Dead Man's Hand ((UnHolyPimpHand & Little_Tease))

Ginger licked her lips clean as he opened the door for her to get out of the car, taking his arm she was still panting every so slightly still trying to catch her breath. He had not noticed her fingers, but she had not had enough time to have gotten off on as he was able to.

His words ringed in her mind that she was worth every penny, as he whipped some makeup from her face which ran down from her tears. She just hoped she had not blushed because of what he said as she stared in his eyes and could not help but smile a bit. He had not been gentle with her and all but something about him made her feel like on heat.

He then told her she was going to make more money this night then any other whore would earn in a month, she couldn’t believe what he was saying as she started to understand she was going to be his personal whore tonight and seeing where they were probably for other men his guest as well but something about it excited her as well as scared her.

He then told her how much he would forgive Gary’s debt if she did what he said and let him and his friends fuck her in all her holes, she nibbled on her lower lip as she pictured herself between men all her holes filled deep with cocks and something told her she wanted this badly as she hadn’t been fucked really good in a long time but a other part of her thought about Gary.

Though Gary told her if she had no other choice and it was so he wouldn’t ever be able to pay Vardan back so she had to and from her he would only take this as payment and no such thing as money, or at least she tried talking herself into believing it so she didn’t feel all that bad of wanting this deep down.

When he gave her the money and told her to buy nice things for him to see on her and get herself all made up, she smiled and could not believe it. She looked at the money and then back up at him and nodded with him, she leaned up and kissed his cheek as she then said.

“Thank you will do… just for you!”

She took the key and made her way around looking in some stores and others before she decided what to buy. She found this amazing Red Dress and these very cute shoes to go with the dress, she tried them on and didn’t want to take it off any more and looked at the price she knew she couldn’t afford it but then she remembered Vardan had given her enough money and she could spend it all on whatever she wanted.

After she found two other black dresses, she had liked she laid them over her arm and headed for the checkout to pay for the dresses and matching shoes for each dress.

She still couldn’t believe her luck as she went to pay for the things she knew the sale’s girls looked at her as if she wasn’t going to be able to pay for the these at all or she wasn’t worth that what the dresses where made for, but she smirked and laid the money on the table and they were shocked you could see it in their eyes.

She had now dresses and shoes needed something for under them and found this cute little shop where she looked at many things and found a few items she liked like this little lace dress and this strappy lingerie set and a few other items. She then headed out after buying the few lingerie she saw a little shop for her hair, make up and nails all in one and she thought the women that sat there looked so relaxed she couldn’t wait to feel like that.

She headed in with her bags in her hands she should have needed to wait over an hour till she would be taken but she showed them a bit of money and she did not have to wait a min. She felt like a queen and she was liking it more and more and was afraid that when she is back with Gary that she might miss this, but she was glad to be able to enjoy it right now.

She closed her eyes and let the women go to work and just relaxed and enjoyed it all even had a glass of champagne, after she was done she changed in the red dress and matching shoes but didn’t put anything on under the dress this time, she also paid the women for everything they did. After she got out of the shop, she looked how late it was and hoped she did not take too long as she headed up to the room, he told her to.

She stood before the door and wanted to knock as everyone usually does without thinking, though she then remembered what he had said as she then just opened the door and walked in hoping Vardan would like what he sees.

“Vardan… what do you say?!”

She says softly even a bit shy though she was not shy at all and turns slowly to show the dress of after she had closed the door behind her and set the bags to the side.


Sarah shivered ever so slightly as she felt Andrews hands run down over her body and this tingling started to grow inside of her as she leaned in the kiss once again she then felt his hips move under her and now she could feel his erection under her she gasped some but couldn’t help but to move and press herself more to him.

She didn’t know what was going on with her she just felt this need to do so and wanted more, though when Andrew broke the kiss saying they should get out of here had wanted to whimper but nodded agreeing, she didn’t want her dad walking in on them or better said out on them.

She nibbled and licked her lower lip shyly as she got off him she looked around and took the money in her hands, she smiled at him when he gave her some clothing from him and then climbed down so he could help her down as well. He was such a gentleman she thought as he had also opened her door and closing it behind her as he then ran around the truck to get in himself as well.

She noticed how he kept his eyes on the street so she could change without him seeing her, she tried to change so that he wouldn’t see too much but somehow she wanted him to see something she was so confused about how she felt or should be feeling or not feeling. She slipped out of her skirt and fishnet pantyhose putting on the sweatpants as she then took her top off she put on his ribbed tank-top undershirt, now only wearing her white lacy panties and matching bra that belonged to her and the rest was his she even left the shoes off as well.

She looked over to him a few times smiling how kind he was being to her and gentle she could not help but pull one leg up so her knee was against her chest, she giggled some saying to him.

“Thank you, Andrew…. It’s a bit big on me but it is better than the outfit my dad gave me…!”

The whole way she nibbled on her fingertip and her knees shivered or wiggled slightly as she was extremely nervous, not sure if she should keep this up or tell him she cannot do this. She looked out the window not saying anything anymore and just looking and trying to figure out where he was driving them to.

When he parked, she smiled it was so beautiful and she had not seen the valley in such heights and could not believe how far she could see. When he then said so with that million dollar smile he had then asking where the were, she smiled turning to face him in the truck a bit as she then looked at him blushing some as she couldn’t believe she was telling him this.

“Andrew…. I am not a virgin any more…. But I only had sex once and that was not that long ago …I cannot even believe I’M telling you this, but I always could talk to you over everything…. Bu…but I umm...”

She took a deep breath before she added and looked down to her lap playing with her fingertips a bit nervously.

“I umm… Andrew I am nervous… you must know the first guy…umm didn’t really…well I am not even sure how to say this he was more out to please himself then with me or me…for that fact..”

God, she hated it when she got nervous, she talked to much and she then noticed she was just like her dad, when got nervous. She started to blush more then she wanted and so much that she could feel the heat on her cheeks he must think she is a nerd or such. She couldn’t help but think with how many girls he must have already slept with he looked so good and all, she just now thought about having not asked him if he was with someone or such before she just went and kissed him she wasn’t even sure if she should tell him she was with Cory or was she, she wasn’t sure if she was and if she still wanted to be.

“I mean… OMG I don’t know what I am babbling about I am sorry Andrew you must think of me being just like my dad...!”

She sighed some as she looked slowly up to look at him and seeing his lips and his eyes and his whole body she nibbled her lower lip as this feeling started back up deep inside of her she wanted him and she didn’t know why but she wanted him to show her what a real man felt like and not like Cory out only for his own good.

Something got into her she just could not believe it he was probably already shocked with all she had already said or tried to say but this would probably shock him even more and she didn’t know where this was coming from. She then moved over to him as she went to straddle his lap as her hands went to the back of his neck pulling him closer into a deep kiss.

Her body pressed itself slightly against his body as she tried not to think about Cory and only Andrew in that moment. She then broke the kiss but kept her lips a brush from his as she then whispered her eyes closed and she tried to catch her breath as well.

“I’m sorry Andrew if you don’t want to Id understand…. “

She just could not stop talking she was just so nervous.
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Davit and Alex were proving far less agreeable than Ginger had been. Davit was still pissed at being beaten so thoroughly at blackjack by a woman who also refused just the faintest touch under the table. It actually made Vardan a little concerned for Ginger, all three of them were accomplished flesh peddlers—but the ones who operated primarily out of the east were more comfortable with fucking bitches to death if they simply felt like it. Vardan reassured himself by inwardly promising to look out for her if she really needed it.

Alex was upset that Vardan had won so much money and suspected some level of collusion between Greg and Vardan. In the end, Vardan agreed to cover both of their losses from his winnings from Gary just to avoid it becoming a bigger issue.

After managing expectations a little, Vardan finally revealed that he’d brought Ginger back with him and if they played their cards right (so to speak) they could have their way with her. He lied and said that she’d been part of the stakes in the game he’d stayed behind to play, the exact details of their arrangement might cause them to think of her as a whore—which were disposable commodities in their business. He wanted to make it clear that she was merely on loan.

With a kind of uneasy peace attained, Davit started cutting up lines of cocaine on a mirrored tray, set out on the massive leather ottoman in the center of the huge living area. All three took turns doing lines, getting tuned up for what seemed inevitably to be a marathon fuck session.

“Over here!” Vardan called when he heard Ginger come in, “come model yourself for us. Work that hallway like a runway.”

Davit was just coming up from doing his fourth line in five minutes when he saw Ginger come around the corner—she looked even better than before. He stood up abruptly and marched over to her, pulling off his shirt as he approached.

Yes, bitch! I’m going to fuck you hard for every hand you beat me,” Davit sneered in Armenian, freeing his rock hard eleven incher, uncut like Vardan’s but not quite as thick. He moved behind Ginger and moved her hair aside to begin kissing her neck, which he did for only a few moments before biting her hard enough that it would surely leave a mark.

Davit was smearing precum over the back of her new dress as he marched her over to the mirrored tray. He pushed her head down with one hand while hiking up her dress with the other. Vardan smiled and held the rolled hundred-dollar bill up to her nose, guiding it through a dense line of coke in the same moment that Davit buried his entire shaft in one stroke.

“Take. Big. Dick. Slut!” Davit barked in broken English, but his intention was clear as he withdrew and slammed his full length inside her again as Alex cut another line out of the pile of cocaine, letting Vardan guide the bill through that line too—the impact of Davit’s thrusts forcing her to inhale sharply.

“There you go, a little pick me up,” Vardan smiled, touching the pile of powder and rubbing it inside of Ginger’s mouth, along her gums, “you look stunning, I want you to know. Much better than when you were in that tacky shit your husband likes.”

“Take. Big. Dick. Slut!”


Andrew’s eyebrows went up a bit as Sarah was a little too forthcoming with information, to the point that it almost made him feel guilty about how much he was withholding, he was trying to think of something reassuring to say when she caught herself and kept going on about how much she was going on. He smiled, letting her wear herself out. It was refreshing that she felt the need to be completely honest about everything she was feeling.

