
Unregistered said:
But does anyone have real experience with something that makes you shoot more?

maybe.... well I think I do?? I believe the answer lies in you diet? I think (but am not sure) that vitamens like E & B help. Also, I think ginsyng and Zinc????
You do a test. Take the above for a week, jack off once a day and measure the results.
I'v been working out for about 5 months and just started drinking those powdered protien drinks. I think???? they have increase the amount of cum I cum per day?? But I have not realy paid a lot of attention.
I'm serious about the test thing. I say eat regulary and jack off once a day for a week and mesure the amount of cum,, eather by using a cup or just your observation?? Then take the vitamens and stuff and measure your amounts that away. Then report back here with your study.

Buckets, but with a risk

Some of the actors use Clomiphene Citrate, or Clomid for short. It’s a synthetic estrogen drug, usually used for women's fertility treatments and to treat estrogen dependant cancer. It’s a big thing in Body Building right now, and is used when you come off Testosterone injections to help kick start your own production of Testosterone. (One of the side effects of using Testosterone for body building is that is causes your own body to stop producing the stuff.) When on Clomid you will be shooting buckets of cum. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
Tiggs said:

I'm not one! :eek: lol Not by far!!! :eek: again. I don't remember exactly where I heard that bit of info. I think I'm a walking encyclopedia of useless info. Street Smarts here I come!! :D

To quote Calvin (I think)...."a thorough command of useless knowledge."

This is a goooood can kick tail at Trivial Pursuit.
Pdxmwm is correct. Listen guys, I've answered this before. Clomid will cause you to produce 2-3x more fluid than you did before. Dosage- 100mg ed. Clomid requires a script from a doctor in the good old USA.

It's rumored that long term use can cause cancer. This is only a rumor. Most BBers use it 3 weeks post cycle and/or eod during a cycle (for the reason Pdxmwm said). A typical cycle length is 8-10 weeks. Clomid can cause some people to be more sensitive (it is an estrogen). This is caused because Clomid will bind strongly to the receptors in the brain and weakly everywhere else. In some people Clomid causes acne. Clomid can also have another interesting side effect- you can easily knock your gf up! Especially if you are taking it without using steriods 1st!

Yes I have experience with clomid and yes I am a BBer. You will shoot buckets on your 1st, 2nd and 3rd loads, the next day, really everytime you cum. It really is a lot of fun if you're into that sort of thing.