Create A Wrestler

You talking to me or to Ryu? And for what the links or the posts. Well anyways I put a really long post with Jack and Zoe which is so long because I couldn't stop thinking of jokes to put into the conservation but you guys should like it. So Zoe is filipino right? because I'm trying to manage what she looks like and it seems filipino fits the bill of asian with spanish blood.
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well the posts are always great but mainly the link was most appreciated. opened up for PMs too if ever needed
I was just asking out of my cat like curiosity that i seem to have at times
uploaded some pics from a folder i haven't updated in a while, but those that reminded me kind of what the girls in the league look like in my mind

since links are arguing with me for some reason now, it's on image fap, gallery.php?gid=2049207

its IMAGE fap

whats with this thing

Just go to to the imagebam one then
hehe welcome to my world when i tried putting my links on. So anyways I got a request to bring ashley massaro back and to not sound thick headed but is there anyone else that people want to see in this new Jack's story and who Jack and his new manger should face first because I don't have any ideas who would be good first opponents should be i was thinking maybe Lisa with Monica on her side or rant and beak Lisa's two goons.

And hopefully Monica is a good rival for Jack since i realize there that these two had something since Jack save her from Lisa Mcvan to where they had a three way with Faye in the prison. Then all of sudden she dropped off the map when it came to Jack story line. So i decided to add her back in.
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Well it be nice to see Jack fight one of the bodyguards

Oh guys. wont be adding for a few days, on vacation
U add!!! just kidding it been awhile that all since u have. I hope u have better vacation then my christmas vacation. And thanks for the bodyguard idea I never thought of them already thinking of new ideas from that. Im trying out how it would connect to Monica through. I figure she would use the bodyguards as the last option and I don't want to use her in the first match. So this is kinda hard with no one adding.
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heard a song at random on the radio today Redneck Woman...

struck me as easily a themesong for Casey Luv
Been quiet lately.

I'm back in the "have a few ideas but not enough inspiration to type them out" mode.
I've just been largely busy or uninspired in general. still pick at it though!
Even if I can't think of anything else to post, I'm gonna throw up a Valentines Day gimmick for Missy Klaws. Maybe jump ahead and do a St. Patrick's day one too.
added an ending to Elizbeth vs Mama Luv, which can be found in Titty gate

which leads to a new storyline
I like it. It was exactly the type of storyline I'm trying to put Jack right now with the whole pay per view the Company has. Maybe both threads should cross some time
I did some threads with Becky, jack and Zoe.

Anyways if any one is still there I was thinking of maybe looking at past stories that got left unfinished and maybe connecting them so they may make more sense for the stories now. I have a idea for thread for that third person male heel character and his feud with Casey Luv and the Dixie chicks and maybe making it connected with the new nation storyline. It never was explained who was Casey Luv's boyfriend. And i also thinking about making a few threads about what Lisa did to the women that she capture in the end of Animal storyline to explain why Becky was in the showers. I also was planning on adding a few threads on the feud between Illsa and Ellen and also what happen to the Crippler and Kim Austin after the Animal storyline they simply disappear in the company revenge storyline and i can't think why. I also been trying to make it connect the current Jack's storyline with the Reign of Baroness any ideas?

And i'm planning to put the pay-per view that Lilguy just created to the end of the storyline I have with Jack right now hopefully this helps people with ideas.
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