His patience was rewarded when Sarah climbed into his lap again, kissing him passionately. This time he was expecting her, rubbing the seam of his jeans, tented around his modest erection against the center seam of his sweats, which where loose enough for Sarah to ride that seam back and forth within the loose, cotton sweats.

This time it was him who whimpered when she broke the kiss, she apologized again. Andrew just smiled and raised his hand, covering her mouth with his smooth palm.

“I want it. I told you before. Stop overthinking. I’ll take care of you. Now come here.” Andrew’s hands easily slid inside of her loose, borrowed sweats, guiding her against his bulge, making her feel the texture of the denim, even through the sweats and her lacy panties.

He kissed her ferociously, recklessly, lunging forward so that her firm ass honked the horn. His tongue got aggressive in her mouth as his hands were gentle against her skin. As their hips ground against each other, his right hand slid lower between her legs, gently slipping just a fraction of an inch inside her with the middle digit. He left it up to her to grind her hips backward for more.

Their tongues mimicked their hips, pushing back and forth between their locked lips.
Ginger had walked in to show Vardan and his friends what she bought as he called over to her to walk down the hall to where they were sitting. As she got there, she had turned for Vardan to see the new dress she had bought and her new look.

Before she realized who was also sitting there she heard someone stand up and walk up to her quickly but as soon as she could have turned to look who it was she heard Davit his voice at least and then his strong hands holding her while moving her and with one movement her hair from her neck to kiss she gasped some. She looked towards Vardan for a second before she felt Davit bite her neck, she gave a cry out.

She wanted to fight again him a bit but did also fear him he was a lot stronger and bigger then she had thought he was back at the poker table when she slapped his hand away from her thigh, she now feared he was going to make her pay for that and what she said though thinking of what she said she feared it was going to be the other way around.

He marched her over to the mirror tray as she gasped and panted slightly trying not to fall with her shoes her hands griping his arms to hold onto to, it was then when they got to the tray she saw what was on it really and before she could react or say a thing he had pushed her head down close to the mirror and with another move hiked her dress up over her hips as she wasn’t wearing anything under her dress he had it easy.

Her hand reached back and griped his arm/hand not really to stop him or push him back which she had no chance in doing so he was way to strong for her but to hold herself from falling into the mirror with the cocaine, she had never done drugs and never really wanted to.

Though when Davit thrusted into her all the way she gasped crying out a mix of pain and pleasure at the same time, Vardan had held a 100 dollar bill rolled up to her nose and holding the other end over the cocaine so that when she gasped and breathed in she took it, she cried out no as she tried to pull her head up away from the mirror though Davit held her in that position she couldn’t move at all and she felt the more she struggled the more he was having his fun with her.

Seeing Alex make another few line on the mirror she whimpered some though no matter what she did she could not get away and before she knew it, she had another line. She couldn’t help a moan that she cried out as Davit thrusted again hard and deep in her, When she looked at Vardan he was smiling telling her this was a little pick me up as he then stuck his finger in her mouth rubbing something in her mouth on her gums she guessed it was more Cocaine.

She tried to bite him slightly though as it started already slowly to work on her, her grip on Davits arm or wrist loosened and she started to moan her hips started to even move a bit back against his thrusts. She closed her eyes for a second as she tried to catch herself again, but she felt like the world was good and perfect and what Davit was doing so fucking good.

“Mmm... Thank you Vardan I h…. h... hope you likeeee it…!”

Hearing Davit again telling her to take his big dick she moaned back at him.

“Fuck meeee! Give it to me big Boy!”


When Andrew rose his hand to cover her mouth, she almost had to laugh some as it told herself she was talking to much thinking to much and acting to little. He then told her the same thing she was thinking, but when she felt his hand slid inside the sweats she was wearing she nibbled her lower lip as she says his name almost like a whisper or a soft moan feeling him guide her against his bulge.

When he then leaned forward kissing her ferociously that her ass honked the horn, she gasped jumping forward pressing herself against him, but she did not let that break the kiss or distract her. There was this heat growing fast between her legs for Andrew and she was wanting him more and more.

Feeling then his hand slip more between her legs she felt her heart race even faster as her arms wrapped themselves around his neck some as her hips still moved in small waves against him grinding against him which made her also grow even wetter.

It was then she broke the kiss just for a second to give a small moan as well as a gasp as she held her hips still and then as she got used to his finger and her hunger grew she started to move her hips to grind on and against his finger. She couldn’t help it she then leaned back away from him as her arms went to the hem of his shirt she had on pulling up over her head sitting now in her bra and his sweats on his lap as she then leaned back to him to kiss him again.

She wanted to show him she wanted this too, her lips licked at his lips before she leaned back in to kiss him as she threw his shirt to the other side of the truck as her hands slip up his shirt he was wearing gripping at his chest.

She then remembered she had wanted to know if he had a girlfriend or such she didn’t want to ruin anything but he did say he wanted this so he couldn’t have a girlfriend right she thought to herself as she tried to loose her thoughts and just enjoy his touch and his body on hers plus everything to come.
“Yes, you look sensational,” Vardan smiled, looking easily down the low neckline of Ginger’s tight dress as she bent at the waist to get pounded by Davit, “you’re doing so well. Keep it up.”

As glad as Vardan was to see Ginger enjoying herself as thoroughly as she was, he was already growing concerned for her safety as she goaded Davit on. Davit was a massively muscular man and he was more than capable of killing someone with his bare hands—and as Ginger begged for more, Davit grasped her upper arms in his large hands, gripping them as easily as bicycle handle bars as he really began to lean into his thrusts.

The rhythm of his thrusts had slowed down and each thrust became an individual attempt to somehow push his way through Ginger’s cervix. Her breasts leapt within the neckline of her dress, each time the powerful Armenian slammed against her. Each time his cock reached the end of her underutilized pussy, there came a jolting follow through as the sound of his body slamming against her ass filled the room like a side of beef being beaten with a baseball bat.

“Are you alright?” Vardan asked, leaning forward to seek out Ginger’s eyes, “you’re taking it like such a good, little whore. Master is proud of you.”

It was subtle but important, referring to himself as Master. Over time he would require her to refer to him as such and by the time she was due back for her shift at the casino, it would be true. It took time and forethought to break a woman’s will—it began by breaking her mind slowly—so she scarcely noticed until she was someone else.

Davit started to pick up the pace again, slamming her just as hard, but not quite as thoroughly as he had been with the slower thrusts. She felt more comfortable around his cock now, which made him feel confident that he’d stretched her out some. Alex had picked up a digital camcorder and started recording at some point, but it was tough to say when. Davit continued tugging Ginger back to meet his thrusts by her arms again and again, until his arms began to feel tired.

Releasing her arms, Davit leaned over to grasp her big, bouncing breasts through her red dress. Just by grasping them, Davit was already squeezing them harder than Gary could with all the might in his forearms. In this new position, Davit’s cock stayed buried to the limits of Ginger’s tight, twenty-something pussy—and he angled his hips forward and backward, changing the angle of his big, hard cock inside of her.

“The coke is good for staying hard, it’s a natural aphrodisiac—but it also makes it harder for men to climax. I hope you did some stretching before you came,” Vardan smiled, chuckling slightly at his own joke as he picked up a small mound of coke onto a tiny spoon and held it up to Ginger’s other nostril for her to snort up when she tried in vain to catch her breath, “you’ll probably feel it dripping at the back of your throat soon. Do you want a drink?”

Vardan left the huge, rounded, leather couch, making his way to the elaborate and fully stocked bar. He made himself a Scotch with one ice cube and a nice strong beverage of her choice for Ginger. If she’d never done blow before, she didn’t know how much fun it was to drink on coke—as the drinks bounce off of you and the coke stops you from ever passing out.

“Have you ever heard the term ‘ahegao face?’” Vardan asked over his shoulder while fixing her drink, “I would like for you to start making that face when you’re getting fucked, practice it until it comes naturally. Eyes crossed, tongue hanging out… screaming orgasms. Work on that.”

In addition to the drinks, Vardan picked up a Hitachi Wand vibrator and brought it back with him. He turned on the powerful, supersonic vibrations with a click and a hum, bringing the violently vibrating head up against Ginger’s clit as Davit continued wagging his huge cock inside her.


As Sarah’s sexy, lean hips began grinding against his finger, he deftly moved her panties to one side and fed her more of his fingers as she pushed back, when she pushed forward, she was grinding against the seam of his sweats and the bulge in his jeans, only to have a second finger slip inside her, flexing outward against her G spot when she pumped back, only to send her forward again to grind her clit against his erection.

She was wet and warm and all Andrew could think about was more, more, more. The hand that wasn’t toying with her leaking pussy slid out of his sweats when she tossed the tank top aside. He slid his palm gently over her ribcage, coming up to caress her lace-covered breast, gently massaging and squeezing the perky flesh as her hands crept under his shirt to caress his muscular, hairless chest.

Suddenly, Andrew broke the kiss, threw both arms in the air and all but ducked out of his shirt before dragging his tongue slowly along the length of her collarbones, from one to the other while he desperately grabbed at the elastic waist of his sweatpants and pulled them down her smooth thighs, almost depositing her ass first in his lap. After tossing the sweats after the shirt, he began unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, tugging them down his hips until his hard cock sprang up like a small, pink mushroom between them.

“I want you Sarah,” Andrew sighed, his hands coming back to grip her ass cheeks, “I want you so bad that it hurts. But if you want to stop, at any time, for any reason—just say ‘stop,’ and I will. Okay?”

While waiting for Sarah’s reply, Andrew began slowly kissing his way up her long, angular throat toward her face. His hand came back to caressing her chest, index finger and thumb cradling her modest, perky breast in an L-shaped caress. He was panting, his heart was pounding—but he still left it to her to take his cock inside her. He didn’t want it if she was unsure.
Ginger knew she shouldn’t have said that to Davit as she then started to feel him deeper and harder he even moved his grip so that he was holding her upper arms for more leverage she cried out some arching her back and tilting her head back.

Hearing Vardan ask if she was ok and then looking in her eyes telling her she was taking it like a good little whore she was and that he was proud of her. She had heard him call himself Master but she did not think much of it now at least and thought it was a tease or the drugs making her hear things maybe she did not really hear or so.

