Daily Poetry Spinner Pick!

JUDO said:
Upon Midnight's Dong

Last night I dreamed of snakes
Out their holes, they squirmed towards me.
And in sleep, I fled from them,
My pumps wobbling furiously.

They hissed and caught my feet,
Then spiraled past my knees.
I screamed until a big one climbed
In my mouth, a very tight squeeze.

Another pushed its head into
My pussy now wet with goo
And his brother found the nether
And made his home in there, too.

They squirmed and squiggled
They rhymed and wriggled
'Til my body shook out of its shell.

I awoke still quaking,
But this day I'm taking
To sleep and flee pell mell.
Judo, that's much, much better than my poem about bumping into the missing schlong! lol
Though, I'm totally terrified of snakes! I'm sure I'll have an awful snake-cock nightmare!
Now, now Eve. Far be it from me to make a joke at the expense of others. I was merely noting the irony between the name and the tone of the poem.

Or maybe I'm just out of touch and this is the new language of romance.

Yo bitch!
I'll swim in your swamp if you'll chin-up on my shlong.
karmadog said:
Yo bitch!
I'll swim in your swamp if you'll chin-up on my shlong.
Now you're talking, you nasty dog! :D

By the way, just for the record, I don't think any of us are making fun. We're just really getting a kick out of some of these poems. I think the poets that wrote them had a sense of humor!
How can you call this the "Daily Poetry Spinner Pick!" if you don't spin it everyday?


An hour before the wedding, after hiding deep in the recesses of the old church, the bride and groom recover from a petty and heated exchange in time to have one last secret fuck before their vows, with the added good fortune of spying in secret the minister with his cock out, getting a blowjob from the chubby Mexican maid


You… I… We… F---

by bluepervina ©

You slide down your panties
I trip out of my pants
We meet at the midsection
Finished from rants

You go for my nipples
I yank your hair in one hand
We bounce and we wobble
Fucking right where we stand

You first hear the minister
I next hear the maid
We hump on in silence
Fearing surely we're made

You see through the crack
I hold the door so you can
We have hardly slowed down
Flying fast as we can

You then watch him unzip
I, too, see him defrock
We fuck harder than ever
Fully thrilled at his cock

You gape at mouth
I lust hot for a taste
We thrash on toward heaven
Frig while the maid's at his waist

You soon will "I do", a croon sweet to me
I, too, in my turn will "I do" doth decree
We shall head for our honeymoon, weak in the knees
First finding the minister to ask if he's free.


Now is that the best title ever or what?
Wow...If I knew getting hitched was that much fun...I'd drag any number of guys down the aisle. What ever happened to not seeing the bride on her wedding day? Bad luck and such...:devil:
Originally posted by Lauren.Hynde How can you call this the "Daily Poetry Spinner Pick!" if you don't spin it everyday?

Stop bitchin' girl, or I'll call it the bi-annual poetry spinner pick! lol

Okay, here's an interesting one!

A Bit of Joy
by Oakden ©

Does it please you to be lost miss?
The half-glad rarity favors just this,
To fickle, freckle over what is said.
Or to fuck, to favor but never read.
A slut bathed in red drops my name,
Falls, twitches, cums, alive to blame,
As if, a trifle too aroused, like whatever,
Inserting, shall we say, her displeasure.
He’d who’d climbed her tail and left,
Tamed the sad whore dropping cherries,
On her breast!
How could we have forgotten about this? LOL
Here's what the one I just spinned:

The Glass
by Rybka ©

1/2 empty

1/2 full


wrong size
I love Rybka's sense of humor

Had to vote on that one!

Okay...round and round we go, where she stops nobody knows *spinning in chair trying not to spill Merlot on the carpet*!

Hmmm....this is a little like random book fortune telling where you ask your self a question, take any book from the shelf, open to a random page and point. Therein lies the wisdom to your question. This is particularily fun with a well thumbed copy of the Karma Sutra. Here's my spin today:

by kluless70 ©

I do not brook your slight complaints
as I lock you in these restraints
and softly tug on ev'ry thread
while this bar your sweet legs doth spread

Caressing silken derriere
wetness of teased desires you wear
I lean between for just a taste
not wishing one sweet drop to waste

my fingertips will take the lead
and mouth will satisfy your need
burning my lusts into your thought
I slow to savor pleasures wrought

Now final fire I'll light in you
I stake my final claim thereto
I'll give you very little choice
I've stilled your precious loving voice

when my desires have set you free
your body then will pleasure me
I take you deep as now I prove
the power of abiding love

Mmmm...nothing like a little BDSM to start the new year off right!

