not, so clarifying what someone is seeking is a technique I use a lot because I tend to be an advice-giver and problem-solver as well (total shocker, right?! :D ).

Another thing you can sometimes do is listen actively then relay a similar experience, how you dealt with it, and the results. I'm sure you've seen plenty of examples of that in written form here on this board. :)