Between moans and whimpers she nodded slightly as she then said to Vardan.

“y…yes for nowww……God can he fuuuuuck….!”

She looked back over her shoulder to Davit biting her lip as she tried to take him but he was pretty big though after some time she felt her body taking him easier and she started to moan more but then he leg her arms go and gripped her breasts and when he gripped them tightly it hurt a bit but something told her she can take it.

When Vardan told her that the coke helped men staying hard and makes it also harder for them to climax she whimpered when he held the spoon up to her nostril she tried to move her head away not wanting it but before she knew it she breathed it in. He then also asked her if she wanted something to drink, she nodded not sure what was better water or whiskey but she thought she needed alcohol to take this all as the thought of drugs in her system she forgot in that moment as she cried out whiskey to Vardan.

When Vardan asked her if she had ever heard of the ahegao face she cried out with a whimper saying no shaking her head. She tried to catch herself and her breath as she was panting as she begged Davit she didn’t know for what to slow down or stop or whatever she just could say please nothing else but moans and whimpers with cries came over her luscious lips.

“D…Davitttt Pl…. pleeeeaseee!”

When Vardan told her to practice this face and told her how it should look like she gasped some not sure why he wanted her to do that as she tried to do it not sure if she was doing it right but she felt weird doing it and in between she couldn’t as Davit kept up fucking her and her body was already starting shiver and wiggle on his cock.

Hearing something different in the room she gasped to look what it was as she saw Vardan come back with a Hitachi Wand vibrator she whimpered and shook her head some as if begging him not to. Davit was already driving her body crazy but that would just kill her she thought.

“no... noo….nononononon…no”

She tried to push back as if to get herself away from it but pushing herself more on Davit she cried out a moan again jumping forward some from his next thrust as she then felt it against her clit she screamed out some and jumped her body started to buck as her thighs tried to close but it was impossible with Davit in her and the wand between her legs.

Her hands desperately tried to grip Vardan’s arm as if to try and pull it away from her, she tried to make the face he so desperately wanted from her hoping that would make him go easier on her. She had wanted to be fucked good since Gary had not done that in a while, but this was so much more then she ever thought was possible and they were only getting started. It was then she saw Alex out of the corner of her eye that he had a camcorder in his hands and was taking this all in, tears rolled down her cheeks as she started to scream her moans.

“Ahhhh…..GOD! Mmmmm…Aaaaghhhhhh!”

She could not help it she had to cum her body could not fight the wand and Davit at the same time.


Sarah could feel his bulge and his finger and to her excitement and surprise as she moved her hips back and then forward again he had added another finger she moaned in the kiss gasping slightly which made her hip want to move a bit faster and more against his fingers this all felt already way different then with Cory.

She then felt his hand on her breast and the other one still between her legs she arched her back as if begging his hands to stay there or give her more, as her hands went under his shirt her finger tips gripped to him as her hips shivered some moving a bit more as if to try and get his fingers deeper in her, as he then suddenly broke the kiss she panted and nibble her lip watching him he threw his hands up in the air so she took his shirt off kissing at his bare chest once or twice after she had taken off his shirt. Feeling his tongue on her skin she leaned back some as she gave another sweet little moan out.

When Andrew then started pulling at the sweats she shifted and moved to help him take them off her now she sat on his lap in only her lace panties and matching bra when he then unzipped his pants pulling them far enough down so his erection popped out she gasped and nibbled her lip looking down at first and blushing.

He then told her he wanted her so bad that it hurts, she felt his hands then back on her ass she panted some hearing he would stop at anytime if she wanted him to made her smile it was more then Cory probably would have given her.

Feeling his kisses going up her throat towards her lips made her close her eyes and moan softly as her back arched some to give his hand more, her hand slipped down shyly and softly went to stroke his cock once or twice as she whispered to him right before his kisses reached her lips.

“Andrew just be gentle…!”

She rose her hips up and moved slightly forward as her hand held his erection so that she could lower herself slowly down on top of him. She gasped in the kiss taking a deep breath in as her hands then went back to grip his chest, she didn’t move at first and got used to him being in her before she slowly started to move her hips, she panted and moaned out his name softly and shyly between kisses.

“A.. Andrew!”

Her heart was racing, her breath was uncontrollable she thought this was so exciting and felt already better than she had ever felt. Her body shivered as it was nervous and getting hotter and even more excited more than ever.
Andrew sighed out loud as he felt Sarah’s tight, warm pussy lips wrapping around his small cock. It wasn’t much of a trip, from the tip to the root—but Sarah made the most of every fraction of a centimeter as she lowered herself into his lap.

“I’ll be gentle,” Andrew sighed as if he had a choice.

Wrapping his arms around her completely, Andrew angled his hips away from the steering wheel, cradling her in his lap while she rode him. He opened his mouth wide and gently bit down on her slender shoulder, just lightly pressing it with his teeth for a moment before pulling back and planting a soft peck of a kiss at the center.

“Ohh God! It’s good! You’re so good, Sarah!” Andrew moaned, his voice got a little higher in pitch and the car rocked some as he rotated his hips, “work that dick, girl.”

Andrew relaxed his embrace some, dragging his fingertips down her back to unclasp her lace bra, gently moving the straps down her arms. He sucked her nipple into his mouth tightly, the suction making a brief squeak noise as he kept grinding his cock inside her. The upside of having a short cock was that the ridge of the head was grinding right around where her G-spot was.

Andrew knew from experience that he wasn’t going to last long like this—he was weakest against cowgirl, so he changed strategies, wanting to make her cum as soon as possible. He reached between their bodies, his palm moving over her smooth stomach until his thumb found her clit—he started rubbing in small, persistent circles against the very tip.

“Come on baby—give it to me-e-e,” Andrew was moaning, “yeah baby, get it!”


“That’s it… lean into the pleasure… don’t fight it.” Vardan smiled, handing off the vibrator to Davit who was even more rough in how he pressed the furiously vibrating head against her clit. He discovered that he could feel the vibrations on his cock if he pushed hard enough, so that became his new goal while his other hand continued mauling her big breast.

Vardan made one more trip back to the bar, bringing a three-finger glass of whiskey back for Ginger. He took a moment, timing out the rhythm of Davit’s pounding and as he slammed in, Vardan gripped the back of Ginger’s head and tilted her back, pouring the whiskey down her throat in one shot.

“Yes, that’s a good whore. Keep on cumming. Cum until you can’t see straight, let it all out—all that pent-up energy from being improperly fucked for all this time. Let yourself be free—become who you were always meant to be.”

Vardan sipped his drink casually, he and Alex both watching intently as Ginger continued to get brutalized by their least cultured friend. She was learning quickly—doing well. Vardan resolved right then that Gary was not going to ever get his wife back, whether or not he paid.

Make her cum one more time, then let Alex have a turn,” Vardan told Davit in Armenian.

If she multiples, don’t stop me in the middle,” Davit counter offered, moving faster, wanting to get his full cock inside to force her orgasms to chain.

Vardan just nodded as Davit let her breast go to spank her ass. He then took hold of her hip and shortened his motions, staying as deep as he could get and just rocking her lower half into himself over and over. Isolating the lower half of her body while his hips continued stroking.

In between Ginger’s screams of delight, Vardan became aware of a buzzing noise. He followed the sound to Ginger’s bag where he uncovered her cell phone. He smiled at the Call ID and answered the phone on her behalf.

“Your wife’s a bit busy right now, can I take a message?” Vardan walked closer to where Ginger was losing her mind, wanting all of it in the background of the call.

“Is she alright?” Gary sounded far away.

“She genuinely may never have been better,” Vardan chuckled.

“Don’t hurt her!”

Sarah could not believe it he was smaller than Cory, but she felt so much better with him in her like this then as Cory took her. When he bites her slender shoulder some she gasped as her hands held tightly to his shoulders now after caressing their way up his bare chest.

She heard him tell her she was good which made her blush even more she wasn’t doing much really and she didn’t understand why he felt that way she didn’t understand much but he did make her feel so good so unbelievably good. She even had to giggle softly in a moan as he then told her to work that dick which also motivated her hips to move a bit faster to thrust against his movements.

She gasped slightly as she felt his fingers unsnap her bra her breathing got faster as he took it off her now being so to say fully naked before him, she licked her lips as watched him suck one of her nipples in his mouth moaning softly as she tilted her head then back feeling his tongue play with her hard little pearl in his mouth.

She didn’t know what it was but the way they were fucking she kept getting these small little electric waves going threw her whole body making her body shiver and wiggle on top of him as if begging and pleading for him to give her more of this exciting drug.

Feeling then suddenly his thumb on her clit she jumped and gasped arching her back some moaning louder now.

“A.. Andreww o..ohhh my GOD!”

One of her hands went to his wrist as she was getting this feeling she hadn’t gotten by Cory or at least before he stopped because he was done, she just couldn’t help it her hops bucked now slightly as she was so close to going over the edge she hadn’t ever felt this before and it was an amazing.

“oh my god …oooooh mmmmmmy GOD!.... Aaaandrewwww!”

She suddenly cam on top of him her orgasm sending waves after waves of this sweet luscious drug which sent her head tilting back her back to arch and her whole body shiver as if it was being shocked with electricity and she couldn’t help the blush rushing quickly to her cheeks as if she had rubbed cherry’s or strawberry on them so bright. She was panting and her heart felt as if was going to jump out of her chest as her fingertips dug into his shoulder and arm.

She did not want to move each movement he made felt so overwhelming she thought she was going to pass out, but she had to kiss him she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close to kiss.


Hearing Vardan telling her not to fight it she knew she only had a chance if she went with it and not fight it but god Davit took her like she was just some piece of meat wrapped around his cock and nothing more. When she then felt Vardan give Davit the wand and he pressed it even more against her to feel the vibrations himself she screamed out.

“O…. OHHhhh… GOD!”

It was then that Vardan pulled her head back as she panted moans and screamed, her tear welled up eyes looked up at him as he then poured the whiskey down her throat in one shot she coughed some as she tried to swallow fast enough not to choke on the whiskey.

Her mind felt so weird and fuzzy it wanted more and more also her body but her thoughts her screams wanted a break or needed a break, but she knew she was not going to get it. Hearing Vardan she knew she had to try and get control for her body’s sake and her mind, but she knew she was no match for Davit.

She couldn’t help but cum again as Davit used his cock rough and fast on her as well as the wand it was all so painful but also so lustful she wasn’t even sure anymore where the pain started and the lust began or the other way around.

She hears them speak another language and feared what they might be talking about as she tried to look at Vardan and beg him with her eyes to help her or at least tell her what is going on.

When Davit spanked her ass, she jumped and cried out in a moan she looked back at Davit biting her lip some as she tried to hold herself somehow so she would not fall or whatever.

“Ohhhhh DAVIT!!!!”

She did not notice Vardan get up as he walked over to her bag taking her phone. Though as she hears him talking and saying wife, she knew it was Gary she tried not to scream or moan, but Davit gave her no other choice but to do so. She felt as if she were going to pass out any second now but somehow, she felt as if she could not.

Her fingers gripped to hold onto Davit not necessarily to stop him but more to hold herself as she tried to shift under him some to make it easier on herself. She then looked or tried to look where Vardan was though she could see this smirk this glow in his eyes which made her tears roll down her cheeks.

“Ohhhhh…. MMmmmmm… i..I….I can’t…!!!”

She felt as if he was sucking her dry of her orgasm she did not know when she last had cummed so often let alone in one day or in one time period. Her body bouncing on Davits movements as her body started to get slightly sweaty as her cries moved to more moans as if her body was getting used to his roughness though she felt weaker and didn’t know how much more of Davit she would be able to handle and wondered how the other two where going to take her and if they also were going to be so rough on her.

What she could not believe or understand was she was starting to really like this it did feel good though it also hurt.
“Uhhhhh! Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhh!” Andrew moaned, more like a high whine as he was losing the battle to keep his cum inside his body. What he meant to say was I’m going to cum in the next five-seconds so you need to get off my cock if you don’t want to get pregnant, but all he could manage was, “Uhhhhh-uhh-ohhhhh!”

Sarah’s insides were doing Andrew no favors in the endeavor of keeping his nut in as her pussy was squeezing, churning and milking his cock like a needy boa constrictor lived just inside of her silken, weeping lips. When she kissed him, so full of passion, still riding the high of her climax, Andrew gave up on trying to hold back his cum and just let go.

Andrew’s jizz spurted out of his cock in staccato gluts without much force, but plenty of volume as he filled her up with his hot, youthful seed. He wrapped his arms around her and thrust forward with his hips, honking the horn with her bare ass again and again now as he felt her wringing the last drops of his cum out of him inside of her.

“Jesus—Christ…” Andrew sighed, leaning back in his seat at last, his small cock going soft almost instantly, “Sarah that was amazing… my God… I… just wow. You sure have grown up!”

Andrew let go of a nervous laugh through his attempts to regain his breath.

“That was amazing… but I should probably get you home before your dad comes looking. I know he’s got a gun. I’d rather not end up on the wrong end of it.”


Davit was really loving sex with Ginger. Almost nothing turned him on as much as feminine screaming during sex. The fact that she’d learned his name and was screaming it at the top of her lungs offered a personal touch that he wasn’t accustomed to and was enjoying more than he’d expected to.

The muscular foreigner chuckled at Vardan taking a phone call on her phone, knowing that it was most likely was her husband—for that he slowed down some, pushed deeper and sped the Hitachi up to its highest setting, wanting to weaponize her screams against her dipshit husband who’d lost her in a poker game.

“Cum, slut! Cum hard!” Davit demanded in broken English again, wanting to paint his own presence in the husband’s mind.

Davit sped up again when she cried out, saying she couldn’t—she was clearly ready to cum again and he wanted to wring as many in a string out of her as he could. He leaned into his thrusts, sinking a thumb into her ass while pushing up with the vibe from below, trying to squeeze his cock through her body from above and below. Eventually the pressure with the Hitachi wand was so great that it lifted her feet off the ground.

Davit struggled to keep her there—trapped between orgasms, one after another until he was using the vibrator so roughly that the head snapped and broke off completely.

”Shit, stupid piece of crap,” Davit cursed, letting Ginger come down both literally and figuratively, ”Give me the camera, you can fuck her now.

Davit pulled his long cock out of her all at once, it made a SCHLOP! Sound and came out dripping. He slapped Ginger’s ass hard before taking the camera from Alex and taking over filming duties as Alex was quick out of his pants.

Alex sat on the couch, his towering erection looming above his lap. He gestured that she should come and ride him.
Sarah gripped tight to him as she had her first real orgasm which Cory didn’t really find to be important enough other then only getting to his, she broke the kiss as she felt him cum which pushed her orgasm a bit further she couldn’t believe how good this felt.

When he cam he spurted deep inside she had not thought about it that she had fucked with a guy the second time without using a condom. When he thrusted a few more times forward making her ass honk she giggled and moaned holding to him tighter as they rode their orgasm out together, she wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her naked slightly sweaty body against his.

When their orgasm came to a end she panted lightly as she tried to catch her breath she leaned then also backwards as she then honked the horn she jumped and laughed, she then leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder nuzzling his neck slightly as she listened to him. She then said.

“Wow you said it this was my second time but the first time I was able to cum….”

She didn’t add that that it wasn’t the problem that she had wanted to our couldn’t but it was more that Cory didn’t give her the chance, she thought that he didn’t need to know really or at least not yet.

She then felt him grow soft inside of her instantly as he slipped out of her she felt their juices drip out of her after he said he wanted to get her home before her Dad comes looking it was then she then realized their mistake and when he then talked about her dad she gasped and grew pail as she slipped from his lap she sighed frustrated and scared.

“OH my GOD Andrew!!!!”

She covered her face with her hands for a second and then looked down at herself and then back at him.

“We didn’t use a condom… oh god oh god…... I mean if my dad finds out we fucked he will be mad but if he finds out we fucked without a condom then well like you said it the wrong side… oh god what if…..”

She did not dare speak it out to afraid if she says it, it will happen that she might get pregnant she wanted to cry and just looked at him as if asking him what to do. She had been so overwhelmed with her first real fuck that she had forgotten everything she was taught before.


Ginger was starting to scream out her moans her body was over whelmed from his strength and his size but it was loving this as it was all so much she had never felt this much even with all the sex she had ever had together.

Her hands gripped tightly to Davits arms holding herself as she barely could hold herself on her own two feet when he was not pushing her up in the air with his thrusts. She then suddenly felt the Hitachi wand break it hurt but as he then suddenly cursed and admittedly let her down she gasped and panted as she fell to her knees as she tried to catch herself and her breath but before she dropped Davit had slapped her ass making cry out once more, she watched Davit walk over to Alex as she wanted to growl or be angry at him but she didn’t have that energy for it. She felt so weak, but her body just kept going and going.

When she then also heard Davit tell Alex to give him the camera and that he was able to fuck her now she whimpered slightly as she looked to Vardan as if begging for a second to catch herself but as Alex already motioned her over to the couch to ride him she bite her lip as she crawled over to him her dress still bunched up around her waist as she crawled between his legs she sat up some as if asking him again what he wanted though as he then motioned her again.

She crawled up as she straddled his lap, she held onto his shoulders biting her lip she reached down between her legs wrapping her fingers around his cock as she slowly lowered herself down on his cock. She tilted her head back as she felt him slip inside of her as her other hand griped his shoulder tightly and when he was deep enough inside of her, her other hand went also to grip tightly to his shoulder.

She gave a whimper like moan as she was lowering herself down on him her eyes then went to his as if seeing what kind of guy he was going to be also so rough like Davit or what his kind of fuck was going to be like. When she had him finally all the way in her she sat there for a second as if wanting to get used to him inside of her as she glanced once over her shoulder to Vardan, still panting slightly because of Davit and now having Alex deep inside of her.

She then started to move her hips slow at first knowing if he was anything like his friend he wouldn’t let her have control very long and would force her to move quicker or maybe even Davit or Vardan would if Alex wouldn’t.

Her body was shivering for lust excitement pain drugs and alcohol she was so full of it all she probly wouldn’t be able to even find her way home if they set her out now her mind was all on sex at this moment as her body she had never felt like this before. her breasts her trapped still under her dress while the rest of her dress was bunched up around her waist she even thought about taking it off as she felt like she was burning up as if the heater was extra hot but she feared it was the drugs and sex making her feel like this.
Alex beamed as Ginger dutifully lowered herself onto his towering, erect cock. He didn’t force her down or thrust with his hips—instead he savored the slow engulfing of his big dick inside of her warm, tender, clenching pussy. Alex’s hands moved to Ginger’s back, gently caressing between her shoulder-blades as he unzipped the back of her tight dress. He slathered and kissed at Ginger’s big, pillowy tits, occasionally shaking his face and sucking when her nipples slipped free of the dress.

His hands moved downward, gathering her dress more around her waist before his strong hands gripped and squeezed her firm, round ass cheeks as she rode him. The feeling of her ass in his hands made him groan out loud with pleasure, throwing his head back against the couch as he moaned. She was like a perfect human, sculpted perfectly to please men.

Alex gave Ginger’s ass a playful slap, more to make it jiggle than to influence her behavior, he just wanted to let her work him, give her a chance to get her feet under her (so to speak) and then show him exactly what she could do when she wasn’t being assault fucked.

“Fuck me, bitch,” Alex grinned, slapping her other cheek to make it join the jiggling of the other one, his English not much better than Davit’s, “fuck good, feel good. Good bitch!”

Now he was angling his hips, matching her rhythm to try and angle his hips forward each time she came down to force as much of his cock into her as he could, as deep as she could take him before rising back up. Then as she withdrew, he angled them back to withdraw while she rose up and plunge deeper yet again.

“He’s going easy on you,” Vardan smirked, moving to the other side of the couch to get an ideal view of her getting fucked, “he wants you to show him what you got. You better make it interesting for him—Davit is already getting bored.”

Though Davit lacked the English to know what Vardan was saying about him—it was clear by looking at him and his huge, erect cock, that he was getting eager for his next turn.

