Covenant marriage

cusprider said:
I am of the opinion that the State ought not be in the marriage business at all.

Who are they (the state) to suppose they have the authroity to license our relationships? A license implies you seek and are granted permission to do what otherwise would be aginst the law. Are we state properity to need the states permission to Wed? Must be considering the other permissions we must have.

License to work. A SSN
License to Marry
License to live off the land
License to run a business
License to visit the wilderness
License to row a boat
License to have an effective self defense

We have progressed from close to absolute liberity to one where every meaningful aspect of our lives is controlled. This is progress?

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to deal with all that. I wish!

Fury :rose:

TBKahuna123 said:
I woudl be perfectly fine with marriage being a strictly religious/spiritual concept, but that simply will not work. In our society you need proof of your marriage with civil documentation so that you have legal claim to things like insurance, property, etc. If we lived in the old west where people fended for themselves without any kind of social programs, then sure we could do this, but in the modern age this simply isn't possible. Or at least it would be very difficult.

It is too bad that marriage and property issues were ever combined. One should be able to add a loved one to their policy and will whatever to whomever. Of course many never think of doing a will or only think and don't do...

Fury :rose:

Scalywag said:
I know when my wife and I made our vows to each other in that quaint little candlelit chapel one spring evening many years ago, the vows we spoke were our covenant.

Now that sounds nice, it really does!

Fury :rose: