Crime reduction

There was a time in US history when being convicted of certain crimes had you sent off to prison in places like Yuma for a very long stay. It worked to reduce many crimes but those which were committed were more heinous than "the norm" for such things.

Which illustrates that those who are predisposed to commit crime, will do so regardless of deterrents. Further, increased severity of the deterrents will only increase the depravity of the offenses.

In the end, what really reduced crime was letting the citizens deal with it. It was effective and instantaneous and not only eliminated the actual criminal it was a deterrent to others who believed they too could "get away with it."

Modern society has removed that option and crime has become rampant. Give the people back the power to dispense justice (or they will eventually take it anyway) and crime will be reduced.

Yep. Forget deterrence. I'm not interested in deterring anyone. I just want to see the preparator of the crime removed permanently. You murder someone? No punishment, no "20 years" that becomes 10 or whatever and then out. Nope. Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed. Drunk driving? Kill someone? Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed.

Apply it retrospectively to anyone still in jail as well. Clear out the jails.

And bring back psychiatric hospitals and compulsory committals. There are a LOT of people out there with real mental health issues and it's not their fault that we as a society allow them to run around. Tuck them away, treat them and care for them - and if they're released and they commit a crime, make the people who release them responsible and hold them accountable, to the same standard. You release them and they murder someone? Bam for them and Bam for you, too. Think deep and hard before that decision, because YOU are responsible.
Yep. Forget deterrence. I'm not interested in deterring anyone. I just want to see the preparator of the crime removed permanently. You murder someone? No punishment, no "20 years" that becomes 10 or whatever and then out. Nope. Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed. Drunk driving? Kill someone? Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed.

Apply it retrospectively to anyone still in jail as well. Clear out the jails.

And bring back psychiatric hospitals and compulsory committals. There are a LOT of people out there with real mental health issues and it's not their fault that we as a society allow them to run around. Tuck them away, treat them and care for them - and if they're released and they commit a crime, make the people who release them responsible and hold them accountable, to the same standard. You release them and they murder someone? Bam for them and Bam for you, too. Think deep and hard before that decision, because YOU are responsible.
You want to kill people you don't like and do so with laws that allow you to do so
You just killed your President, Deplorable.

Oops. 🙂

This THIS post!
Like a Christmas present that was missed under the tree.

Entertaining the dystopian proposition of the op 🙄, just for arguments sake, if a person happened to go to a fair trial of his peers and was convicted, I don’t know 🤷‍♀️, say 34 times over as a felon 😂 🥰 …Can said conviction lead to the death penalty being applied 34x as well for good measure? I want to think ‘yes’ in the Mad Max world view of the op.
And we should treat them as such, including the death sentence. Just because a crime is committed by paperwork doesn't make it any the less a crime.
Yes. I will continue to highlight this and all the other fucked up shit ideas that laughingly flowed out of the conservative asshole that, to the detriment of the citizens of this country, turned into a nightmare reality!

But, ya know what, never mind me and my distraction...

Do continue telling us about YOUR solution to crime. I mean - who knows, right?
This THIS post!
Like a Christmas present that was missed under the tree.

Entertaining the dystopian proposition of the op 🙄, just for arguments sake, if a person happened to go to a fair trial of his peers and was convicted, I don’t know 🤷‍♀️, say 34 times over as a felon 😂 🥰 …Can said conviction lead to the death penalty being applied 34x as well for good measure? I want to think ‘yes’ in the Mad Max world view of the op.

Logically, why not. After all, we've all seen how many times a Clinton "friend" can shoot themselves in the back. Of course, by the time you get to 34, there may nt be abything left but you WILL be sure the sentence was executed effectively.

On the other hand, obviously if the judge is instrumental in a mistrial, well, execute the judge too. THAT should cut down on the mistrials and political judicial decisions.

The more I look at this, the more effective it seems.
You might like criminals.