“Go on. Show us how you can work all that sexy.”


Andrew just smiled and ran his palm over Sarah’s hair, gently reassuring her as she put her borrowed clothes back on and started to freak out about them not practicing safe sex. For his part, Andrew wasn’t worried. He had a long history of pressuring girls into no-condom, no-birth-control sex.

“Relax, babe,” Andrew tried to sound soothing as his hand settled on the nape of her neck, pulling her closer until their foreheads touched like they had after their first kiss, “we’ll go by the pharmacy and pick up some Plan B. You don’t have to come in if you don’t want to. After that, you can get birth control from your regular doctor, or whoever you see when you’re up here… back home.”

The last word brought a smile to Andrew’s lips. Home. This was her home. Sooner or later, she would always come back. Andrew had become something of a womanizer since high school, it was true—he would often find himself invited for sexual congress with the full range of ladies—from girls still in high school to married mothers—once even a mother and daughter together! But through it all, he still pined for his first crush—his first love, Sarah.

Now she was finally his, he had no intention of letting her go.

He drove them to the local pharmacy and kissed her sweetly before running in to purchase the pills they needed. No sooner had Andrew left, than Cory showed up on Sarah’s call ID, calling her phone.
Ginger tilted her head back and sighed in a moan as she lowered herself down onto Alex cock letting it slid in her inch for inch, when she was finally completely on top of him she had noticed his soft caress on her back between her shoulder blades as he unzipped her dress. She had not expected him to be so gentle but the way he then started to play with her breast and his big hands gripping her ass made her moan even more.

She started to thrust her hips to ride him her hands holding tightly to his shoulders as she picked up her rhythm a bit she moaned out as she arched her back some as she then heard him tell her to fuck him, something about the way he said it made her move her hips more as she tried ignore the other two sitting there watching them or more to say watching her what she was doing and how she was doing it.

She leaned back putting one hand on his knee as the other held to his shoulder as she started to roll her hips to catch his hip movement more. God this was starting to feel so good even better then before, though her mind was threw the alcohol and drugs on a sexual lustful drive she felt she couldn’t stop and her mind all fuzzy that is also didn’t want to stop but her body not sure how much more it would be able to take but it wouldn’t find out till the drugs wore off what she really had gone through.

She was fucking Alex as she then suddenly heard Vardan tell her he is going easy on her as if she hadn’t noticed that herself already but didn’t say anything but looked in his direction biting her lip some as he told her she better make it interesting for him as Davit was already getting bored. She thought for a second as she then stopped and crossed her arms around herself still sitting on Alex cocks she then wiggled some as she pulled her dress up over her head so she was now fully naked sitting on Alex.

She then raised her legs so that her feet were on the couch instead of on her knees as she then wrapped her hands slightly around his neck so she could hold onto him better as she then started to bounce on his cock riding him this way and since she was holding on to his neck her tits bounced almost right in front of his face.

They jiggled and bounced to each movement she was making as she fucked his cock she moaned out and gasped.

“Mmmm… like this?!”

She asked more Vardan than anyone but would not mind an answer from the other two. She feared Davit and that would change at least in the next time and she was so turned from all this but also from Vardan as she couldn’t wait to fuck him or get fucked by him she didn’t know why but something about this man just drove her crazy. She didn’t know it if it was the drugs alcohol or just all this sex in the air but she didn’t think about her husband any more only the three big cocks in this room waiting to fill her wet hot cunt.


Sarah was pale as the moon as she sat there afraid to admit what could happen after what they did or hadn’t done so to say but as he then took her neck pulling her close so there foreheads touched again as if they had kissed she sighed some tears welling up in her eyes slightly as he then told her they would go get something for afterwards and no one had to know about it and all she sighed in relief closing her eyes for a second.

When they got there, she kissed him back taking his hand in hers for a second as she then said to hm before he got out of the truck.

“Thank you, Andrew…!”

She watched him walk in the pharmacy and she shivered some shaking her head covering her face and said to herself.

“What the hell is wrong with you…... OMG that was the second time or first time really no the second time and both times you didn’t watch out and both did it without using a condom if you keep this up your pr…p.. yeah before you know it...!”

She then suddenly heard her cell phone ring looking at it she saw Cory’s name and wanted to cry, but she then took a deep breath as she answered it her eyes fixed to the door of the pharmacy as if to make sure Andrew wasn’t coming back to soon as she hadn’t wanted him to know about Cory or at least not yet.

“Hi Cory … what do you want...!”

She sighed some as he started to speak but she stopped him before he could say anything much and told him.

“Hope you slept good and you feel good today…. That is not much what I can say about it I would have thought more of you Cory…. You knew I wanted to wait even though you had made it hard me very hard and then at the end didn’t give me much of a choice and then not even finish the job only till you were pleased with it… “

She couldn’t help it she was getting angry at him for what he did but also at herself as Andrew was inside getting something to clean up her mess so to say and she didn’t know what to say and just hoped till he came back out Cory would hang up or she would have to.

She then saw Andrew at the door about to come back out to the truck and she blushed and tried to hurry the phone call to an end before he opens the door of the truck to hear her.
Vardan smiled as Ginger got her feet under her and began to fuck Alex in earnest, she was trying to impress him—to please him. It was a good sign for things to come. As Alex began to groan and pant from having his big cock ridden so aggressively by such a hot woman with such a tight pussy. As Davit got the camera closer to Ginger’s ass, getting a close up of her pussy sliding up and down Alex’s pole—Vardan caressed her jawline gently in his palm, lightly dipping the tip of his tongue past her parted lips.

“Yes, yes like that—good slut. Milk him dry. You’re doing very well,” Vardan smiled, praising her like a proud parent, “cum again, let him know that you love it—show me that you’re meant for this. Maybe I’ll keep you for myself after all this, maybe I won’t make you go back to that pathetic husband of yours—maybe I’ll let you be my little whore. Tell me you want that. Tell me you want me to steal you away from your husband and make you my eager, little fucktoy—I know you do, but I want to hear you say it!”

Vardan smiled maliciously, his face closer to Ginger’s as Alex began to spray his cum inside her while squeezing and licking on her tits. His cock swelled and jerked hard as it sprayed the molten contents of his balls deep inside her and Davit slapped her ass from behind, encouragement perhaps?

Whatever motivated Davit to slap Ginger’s ass, he liked how it felt and decided not to wait another second before finishing his turn. Davit, still wielding the camera, moved behind Ginger and spat on the head of his cock before forcing the head between her ass cheeks—pushing hard against her tight anal pucker.

Go easy, asshole—you’ll split her in half. Take this,” Vardan scolded his associate in Armenian, handing him a bottle of sensitivity increasing lubricant which Davit made ample use of, finally sliding into Ginger’s asshole, Vardan returned his attention to Ginger, “Tell him you love it in the ass.”

His demand was cold and precise, there was no room for discussion.

“Tell me you love it in the ass. Thank him for fucking your slutty ass with his big-bitch-breaker cock!”


“Whoa, what the fuck?” Cory abrupted into the phone, “who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend?”

“You wanted it, you even said so—I don’t know why you’re being such a bitch about it now. Whatever, I only dated you because my boy bet me I couldn’t pry those frigid thighs open. To be honest—you weren’t that good. I can fuck a way hotter chick than you by tonight. I’ll send pictures—“CLICK.

Just as Cory hung up, Andrew was opening the door. He noticed that Sarah seemed rattled. He handed her the bag which contained a bulky cardboard package labeled “Plan B” and a 24 pack box of condoms.

“Is everything alright?” Andrew gently placed his hand on the back of her neck, “you seem… upset or something? Do you feel like I’m pressuring you to do this pill? I just… I don’t know if I can support a kid right now, working in an illegal, underground casino—not that I wouldn’t… if it was with you.”
Ginger held her breath for a second or two as Vardan’s palm caressed her jawline as he then leaned in and dipped his tongue past her parted lips she leaned forward slightly as if to lean into a kiss as her tongue teased and played with his. When he then pulled away and then told her she was a good slut she couldn’t help but smile something about how he said it and to her made her just happy as if knowing as long as she is good she had nothing to fear, though was it really so.

She arched her back as she moaned and listened to Vardan her hips fucking Alex as good as she could. It all felt so good but intense from the drugs and alcohol, she wanted more and more though in normal fall she would need a break soon though something told her she would feel that tomorrow but now all she wanted was to be fucked. It was then she heard Vardan tell her if she kept the good work up, he just might keep her for himself and not force her back to her husband or better said not let her go back to him.

He told her to tell him that she wanted it and she wanted to say no she did love Gary, but she couldn’t really answer and then it was also the drugs that didn’t help that much as well. She moaned yes and her body meant it as well, but her mind wanted to say no. Her eyes locked to Vardan as her body bucked and felt Alex starting to cum, she moaned and gasped some as her body also cam with him her thighs tried to close but Alex’s body stopped them from doing so as she panted some and as Davit slapped her ass she jumped some pushing Alex deeper in her as she bucked forward pressing her breast also more in his hand.

“y…Yes Vardan ohhh….mmmm!”

It was then that Davit got up going behind her and before she could react or look she felt Davit force his cock head between her ass cheeks which made her lean more forward as she tried to get away from him forcing Alexs cock though more inside of her and then she heard Vardan tell him to go easy and gave him something she whimpered some as she looked over her shoulder to Davit.

It was then she felt Davits cock easily force itself inside her ass with so much lube she cried out some but more in pleasure then in pain as she had never been fucked doubled and then also from two with really good sized cocks she couldn’t believe how full she felt with them both inside of her. She closed her eyes for a second as she tried to catch herself as she felt Davit now start to fuck her ass which his movement also made her ride Alex more as well.

She moaned out as Vardan told her to thank Davit and tell him she liked being fucked in her ass and to tell him she was loving it as well, it was the name he had given Davits cock that made her fear Davit a bit more he wouldn’t have the name for nothing but this all was so over whelming she didn’t have much time or space to over think it.

“Ohhh… GOD! T... tThank you oh…god this...t... this feels so f... fucking incredible…!”