I decided to try this

and look what I got!

a song of no bandwidth
by Senna Jawa ©

lady loneliness
never leave me alone
lady loneliness
my faithful

thru stages and states
from one ocean to another
you motion to me and i follow

lady loneliness
never leave me alone
lady loneliness
to you i belong

downtowns restaurants bars
waiters in a hurry engineers
lawyers consultants on retainer and streetful
transients recovering empty
pop cans from garbage containers
police ambulance sirens
mixed with the loud music
from cabriolets driven by youngsters
ringing streetcars and deafening buses
prick tattoo needles into my skin while
lady loneliness from afar
wraps her slender arms around my neck

lady loneliness
never leave me
lady loneliness

wlodzimierz holsztynski ©

Anybody ever hear of this guy?

Re: I love Rybka's sense of humor

lickmyboot said:
Had to vote on that one!

Hmmm....this is a little like random book fortune telling where you ask your self a question, take any book from the shelf, open to a random page and point. Therein lies the wisdom to your question. This is particularily fun with a well thumbed copy of the Karma Sutra. Here's my spin today:


Hey, now that's a brilliant idea! Ask a question, spin and see what relation can be made...now lets see. Something relivant, uncertain... oh, hell: Will I get laid in the next 24 hours. Answer (as spun by the poetry spinner):

by Savannah Skye ©
your beautiful breasts peak out above your zipper
the zipper that can barely keep in your womanly curves
your womanly curves that would be a bounty for my mouth
for my mouth to caress gently your nipples with my tongue
then glide down to tickle your belly button
then slide down to your wide open flower
your wide open flower from which I would drink
_____your sweet nectar from within


Of course, this is slightly biased, seeing as the spinner doesn't include the non-erotic poetry. Of course, thankfully, it wasn't a gay-male porn poem.

But, I really have no clue what this makes of my chances.


I like this spinner pick. It's well written, and the art metaphor is consistent and clear.
In the Gallery by samadhi

The musician,
slender fingers
bend me like a bow
tuning strings
and cords of flesh.
He bends his back into his work
to compose symphonies of my sighs.

The sculptor,
master of the shapes and forms
of my body.
Molding me
into curves and pleasing arcs
that cast shadows,
that lick the walls.

The painter,
his tongue brushing my skin
with invisible roses.
While shivers
race and slip on a canvas of skin
and carve landscapes
across my belly.

In the Gallery
When the others have gone
I am made and remade
until pleasure is perfected
and nothing is left
but scraps and ragged flakes
empty crusts
of desire
The Last Race
by Shady_Lady ©

Note from the Authoress: Seem to be quite into poetry these days but never quite sure if it’s any good, anyway suppose I should warn you this one is a bit morbid.

* * * * *

The engine snarls like a mighty beast
On someone’s soul it’s ready to feast
And the woman who sits astride her mount
Listens to the starter who begins to count

The lights are red as they snap their visors
And as the lights go green, the volume rises
Like plunging dragons with pipes aflame
No fear, no dread just thoughts of fame

The first corner approaches at some speed
Its dab the brakes, lean off, down knee
Then power on making the back wheel snake
Its time for glory and a name to make

Onwards rushing goes the maiden fair
She riding hard without a care
Her shout of glee is loud in her ear
As she takes the lead to a rousing cheer

One more corner so nearly there
To beat the men without a care
Then hitting oil, every bikers fear
The bike writhes and snakes then begins to rear

A quiet stillness pierces her fuddled brain
As she flies through the air she feels no pain
Then crash… ….and the world turns black
As she hits the wall with a mighty crack

The crowds fall silent, not a whisper is heard
As they see her lie crumpled like a broken bird
The sirens wail, and she stays quite still
But she knows she was winning, and she always will
Last edited:
I spinned the poem just for the hell of it and got a 5-in-1:

Oral 2
by christcat69 ©

Pleasure Games

Explicit fantasy,
Lying there moaning for me,
The sweet way you say my name,
But, only in my dreams, will I play your game.

When the lights go out, there you are,
Calling me, begging for more.
It’s so lucid and surreal,
Pleasure is that I can feel.

Afraid of the Daylight

Silent in my dreams,
Yet in the daylight, I can hear you scream.
Sinister in my subconscious,
In the waking world, always willing to second-guess,
I submit to you, in my head,
But when it boils down to it, it will never be you in my bed.
You leave nothing for the imagination,
It’s all laid in front of me, for the taking,
Already know what it would be like,
I don’t need you to suppress my appetite.

I Can Feel You Here

The symphonic eruptions of thunder, hard and monstrous,
Enhanced by the brilliant cascades of lightning,
The heat of our bodies,
The heat of the lightning,
The soft, sweet moans in my ear,
The thunder booming with every thrust you pump into me,
Exploding with energy,
And exploding with light,
Exploding with passion,
Thinking of you last night.
Sadistic Release

Call me cold,
Say I’m too bold,
Love me,
Hurt me,
Call out my name,
With me, darling, you needn’t have any shame.

Lie there naked and bare,
Be flattered if I can’t help but stare,
Hold me,
Scold me,
Tie me down and indulge in my sweet taste,
By my wicked ways, you can’t help but be embraced.

I’ve been called erotic,
Even referred to as kinky and sick,
Strive on me,
Deprive me,
It’s your turn,
Humiliate me, command me and let the fire between us burn.

Demand of me what you want,
With me, baby, you don’t need to put up a front,
Beat me,
Torture me,
Tell me I’ve been bad,
Just don’t walk out the door when you’re mad.

Poetic Parting

I watch as you turn and walk away,
There are so many things I want to say;

I’ll miss you with all my heart and soul,
Something about you makes me whole.
The attraction’s almost enough to break me,
At night, thoughts of you awake me.

It’s some strange connection or emotional link,
When you’re around, I don’t need to think.

I have no other thoughts,
Just of you,
Holding you,
Kissing you,
Loving you,
Intriguing you,
Helping you,

I’ve wanted your love for so long but maybe it’s better this way,
If it was meant to be, You’ll be back around to play.

Until then, know that I love and miss you much,
And when I go to bed at night, I’ll be thinking of your touch.

In the Rain

You unleash a side of me that is almost surreal,
I know I can’t be happy forever, but that’s how I feel.
When I awaken each morning, I need you beside me,
And when I drift off to sleep, I want yours, to be the last face I see.
I’ve never been so clear of mind as I am at this moment (spent with you),
You are the only one for me and I am the only one for you.

Moments spent in the rain,
Seeing only you,
Needing only you,
Wanting only you

I can hear the thunder crowd in around us,
I can feel the heat of the lightning,
The rain pours all around us,
And I have only one thought,
Only one….
Of you and I together,
Through every storm,
Through all the sorrow and all the love,

You and me,
For eternity
Let me give this a try...


I must be slow. It took me all this time to discover what the heck the Spinner was. Why had I never seen it before?

Anyhow, I decided to spin and found this:

by SA Storm ©

I started this long ago
pockets and heart emptied.

There over my shoulder,
my want and need
barely noticeable anymore.

After awhile even the invisible fades.

Now only loose change,
the remainder of spent living
or something lost.

Small pockets
with room for only that I can carry.


This is great. I can discover poems I never would have found otherwise.

A little slow at times,

Screaming From Inside and Beyond
by Solar Dragon ©

I sense an underlying fear of chaos in humanity.
It was born long ago of mistrust and suspicion.
I was told this by an ancient spirit.
Cynicism it said came from the depths of hopelessness.
Guns, bombs and spying for security helped us deal with demons created by all.
The weakness was never being able to see the spirit through the flesh.

Eyes are windows to our true self….the eternal being that will not die.
It’s the spark that touches forever.

Enemies see the anger in each other but if they look closer they can see the sadness.
There is pain and it burns in remembrance of ancestors who suffered in this world.
Ancestors….that word is most ironic.
This is a world where everyone is related…..
Close family member or distant….spirits are in pain.

Dishonor of violence in their name will bring down the sky and open the ground.

Whenever a spirit leaves pain and anger behind the spirit suffers.
There is screaming from beyond and it sounds like something wants an end to foolishness.

LOL Funny this should happen. I was going to make a comment here, but maybe I shouldn't. My girlfriend has a thing for this author :D
Every once in a while, we spin a good one. ;)

Twister Sisters
by WickedEve ©


Wild yellow flowers,
like ones I planted along your curved borders
in our bed, twirl around me.

Entwined-leg, twisted-tongue memories swirl,
then spin away like the earth below us.
