Cup Size in Stories

While we are at it, other relevant aspects other than size that people care and write about? Spherical? Conical? That sounds very geometric I know, but you get the idea. I know I've written about a sloping valley between them. Rather than a deep and narrow canyon, say.
I had the large breasts sagging, creating an bulbous hourglass figure, as they swung...
I do both.

"She smiled nervously and watched as I burned the image of each of her A-cup morsels into my brain for future reference.

Two half-apple swells of soft feminine flesh adorned her smooth chest."
That's what I tend to do, as well. Just amazed that some readers will see "A-cup morsels" and comment, "This ruined the story for me!"
While we are at it, other relevant aspects other than size that people care and write about? Spherical? Conical? That sounds very geometric I know, but you get the idea. I know I've written about a sloping valley between them. Rather than a deep and narrow canyon, say.

These kinds of things are excellent (and subtle) ways to flesh out your narrator, if you use FP. Word choice is a great way to suggest background information on your narrator without resorting to exposition.
I feel like this is a bit much, TBH. I’m not courting fetishists by saying my wife has 38c breasts. Nor is it shorthand. Up until today, I viewed it as a different way of describing part of the female body. It‘s not something I use regularly & I’ll consider avoiding in the future.
A fetish is a fetish even if it's so widely accepted to be common/boring. 38C signals, at the very least, something. Female friends don't note and catalog that information as a rule.

You don't need to avoid it, just like vocabulary, it has a context which may/may not work against what you are trying to say.

Lingerie is non-standard. There's been a ton of "Real Bodies" campaigns in the last decade or so and you'd be amazed how differently bodies carry things even with same measurements/within a few pounds. To say nothing of how in flux a woman's body is naturally.

Even if your wife is dead on a 38C (it's more common to be wrong than right) HER 38C is not another's 38C.

This sort of functional reality is why many are turned off by specific measurements b/c they aren't really all that specific.
That's what I tend to do, as well. Just amazed that some readers will see "A-cup morsels" and comment, "This ruined the story for me!"
From an author's standpoint it's frustrating as we know intimately how much work/effort/craft it takes to make a story.

Readers are free consumers. Some can't get excited by smaller breasts. Some don't like redheads. Some will never be able to championing a character named "Sandy" b/c one did them wrong way back in high school.

We focus on writing what we are compelled to write to say what we need to say.

If they want a Dolly sized, brunette who curb stomps every Sandy she can find, they should write it.
Honestly even when I -AM- catering to that fetish I'd prefer to be descriptive than to put in a number.

If I write something very full of ample juicy natural and swaying description, I am going to assume the reader has a much better mental picture to get excited over than if I write "38.739^2n-1 D boobs". Unless like... they're into math-porn.
I use fetish in it's definitional sense, not colloquially.

Fetish, as in a characteristic of such interest it holds it's owner in rapt attention, no, 38D wouldn't come remotely close to sufficing. If anything, better left off entirely.

And you've mirrored my point. Expanding description is necessary for those really into the trait and, for the general audience, better fills in the gaps a number and some letters really don't.

38DD, to me, is saying something is "Red."

Clown nose red? Crimson of the bayou sun finally surrendering to the horizon red? Fanta Slurpee unnatural brilliantly electric red bordering on pink red?

Red doesn't have to be my favorite color (akin to our fetishist) for me as a reader to benefit from a little more specificity.

Even tells periphery "context stories" when the lens is focused on something dead center of frame.

It's a solid tool for the toolkit when you want it.
Cup sizes are meant for the kitchen... Men love numbers and comparisons... Write a sex scene in the kitchen...

'She scooped a cup of lard, massaging it into his 300gms of self-raising flour and soon they were making 8-inch sausage rolls together.'
Lies. The sausage roles are 5 inches at best.
“My wife was stacked, with 38D cans.”


“My wife had a sizzling figure with broad hips, a narrow waist and high, firm, alluring breasts.”

Your choice and you’re entitled to it, but I know which one I prefer.

Perfectly said. Nothing further to add, your Honor!
Perfectly said. Nothing further to add, your Honor!
She had bright eyes and her neck blended into her finely set, angular-shaped shoulders. Her breasts were carried well forward on her capacious body with even length teats. She stood well on shapely legs, with fine and supple skin.
I picked this up from stock judging dairy :cool:

Teats... there's a word missing from porn
She turned slowly, and the words I'd been about to say caught in my throat as I saw her bared breasts for the first time. Small but perfectly proportioned, highlighted by the faint lines of her ribs as she crossed her arms behind her neck. With their warm pink nipples on their paler beds, they were a thousand times more beautiful than even my darkest fantasies had made them.
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So, I’ve now received a few negative comments about using “cup size” to describe women’s breasts in stories.
There's hundreds of stories that use measurements, which don't get comments like that. So I'm guessing that people are complaining because maybe doing that in YOUR story is kind of jarring -- because it doesn't fit in with what readers are expecting from you.

I don't think using measurements is a story is hot, and some of the previous posts are trying to suggest hotter ways of describing titties that just stating the size.
I think it depends on your readership. If you're going for the 38DD="big boobs OMG" crowd, cup sizes are all you need. Your reader will do the rest, plugging in whatever fantasies he (or maybe she?) has about what that breast should look like. And there are a lot of readers like that.

But for me, I don't use cup sizes or boner length, except once when I had a bunch of naked men standing around before a wedding/orgy and passing around a ruler to measure their hard-ons as a way of killing time before the ceremony began. It was intended to be a comment on how fixated the men were about the subject.

Or only to mention that a woman had breasts of two different cup sizes. It was the asymmetry I was pointing out, not the actual size of the boobs.
Madonna stuffed her breasts into a couple of funnels and caused an uproar.

My coffee mug is 20 oz but stuffing a breast in it would probably be a waste of time and uncomfortable.
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Madonna stuffed her breasts into a couple of funnels and caused and uproar.

My coffee mug is 20 oz but stuffing a breast in would probably a waste of time and uncomfortable.
The only breast that should be stuffed is a 🐔 breast with cheese and bacon 🥓?
I never give breast size. I like to give minimalist descriptions and then let my reader fill in the rest.
hair color/style, height, weight, and any distinguishing features like freckles is all you get.

I have said something like, “I don’t have huge breasts but a push up bra helps”
I'm going word blind. Could have sworn TxRad said Madonna stuffed her boobs into fennel, then we started talking about cheese and bacon. I've already eaten but that sounded quite good.