Sarah could not believe what he said, and tears just wanted to run down her cheeks, and she believed him she did not want to, but she did. How could she be so stupid and think he really liked her or even loved her.

It was then that Andrew got back in the truck she didn’t move or say anything she was as if in a trance as she fought the tears what were welling up in her eyes from anger and sadness as Andrew then gave her the bag with the Plan B and some condoms. She didn’t react much to it just took it as she wanted to cry but fought it back as Andrew then asked if everything is alright and his hand on the back of her neck snapped her out of her trance as she looked up to him and didn’t know what to say.

When he started to worry if he was pushing her or such, she laughed some shaking her head as anger grew now deep inside of her because of Cory. She put a hand to her forehead at first and then took a deep breath as she scooted closer to Andrew and kissed him deeply and then breaking the kiss she didn’t move back letting her lips linger on his as she asked softly.

“would you say I was Frigid or stupid ?!”

She knew he would not understand why she was asking but she just wanted to tell herself it was not her fault that Cory was such an asshole. She then looked down to her lap where the Pill Plan B was in the bag and then looked back up to Andrew as she then asked.

“do you have something to drink so I can take it…. And would you…f”

She stopped in the middle of her sentence not sure if she really wanted to ask him to fuck her show her what she had missed out on what Cory and his friends believe. Her hand went to his chest softly as she held onto him she didn’t know what it was the feelings she had always had for him or now after they had fucked or if it was the anger Cory made build deep inside of her that wanted to fuck Andrew here and now again and send Cory the Pics before he had the chance to do the same.
Vardan smiled as Ginger threw herself into yet another climax, riding out the last of Alex’s orgasm inside of her. She was falling, but not yet fallen—such a remarkable time for her descent. She was already responding favorably to being called a whore and a slut—she was cumming like crazy for men that she scarcely even shared a common language with.

Despite his sincere and heartfelt wishes to fuck the living daylights out of Ginger, Vardan resolved to make her wait—at least until she could give voice to her own desires. He wouldn’t fuck her until she begged him.

Vardan’s associates, on the other hand, had no such misgivings about treating her luscious body like an elaborate sex toy. Davit grabbed a fistful of her long, black hair in one hand, while grasping her slender shoulder in the other hand to gain leverage for his ferocious, slamming thrusts of his hips.

The combination of Ginger’s body being hammered on top of him along with her hips continuing to gyrate around his cock was making Alex hard again. His fingers came together as she thrust out her chest toward him, his thumb squeezing her erect nipples against the edges of his hands, twisting them as his hands turned and he squeezed them more. Fuck those tits were amazing!

“You’ve gotten Alex hard again,” Vardan smiled, picking up the camera from where Davit had left it on the couch, “I can tell that you’re conflicted over all this. Pretend like the camera is Gary, tell him what’s happening to you, how it makes you feel—what it makes you feel about him… tell him what it’s like to be appreciated more deeply.”

The word “deeply” hung on his lips as he filmed her face, straight on while Davit was slamming her asshole hard enough that the timber frame of the couch was starting to creak with each thrust. The sound of his muscular body slapping up against her round ass made it so she had to speak loudly—not that she seemed to be having trouble with being vocal.

Vardan gently brushed a stray lock of long black hair that had escaped Davit’s grasp behind her ear. Something about how she looked, urgent and frantic—but somehow serene. She would be a wonderful toy.

“Now apologize to him for how much you love this… in detail, tell him how much you love every single thing we’re doing to you. Then tell me what you still want…”


Andrew made a surprised kind of gasp that evolved into a moan as her tongue moved against his own. She practically attacked him and just like that, his cock was ready to go again. She asked him if she seemed frigid—he almost laughed. If anything, Sarah seemed noticeably… aggressive with her sexual appetite.

Not that Andrew minded any.

“Why don’t I show you my place,” Andrew whispered, almost breathless, pulling his hand back from her neck to start the goddamn truck already, “I think you’ll like it.”

Andrew had never been quite so glad that he had his own entrance to the basement of his parents’ house as he was when he parked his truck and jogged around to open Sarah’s door. It was slightly embarrassing that he still lived with his parents—but it was a means to and end and his folks mostly let him have his privacy.

His parents were still convinced that he was taking a full schedule of classes at the Junior College, instead of moonlighting as a pit boss for an illegal, underground casino. This arrangement allowed him to bank everything he earned from the casino—and if things continued the way they had been last night and this morning, he was only a few more busy weeks away from his dream to buy a sailboat and sail around the world.

“This way,” Andrew took her hand and led her around to the gate at the side of the house, “my place is around here.”

The entrance to Andrew’s “place” was through a storm door, almost like the one that led into Gary’s casino. As he opened that door for her as well, he led her down into the basement which had been converted into a spacious studio apartment. There were pinball machines, a few vintage arcades, a stocked bar and an oversized circular bed with a portrait mirror mounted to the ceiling. He had life-sized superhero statues and neon beer signs—a kid at heart’s paradise.

“Have you ever had a Manhattan?” Andrew asked, letting go of Sarah’s hand to duck behind the bar, he tossed some ice into a mixer and then gave a couple long pours from unmarked bottles, “it’s sweet, you’ll like it.”

Andrew smiled as he poured the pink liquid into a martini glass, dropping a Maraschino cherry into the bottom of the glass. He poured another for himself, without the cherry.

“You wanted a drink, right?”
Ginger could not help herself but to cry out and moan as the two men started to take her both now and Alex getting hard again made her feel even more. With both of them deep in her and Alex now fully hard once again she had never felt that filled before and it was feeling so good she did start to feel a bit guilty but kept telling herself it was for Gary and their life but deep down she knew she was liking it because Gary couldn’t fill her like these men are doing.

She loved Gary and would, but something just felt so right about this and she knew she had to enjoy it when and if she ever would be able to go back to Gary, she would not feel this again.

Vardan had this look on his face as he noticed she had gotten Alex hard again or was it more Davit fault as it was his thrusts that made her hips move more on top of Alex and his cock that was buried deep in her ass which made her pussy a bit tighter around Alex shaft as well. It was then that Vardan also picked up the camera holding it to Ginger to get this all in as he then told her to act as if the camera was Gary and tell him what she was feeling what they were doing to her and all.

She could not she did not want to afraid not that what she wanted to tell him would really leave her lips but that what her body wants to tell him. To tell him that she was now being fucked for the first time really since a very long time and that if he had been a real man she wouldn’t have had to hold her pussy out for him to save them both and their Casino. She moaned and screamed as her body was stuck between them both and each and every thrust made her feel as if she were going to go crazy any time now or pass out while she orgasmed but the drugs they had given her wasn’t going to let that happen.

She held tightly to Alex’s shoulders as she tried to stay in one spot as Davit hand one hand on her shoulder and the other twined up in her hair pulling her down on his thrusts and Alex his hands and fingers all over her breasts as his hips also moved to meet her hips when slammed down on top of him as her hips also tried to move to meet their thrusts.

She couldn’t help but close her eyes and tilt her head back some more and give them more of her body as much as she could she panted and started to shiver ever so slightly as her nails dug ever so slightly into Alex’s shoulders. When Vardan then brushed a stray lock of her hair from her face she looked over to him once again biting her lip as she tried not to scream her moans too much.

“I’m s... sorry Oh…GOD!!!! Oh FUcK! Me…... Mmmm…”

She could not really talk the words just did not want to come out without a moan or a gasp even her panting sounded more like moans then anything else. Ginger looked over to Vardan with this fuck me face as she bite her lip she wanted to tell him she wanted him inside of her but she just couldn’t speak, though she did have this feeling that the little bit of drugs they had given her were slowly wearing off as her body was sweating and shivering between the two men.


Sarah noticed he wanted to laugh and did not say anything to her question other then he wanted to show her his place and that she would like it. She blushed and sat back looking out the window and holding her cell phone tightly in her hand fearing it might vibrate or ring any time now and she did not want it to.

When he finally pulled up to a house she gasped slightly as she was pulled from her thoughts of what she had done, gone through and if that all with Cory was just some big lie or if anything of it was real. She smiled as Andrew got out and jogged over to her door before, she could open it herself to open it for her. She took his hand as she slipped out of the truck and looked around some thinking this place does look familiar but does not think too much about it as he shows her the way to his place.

When they got inside, she looked around and had to smirk it was a bit different then she had thought it would but different then she had feared it would be. She just couldn’t stop smiling as she then saw his bed and then the mirror she looked at it a bit longer and as he then asked her if she had ever had a Manhattan she shook her head saying no softly she just couldn’t stop starring at the mirror.

She went over to the bed sitting on the edge seeing it was pretty comfy she smiled some and then tilted her head back as her hands went behind her to hold her as she stared up at the mirror looking at herself wondering still if Cory and his friends were right was she so frigid and didn’t know what was good for her or something else. When he then gave her, her glass seeing she had a cherry and his not she says anything at first and took a sip and laughed some asking softly.

“are you sure I can take that plan b with alcohol Andrew?!”

She wanted him but now she was shy once again though she was pissed at Cory she worried what he had said to her was true and for the last months were she was together with him were just a huge lie and she was just some nerdy girl that wasn’t normal and all. She looked up at Andrew and then back up at the mirror and just could not help it and had to ask.

“why the Mirror Andrew?!”
As far as Vardan was concerned, Ginger had never looked more beautiful than she did through the viewfinder of the digital camera, sandwiched between sweating, powerful men as they pounded her holes mercilessly. The veins and sinews in her neck were standing out, her eyebrows tilted back from the center of her face and her plump, ruby lips were parted in uncontrolled, carnal glee. Yet even as far-gone as he was, he could tell that she was still holding back—holding on to her marriage vows and it was holding her back from her true potential.

“You’re holding back,” Vardan stated, his voice cold and impassive, “forget whatever else is constraining you—forget where you are, forget where you came from, forget how you came to be here. Just feel this moment. Feel what your body is feeling and let yourself enjoy it. Stop judging yourself for enjoying this—none of this is your fault.”

