Damn it, doesn't it mean anything that we enjoyed your stories?

Um, I don't think I fit into any of your categories, Wills.

If I were forced to, I'd choose category three, but it really only reflects part of why I write:

I write because people read my stuff. Sure, I enjoy to do it. I enjoy creating and creativity in all its forms, but like many artists, I find it meaningless (to me) without an audience.

When I learnt to play guitar, I'd play 8 hours a day, whether anyone was around or not. That's how much I loved to do it. Every spare moment of time would be spent with a guitar in my hands. These days, unless I'm at a gig or in the studio, I barely pick it up, except for those moments when I'm learning a new song.

Writing is like that for me. I write because people have read my earlier stuff and want to read more. I write because people tell me that I'm quite good at it. And everyone likes to focus on doing stuff that they're good at)
Hmm. I guess I'd go in the "can't not write" category. Though I haven't had much of a will to write in recent years, so I'm not really sure of that one, either.
I began writing in the depths my teenage angst to not go crazy or kill myself. When I learned to read properly (in my twenties) I wrote more because I loved language and wanted to "be in it" as much as possible outside reading. It did not take me long to see that writing helped me to think, and to figure myself out (somewhat the way dreams can).

So I've been writing (on and off) since the mid-60s, all for the love of it and because I cannot do otherwise. For about the past twenty years many people have encouraged, even demanded, that I do something about getting published. I am thinking about it now, but it's not fun.