Good point

True. Luigi is a charmer, I'm sure I'd like him. Altho in point of fact, under MY approach he wouldn't have been a criminal. The Healthcare CEO would already have been identified as a white collar serial killer and executed, and Luigi would have simply been carrying out a court order.
True. Luigi is a charmer, I'm sure I'd like him. Altho in point of fact, under MY approach he wouldn't have been a criminal. The Healthcare CEO would already have been identified as a white collar serial killer and executed, and Luigi would have simply been carrying out a court order.
Luigi is a murderer....i.e. criminal.

Whether he deserves immediate or prolonged death will be determined.

Some people like him.
We are not letting this train wreck of a thread fade just yet. 😆
2024 scorecard:
CEOs shot = 1. Reaction, 'Terrorist, surround with cops and execute'.
School shootings involving fatalities or injuries = 112. Reaction, 'Send for more guns'.
Yep. Forget deterrence. I'm not interested in deterring anyone. I just want to see the preparator of the crime removed permanently. You murder someone? No punishment, no "20 years" that becomes 10 or whatever and then out. Nope. Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed. Drunk driving? Kill someone? Bam. Dead. Gone. Removed.

Apply it retrospectively to anyone still in jail as well. Clear out the jails.

And bring back psychiatric hospitals and compulsory committals. There are a LOT of people out there with real mental health issues and it's not their fault that we as a society allow them to run around. Tuck them away, treat them and care for them - and if they're released and they commit a crime, make the people who release them responsible and hold them accountable, to the same standard. You release them and they murder someone? Bam for them and Bam for you, too. Think deep and hard before that decision, because YOU are responsible.
And we should treat them as such, including the death sentence. Just because a crime is committed by paperwork doesn't make it any the less a crime.


Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang is soooooo close to “getting it”…
(Of course, nothing can be done about Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang’s deep seated racism…)


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

(Of course, nothing can be done about Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang’s deep seated racism…)

Oh's not racism at all. It's culturalism! Deep deep-seated culturalism.

I could care less if someone is white, brown, yellow, black, green or pink. But culture now....culture is important. One might even say critical.....
Oh's not racism at all. It's culturalism! Deep deep-seated culturalism.

I could care less if someone is white, brown, yellow, black, green or pink. But culture now....culture is important. One might even say critical.....



Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang clearly exhibits the most basic deep seated racism.

See: Chloe’s use of the racist catch-word “Chicongo”.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Chloe “Chicongo” Tzang 🤣

See: Chloe’s use of the racist catch-word “Chicongo”.

Hope that ^ helps.

Cultural, Laz. Cultural. But it's a lengthy lengthy exposition on cultural factors, some of which are tied into genetics and the like, and it's beyond me to write it. I just read these things and soak them in, and I know I won't change your mind.....
Ca tried this. It didn't work. What we got was more crime, more homelessness, more poverty and more despair.

Catering to man's depravity is not a solution to his other predilections.

Yeah, but California can fuck up a wet dream. I'm sure they fucked it up.
Ca tried this. It didn't work. What we got was more crime, more homelessness, more poverty and more despair.

Catering to man's depravity is not a solution to his other predilections.

No, the big mistake was issuing Naloxone and bringing 'em back from the dead. When they OD, let them go. Heck, give them more of whatever they OD'd on and let them go out on a big buzz. Win-win.
Yeah, but California can fuck up a wet dream. I'm sure they fucked it up.

On a serious note, it's one heck of an issue and it's not going away, because the root cause is mental health. And unless we get serious about that,'s been around for generations, and if it's not drugs, it's alcohol and if it's not that, it'll be something else

On a serious note, it's one heck of an issue and it's not going away, because the root cause is mental health. And unless we get serious about that,'s been around for generations, and if it's not drugs, it's alcohol and if it's not that, it'll be something else

Prohibition was a great idea, and during the time that the Volstead Act was a thing was the second drunkest period this country ever went through. Drug laws seem to be just as useless. My insistence has always been that the Right People are getting paid off so that the stuff can proliferate. Law enforcement busts the junkies and the small dealers. Big weight movers have Guardian Angels, it would seem.

If Capone had paid his taxes . . . .