Vardan reached over to a nearby table where he retrieved a tripod which he set up to maintain the shot of Ginger getting DP’d. He could tell by how much she was sweating that the coke was beginning to wear off, so he brought the mirror around to the other end of the couch. He scooped a healthy pile onto a small, gold spoon and held it up to Ginger’s face, plugging shut her other nostril.

“Go on, a little pick-me-up. Get your head straight,” Vardan advised, letting her sniff the pile of coke up her nose before he repeated the process for her other nostril, “you’re not who you’ve been pretending to be—”

Vardan’s ad hoc motivational speech was interrupted by Davit slapping Ginger’s ass which was already red from slapping. While Alex continued squeezing, pinching and caressing her large, mushy tits with renewed urgency, Davit leaned in and wrapped his muscular forearm around her slender throat and began squeezing down on the choke hold as his cock swelled inside her. He wasn’t really thrusting anymore, just holding himself deep and hunching himself forward over and over.

“You’re not some degenerate gambler’s suffering wife. You’re not some second-string trophy wife to some asshole who got luckier than he deserves when his first wife died—you’re a whore! A top-notch, solid-gold, once-in-a-lifetime treasure of a whore—but unmistakably a whore. That’s why you always feel out of place, dealing cards, PTA meetings, Homeowners’ Association—bullshit! You’re not meant for that life and that life isn’t meant for you. You will always fail at imitating that kind of woman, because that’s not who you are.”

Davit was back to thrusting now, though his arm wasn’t letting off of her windpipe at all. His cock was spurting molten hot semen into her body, his cum hotter than normal due to his herculean drug usage that had kept him up for two days straight. His balls jerked and tugged between his legs as he poured more and more scalding cum into Ginger’s inexperienced asshole.

“Let’s start simple. What are you?” Vardan asked, waiting until Davit finally finished cumming and released her throat.


Andrew smiled and sat down next to Sarah on his bed, glancing up at the mirror above his bed.

“Well, to your first question, there’s no reason you can’t drink with Plan B. I asked the pharmacist when I bought it,” Andrew lied about the last part, truthfully this wasn’t his first misadventure with the morning after pill, “as for the mirror, well—truth is that it’s more fun, during sex, you know? If you can watch yourself from above…”

Andrew looked up at his reflection after a long pull of his drink, waiting for Sarah to look up too. His reflection looked into her eyes and smiled.

“We can try it out, if you want,” Andrew lowered his gaze to look at her more directly, gently caressing her thigh with his hand that wasn’t cradling a drink.

It was just then that Sarah’s phone vibrated. Cory had sent a picture of himself with a freshman girl, at least a year younger than Sarah. The text that accompanied the picture read “Fresh Meat.”

“Is everything alright?” Andrew asked, genuinely concerned with her reaction to what her phone said.

His hand crept a little higher on her thigh. Even dressed in his sweats and t-shirt, or swimming in them, it could be more accurately said, she still looked so beautiful it made Andrew weak in the knees. The way her hair framed her proportional face, the melodic quality to her voice… ever since he’d been a kid, Andrew thought that Sarah was the most beautiful girl in the world.

“If I’m being too forward, let me know… I just. I really like you Sarah. I want to make you happy.”
Ginger felt as if she was going to go crazy but she was loving it and hatting herself for doing so and trying not to love it as much as she did and not to let it show since she was married to Gary and not just some whore Vardan picked up off street. When he told her, she was holding back she whimpered some not sure how to show them all three she could not give them much more as they were not letting her really give then just taking.

It was then he said it wasn’t her fault and she couldn’t be held guilty for something she was forced so to say to do to keep the man she believed she loved safe and their home and Casino, she thought about his words over and over like a echo in her mind as she then saw the golden spoon and the white powder on it she didn’t want it but as he held it to her nose and held the other side shut and from her panting she didn’t have much of a choice here and then he did it for the other side the same way.

She wanted to answer Vardan tell him she is not pretending as Davit then slapped her ass she jumped and cried out some with another moan from what Alex was doing and both of their thrusting. It was then she got a bit scared as she felt Davit’s arm wrap around her neck as if to choke her which he slightly did her hands went directly to his arm as if to hold onto him or beg him not to choke her.

It was then that Vardan started to tell her why she was pretending she tried to listen to him though she was starting to get light headed her moans were getting muffled slightly from her panting and trying to breath but something about this made her whole body tingle and she felt everything so much more she just wasn’t sure if it was the drugs he gave her new again or if it was the fact that this nervous fear of Davit choking her till she passes out made it just so much more exciting and feelable.

Vardan told her everything she was pretending to be, and which would never work out for her and that she was made to be a whore a one in a lifetime Treasure of a whore but a Whore. Something about the way he said it made her think this all over and why shouldn’t she just enjoy it Gary wasn’t here and he did say she should do everything what needed to be done to help them and keep Vardan from his back. She decided to let go and just enjoy it go with the flow so to say and see if what Vardan said was right.

It was then that he asked her what she is and as Davit was done Cumming deep in her which felt like never before she gasped and coughed some as he let her go. She moaned some as she leaned back against Davit chest as her hips still moved on Alex moaning and panting for air as she then said almost like a whisper at first but her voice had to come back to her first.

“a…. a Who...Whore?!”


Sarah sat there on his bed holding the drink looking up at him as he sat down next to her on the bed, she smiled slightly as she saw him look up at the mirror and then hearing him say she could take the pill with alcohol she listened to him about the mirror as she took the plan B and swallowed it and a huge sip of that what he made for her she coughed slightly and laughed some looking at the glass thinking this did taste pretty good.

When he looked up, she looked at him looking up and then looked up in the mirror to as he smiled at her she blushed some and smiled back, when he said they could try it out. When she saw him not look in the mirror but directly at her she smiled some and then slowly also lowered her eyes to look in his, she pressed her lips against each other ever so slightly as she felt his hand on her thigh she wanted to lean forward to kiss him as she then felt her phone vibrate.

She held her breath for a second as she then looked and saw the picture Cory sent her she wanted to cry she wanted to scream or worse it was Andrews hand that pulled her back out of the thoughts of killing Cory as he then told her if he was being to forward to tell him and that he liked her and all she set the glass aside as she then gripped his shirt as she leaned forward to kiss him deeply.

After a few mins of kissing she breaks the kiss but stay leaned against him as she pants softly, she lets her phone fall to the ground without closing what Cory sent as she then whispers.

“A... Andrew you really like me…. And you’re not playing with me ?!”

She asked with a bit of fear in her voice and trembling slightly as she stayed pressed against him slightly as she pulls him more towards her and starting to lay back on the bed and pull him on top of her.
“You’re goddamn right, you’re a whore—bent over strangers with your slutty dress bunched up around your waist—with cum dripping out of every hole on your slutty body—a whore is exactly what you are,” Vardan smiled at her, gently combing his fingertips through her hair, along her scalp—treating her tenderly, in contrast to his words as Davit pulled his cock out of her ass, letting his nut dribble down from her gaped hole, “you know the story of the ugly duckling? See, you’re like that duck—confused and struggling, because you’ve been thrown in with other ducks, but no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be like them. You’re a shitty excuse for a duck—or in your case, a shitty wife.

“You can’t be a wife any more than that poor, confused swan can be a duck. It’s not in your nature. You can’t make a whore into a housewife. But you could be a spectacular whore—you could be my whore! You could blow Saudi princes on private yachts in Dubai, you could get double penetrated at thirty thousand feet in a private jet, you could spend every waking hour orgasming over and over and getting paid for it,” Vardan was helping Ginger to stand on uncertain legs, she looked like a newborn fawn, struggling to walk for the first time, “you just have to stop pretending to be an ugly duck when you’re really a beautiful swan.”

Vardan helped Ginger to move toward the bathroom, letting her hips and legs readjust to being closed again after being spread so wide for so long. Cum was dribbling down her thighs as Vardan almost carried her over to the bathroom, taking most of her weight with his arm draped around her back.

“We’ll get you showered off and let you rest a little bit. Think about what I’ve said, whether you want to be a terrible wife or a spectacular whore.” Vardan brushed a clump of sweaty hair out of her face while turning on the waterfall shower, the water instantly hot, “come, I’ll wash you.”

Vardan allowed Ginger to support her own weight again once her hand was on the brass handle that emerged from the white marble sides of the shower. He hesitated only long enough to strip himself of his clothes and wrap his arms around Ginger’s trembling body from behind. He kept her there, neatly in his embrace and walked her into the stream of gently falling hot water. His hands caressed her hips as he led her further inside.

As the water cascaded down both of their bodies, Vardan gathered Ginger’s tangled, dark hair to one side of her neck, as gently as could be. As he ran her hair under the water on one side of her neck, he started kissing the other side of her neck.

“You want to be mine, don’t you? Deep down, you know that you want nothing more than to live out your days as my whore. You just need to be brave enough to admit it…”

Vardan began working a dense lather from the designer soap from the dish embedded in the marble wall of the shower. He rubbed the sudsy lather slowly up her stomach, under her breasts, coming up to caress them with soapy, sliding hands.

“Are you that brave? Do you want to give yourself to me?”


“I mean it, Sarah. I wouldn’t mess with you like that,” Andrew smiled, willingly crawling on top of Sarah, taking her drink from her and setting it aside on his bedside table, “I’ve had a crush on you since we were both kids.”

Andrew leaned down to kiss her again, this time with more passion and urgency than before. His hand moved under the loaned t-shirt that fit her loosely, his hand easily wrapping around and caressing her petite, firm breast under the shirt.

He was out of his own pants in a matter of seconds, pulling them down with his other hand while his tongue caressed hers gently between their mouths. It seemed clear that they were about to go at it again and Andrew found himself again thinking about how “available” Sarah was making herself. Was this really the same shy girl he remembered? She’d changed since leaving for the city, and for the better as far as Andrew was concerned.

When his pants and boxers were both bunched around his knees, Andrew took Sarah’s hand in his own, guiding her fingers to his cock and balls before reaching down the front of her sweats to gently begin stroking the tip of her clit as he started positioning himself between her legs.

