Contracts, Collars and Brandings


"I"...was not.....aware.....females.....had genitalia pierced.!!

I very sorry.....please please accept my apologies!!!

mad dog
Why wouldn't we? LOTS of us have such piercings. LOTS.

I had a Dominant who was WAY into piercing.
As many here know, i was pierced repeatedly, nipples *and* genitalia. I even wrote a story, a true story, about one such piercing session.

This was me:
When I first took My submissive to be Mine 24/7 it was under contract and a simple leather training collar.
I waited two years for a formal collar even though I knew it was his greatest desire. Collars to Me are as sacred as a wedding band. Slavery had already occured naturally at this time.
My slave is tattooed with the simple word...OWNED...his mark is just below the waist band of the chastity belt. I did not add My name under this simple text due to lifes realities. Relationships can change and it is My responsibility to ensure that if that occurs this boy will not be marked too deeply (In print) by his past.
There is an 18 year age difference as well. I may not out live this man I love. Marks that add names must be thought out for the long term..not in the passion of the moment.
want to get branded, could use some help

I have been thinking quite a bit about getting a brand. I have always been fascinated by the texture of things and love to run my fingers over the few scars that I currently have (the ones you get as a kid when you scrape your knee or pick a scab off). I want to have my name in braille branded on some part of my body. My question (yes I do have one) is this; how subtle a design can be branded. Would braille work as a brand or would it just smoosh into something unrecognizable. I want to be able to "read" the word not just see it. I also want the whole thing to be fairly compact - about the size of my middle finger (I wear a size 7 glove) and I have 8 letters in my name so there isn't a lot of room to play with.
Re: want to get branded, could use some help

Kittenwithawhip said:
I have been thinking quite a bit about getting a brand. I have always been fascinated by the texture of things and love to run my fingers over the few scars that I currently have (the ones you get as a kid when you scrape your knee or pick a scab off). I want to have my name in braille branded on some part of my body. My question (yes I do have one) is this; how subtle a design can be branded. Would braille work as a brand or would it just smoosh into something unrecognizable. I want to be able to "read" the word not just see it. I also want the whole thing to be fairly compact - about the size of my middle finger (I wear a size 7 glove) and I have 8 letters in my name so there isn't a lot of room to play with.
It's going to be difficult to do your full name in Braille, I think, at least if you want to keep it that small. In order to get the scar tissue to raise enough to be effective Braille, the original burns will have to be 2-3 times the size of the finished scar tissue. My bet is that you will need to do one letter at a time, and then as you add new letters, you'll be reburning old scar tissue. It will probably take months--and the small you want it, the longer it will take, as you'll have to let it heal pretty fully in between sessions. At least, that's been my experience.

Also, while Braille will likely work, as you're dealing far more with texture than with the look, delicate designs are difficult to brand. The hotter the branding metal, the more likely it is that the burn will swell and distort somewhat. However, using something high temp enough to sear the other layer and prevent blistering will both risk charring flesh, and there's a very high chance of infection. And, then, after all of that, the tissue doesn't raise in the same way that a solid 2nd degree burn will.

My thoughts, for what they're worth. :)
And, welcome, Kitten. I don't suppose you're an MST3K fan? Kitten with a Whip was one of my favorite episodes. :)
Re: Re: want to get branded, could use some help

RisiaSkye said:

My thoughts, for what they're worth. :)
And, welcome, Kitten. I don't suppose you're an MST3K fan? Kitten with a Whip was one of my favorite episodes. :)

Thank you for your help RisiaSkye. Gives me some food for thought. Is there another to get the braille without branding? I really like the idea of a brand but if the result is going to be unsatisfying... I don't know MST3K what is it?

Re: Re: Re: want to get branded, could use some help

Unregistered said:

Thank you for your help RisiaSkye. Gives me some food for thought. Is there another to get the braille without branding? I really like the idea of a brand but if the result is going to be unsatisfying... I don't know MST3K what is it?


That was me. Any ideas why it listed me as unregistered?

Am i doing something wrong here? I keep showing up as unregistered. I logged in. Three times. I know that this is probably not the place for this post but I am now officially frustrated.

I don't know about this whole branding/tatooing thing. I mean, it may be concensual, but is that enough.

I'm quite sure you can find someone who would let you do most anything to them, including branding or any other mutilation. However, shouldn't the dom be strong enough *not* to go too far with the sub.

So what I'm asking is how far is too far? I wouldn't do anything to another person that leaves a scar.

Not intentionally, anyway.
updated info

hello hello hello.....
this is my update on this situation...
brandings...??? She says no,..just Her whenever in the future if this is the way to go at that time..

collars...okay,..She says it may....may be 4 months if I am a good boy that I would receive a permanent collar...maybe...

piercings...? okay, was discussed. but as is She says it depends on where my head is at that time to see if it will be warranted.
let's discuss something just off the wall for a very brief moment..
the reason She has said a lot of these items are a wait-and-see are because we(Her and I) have tried 3 times to put a chastity device on me, caused me to bleed from my male parts.,....
my body will NOT allow it to be done for too long. my body fights it and I swell up like a balloon and bleed...real cute huh?
so anything from now on is a wait and see item from now on due to my health problems....ah well...what can "I" do????
can't anyone act like it was all done on purpose coz "I" do NOT control how my body acts....maybe I may never ever see anything in my life for piercings or anything else due to these problems...

and this is just....MY 2 cents worth...
y'all be good to yourselves,..huh????
seeeeeeeee ya!

What kind of a chastity devise were you using and what was the material it was made of?

I would search the entire earth to find a belt My slave could wear. I am very pleased with the stainless steel versions he wears for My pleasure.
wanting to be collared

I have a question that has been playing on my mind. This seems like as good a place as any. I have wanted Master to collar me, but He hasn't brought it up. I did mention it one time, but it was not really talked about. He verbally says often that i am his. I want something physical that I can look at and feel when we are apart. I don't want to step out of bounds, but unsure of what to do or ask. Are there any suggestions?


What kind of a chastity devise were you using and what was the material it was made of?

I would search the entire earth to find a belt My slave could wear. I am very pleased with the stainless steel versions he wears for My pleasure.

welllllll,..She wishes NOT to spend 1 dime more than has elected to try.......a home made tube device....
and "I" tried a leather snapon balldivider...
BOTH were a problem. my personal body..."I" am built so so small...the part hooking behind the ballsack??? it gets so tight cause my///// balls go back up into me in their sockets....and I am but merely maybe an inch long relaxed.....hell,...can't find anything to fit me right.....
ANYONE can help me out here?????
Mistress is SO afraid to touch me now for fear of more headaches.....
does the cb2000 fit behind the balls too or is there any.....device that does not????? this is.....a BIG problem.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks folks.
mad dog
oh....if ya wanna....
personal email me at
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shysub: Ultimately, the choice to collar will be your Dominant's to make. However, don't think that you have no agency in this. If it's important to you, tell your Master how much it would mean to you, how important it is to feel worthy of that permanence, to have that reminder of His presence even when he isn't with you. As in all things, your best friend in your quest for this mark is your honesty and openness with/to your Dom.

Kitten: I don't know what else would make for good, readable Braille. It seems to me that scar tissue is the best way to do it, and branding is the most effective means. You may be able to get it as small as you want it. It will just require very precise tools, and a good deal of patience. I have some ideas, but I haven't tried them on myself, so I'm uncertain how they'd work. PM me if you want to talk about this further, okay?
Some great info on branding in this thread!

Come check it out!

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cymbidia said:
Now branding is something altogether different.

Branding always involves the application of heat to skin to produce a wound that will leave a desired scar.

Branding can also be done with cold. Freeze branding can scar skin, but when applied to hair, it permantly whitens.
I know this thread is old and probably no one will see this but that last comment about freeze branding turning hair white caught my interest. My question is how is this done? do you simply freeze the bit of scalp that the hair is growing from?
Branding can also be done with cold. Freeze branding can scar skin, but when applied to hair, it permantly whitens.

I'm curious about this as well. I've been researching brandings and am always looking for new info.
Well, I admit this got me curious. Apparently it's done with alcohol and dry ice but all the info I've seen so far is for livestock. Here's a photo of a horse sporting his lovely new brand: . And some instructions on how to brand your horse or cow: , but nothing for humans. So I wrote to the nice folks at Horse Canyon in Podunk, Idaho (they look like a sweet family) , and asked them for any tips on branding humans. Hopefully they don't have a collective heart attack and can offer some helpful information.
i'm glad

you all are here for me to read bout this.. it explains alot of why i like to bite and leave technical terms that is..

redisovering myself i suppose...

Red Menace said:
Well, I admit this got me curious. Apparently it's done with alcohol and dry ice but all the info I've seen so far is for livestock. Here's a photo of a horse sporting his lovely new brand: . And some instructions on how to brand your horse or cow: , but nothing for humans. So I wrote to the nice folks at Horse Canyon in Podunk, Idaho (they look like a sweet family) , and asked them for any tips on branding humans. Hopefully they don't have a collective heart attack and can offer some helpful information. ..... found this article about dry ice branding last week which was interesting.

I have just sent an email to a Master body modifier asking what he knows about cold branding. I have watched him give seminars and brandings on 3 types of brands which I believe I had begun a thread on a few months ago.
Freeze branding in horses can have two results.

1. In dark colored horses, the brand is left on long enough to turn the hair white leaving a white mark against dark hair.

2. In light colored animals the iron is left on longer resulting in destruction of the hair follicle and a bald area. The result is bare lines and is generally not clear unless the hair around it is clipped fairly short.

I have had horses freeze-marked both ways but do not recall any feeling that the skin was raised in any way. I don't think this would be suitable for a 'braille' marking.