“That pill takes six to eight hours to kick in, so we can do it as much as we want until then,” Andrew smiled, again grinding the tip of his middle finger against her clit, “I’m going to fill you up.”
Ginger believe what she was hearing it felt like caressing in her mind but she wasn’t sure really was he wanting her to be his to keep her for himself and share with those who would pay enough, instead of letting her go back to Gary. She couldn’t help but almost agree with him she wasn’t getting a hang on with the whole wife and mother act though she had loved Gary at some point and till a certain point even today but this was feeling so much better then she had ever felt though some pain but so much more sweet pain and pleasure.

Vardan helped her to her feet and as she felt Alex cock slip from her she whimpered softly and she tried to get her legs back to their normal position as she held on to Vardan she walked at his side as she panted still and was trying to catch herself and her breath while she listened to him. The next thing she knew was that they were standing in a beautiful bathroom and a nice big shower.

He had told her that he was going to get her showered and then she can rest some she liked that thought and he then also told her to think about what he said if she wanted to be a terrible wife or a spectacular whore. He took his arm from around her as she could hold herself now and holding the brass handle it was not that hard anymore to stand she glanced over her shoulder seeing him get undress she blushed he really did mean he was going to wash her she couldn’t help but think maybe more.

She slipped out of her dress as well now also being fully naked she suddenly felt his body his warmth from behind and his arms wrap themselves around her once more trembling body she leaned back slightly against him as she walked with him in the shower as her body felt the hot water she breathed quicker it felt so good she even tilted her head back some against him letting the water run over her face slightly as she gave a soft moan like sigh from her lips. She never thought that hot water could feel so good.

His hands caressed her hips and they slowly but automatically started to move in his hands as if showing him she liked that. He then gently pulled her hair all to one side so she tilted her head slightly also to that side as she then felt him kissing her neck on the other side she gasped softly as her hands griped to his arms not to stop him but to hold herself as her neck had always been a weak spot of hers and it made her knees weak and as they already were weak she didn’t want to slip in the shower.

She heard him and moaned softly to his softness other then his two friends he was being so gentle to her and it felt so good he asked her if she was brave enough to admit she wanted to be his whore and not Gary’s wife anymore. Was she, she did want to be his he had something on him that drove her crazy she wasn’t ever allowed to admit it to herself as she was married with Gary and Vardan was his biggest enemy sometimes.

She tilted her head back against his shoulder as her hands went back behind her to hold onto his waist some as she felt his soapy hands start at her belly and make their way up as he then asked once more if she was brave enough and If she wanted to give herself to him, did she? She could not help but think yes, she did but could she just say it allow it. She closed her eyes and whispers.

“what if I say no… what happens and what is if I say Yes… will you leave Gary alone?!”

She said yes a bit louder then the no though she had to know before she says yes to Vardan, though she would be his whore didn’t mean she still felt something for Gary and didn’t want him to suffer more then he would if he finds out she belonged to Vardan now.


Sarah held onto him slightly as he crawled over on top of her as she had started to pull him taking him her drink from her setting it aside as he told her that he wasn’t going to mess with her that way and that he had a crush on her since they had been both kids, she blushed not knowing that but had also always liked him. When he leaned in to kiss her she kissed him back as her body trembled slightly in excitement and still anger from Cory, feeling his hand slip up the shirt she had become from him she gasped slightly her arms slightly went around his neck to hold him close as she kept kissing him back.

She felt that he was squirming around and moving so she already thought he might be getting undressed as she then suddenly felt his one hand take her hand before she could wiggle out of her clothing and took it down his body to his cock and balls she blushed some as she fingers then slowly started to caress and stroke him she gasped and arched her back slightly as she felt his hand slip in the sweats she was wearing from him and start to stroking her clit, which made her whimper moan in the kiss. She spread her legs slightly a bit more making room for him as she then hears him say that the pill kicks in first in 6-8 hours so they can do it as often as they like in that time.

She then felt his finger stroke her clit even more making her blush even more and moan and as he then said he was going to fill her up she nodded softly, as she wanted to tell him to show her how a real woman can feel as cory couldn’t do that but all that came out over her lips like a whisper was.
“please Andrew!”
As thrilled as Andrew was by Sarah’s constant eager compliance, he was realizing something about himself that was slightly less thrilling. He was losing respect for Sarah rapidly. He’d heard that she had a boyfriend, so it didn’t feel so bad for him to cheat on his girl, it would be messy—but Andrew had planned to leave Constance for Sarah, but if Sarah was really as… available as she seemed, maybe it was better to try and mend fences with Constance since Sarah seemed to be the free-wheeling sort.

Still, those thoughts were for later—in the moment, Andrew had everything he could ever want. The girl of his dreams was in his bed and she was begging him, ‘please.’

He broke the kiss, lifting himself up from the bed and tugged the baggy sweats down her hips and off, leaving her naked below the waist. He straddled her hips, his balls pressed against her pussy lips while his hard cock laid against her clit, almost reaching her naval. He then lifted his shirt off of her, leaving her naked below him. As he tossed the shirt away, Andrew leaned back into the kiss, moaning at the feeling of his cock being sandwiched between them, bending it at the base—it felt good.

Andrew began to grind the underside of his cock against her clit, at first the motion felt so intense it was almost painful, but as her pussy got wetter, he was able to slide more easily over the surface of her clit. When he couldn’t hold back anymore, Andrew raised his hips up and buried his cock inside of Sarah’s welcoming pussy.

“Ohhh god,” Andrew moaned, “it’s so good!”

Andrew caressed her breasts again, going from one to the other as his hips began to move swiftly up and down. He kissed her again, his tongue being more insistent than he had been before. Andrew reluctantly let go of Sarah’s smooth body to bury his hands in the sheets, making fists as he started to pump harder and harder with his try-hard cock.


Vardan sighed through his nose as Ginger continued to express loyalty toward her husband. Yet, some part of him was relieved to know she wasn’t broken. He admired that loyalty, and very much wanted to make it his. He could force her to do a great many things—but loyalty had to be freely given.

“Why do you still care so much about that idiot? He’s a born loser. The guy could hate a nickel for not being a dime. He’s had everything—from his first wife, on to you, just land in his lap and all he does is fuck it up every time,” Vardan whispered softly into Ginger’s ear, his hands continuing to spread luxurious, fragrant soap over her naked body, while his right hand continued to work between her thighs, alternating between vigorously stroking her clit and sliding inside of her.

The fingers of the hand on her chest spread wide and squeezed her breast slowly and firmly, letting the soap make his fingers slide across the soft flesh until he rotated his hand and pinched her erect nipple with his fingertip and thumb, squeezing tighter and tighter as he shoved his fingers inside of her again.

“You shouldn’t try to bargain with me. It’s not your skillset. It’s why you need me. Gary owes what he owes—but if you became an earner, a real, reliable money maker as you should be. I could use your initial earnings to pay down Gary’s debt—preventing him from fucking it all up. At least long enough for him to get even.

“He doesn’t deserve the loyalty you show him, but I can’t fault you for being loyal. Think about it more. I know you’ll do the right thing eventually. And I wasn’t kidding about the money I mentioned in the car. I’m forgiving five k from Gary’s debt in appreciation of your… performance today. That’s done already, no need to negotiate. The clothes, the makeup—my gift to you,” his fingers were lightly twisting around her nipple as they squeezed, his fingers between her legs still churning through the dense lather.

“For now, just cum for me and enjoy yourself. Pretend that this is all for his sake, I won’t contradict you.”
Sarah loved the way he made her feel and what he did to her what that felt like he made it so much better then Cory had done and she knew she wanted more and would want more in the future though she had before wanted to wait for a special day like her wedding night and such but now she wanted to feel and learn so much more.

She laid there under him now naked and his body was teasing her body very much so and though she thought this was weird at first it felt so much better then it had looked like or at least she thought so, feeling him then enter her she gasped and moaned out her body even arched itself slightly he wasn’t that big Cory had been maybe longer but not as thick maybe she wasn’t sure but she did feel how her body still needed to adjust to him. She gasped her hands gripping his upper arms as she nibbled her lip some looking up at him.

When he started pumping, she moaned out and opened her mouth tilting her head back some as her whole body was enjoying this though her mind was racing around Cory and how much she might be hurting Andrew with this. When he started to pump faster, she gasped moaning out breaking the kiss she had leaned into to deepen it. She tilted her head and her back arched she wanted to wrap her legs around him but could not.

Her breasts rose and fell quickly to match her breathing as she looked up to him and her hands still holding tightly to his arms as this felt so much different then what cory had done and they had done in his truck. she moaned and whimpered to him that she was getting so close, she was growing wetter and hotter quickly quicker than she had thought and wanted to actually.

She knew when they are done and laying in each other arms she would have to tell Andrew about Cory and what had happened and all and she was sorry for using him, she never meant that and that she enjoyed it all and hopes for more but if he was mad at her or such and never wants to see her again for using him she would understand that, she felt so bad for that so bad probably no one would ever really know. Andrew was such a good guy and sweet guy that did not deserve to be used.


Ginger stood in the shower facing the wall she could feel Vardan right behind her his naked body against hers the hot water running over their body like little pearls which felt so good but as she then hears his voice in her ears and his hands wrapped around her body holding her but also teasing her body she couldn’t help but to nibble on her lip. She also could not help but moan leaning back against him while he asked her why she still held to Gary and why she was so interested in what happens to him.

She couldn’t help but wonder herself she had loved him at one point and today even still at least a bit and it wasn’t all just a lie or a game to her but she knew she didn’t belong to Gary’s side she would never become that what she deserves from him as his heart will always be with his wife that died and she would have no place in it really he might love her and like having someone in his bed not to be alone but did he truly love her? She was not sure about that so what is keeping her form begging Vardan to take her to keep her and show her how pleasing her life could be at his side.

When he then told her that no matter what she decides that what he promised before he will keep and all and what he could do for Gary if she was worth the money she blushed as she then also heard the makeup and dresses and all was a gift for her. Feeling his fingers between her legs she gasped and moaned as her knees gave in slightly but caught themselves again after a few seconds she could not help but moan again and think about what he said at the end.

To cum and enjoy herself and to pretend for his sake if she had to and this one word made her tingle some pretend, and it also made her think about its meaning. Was she pretending or was she only trying to tell herself that as much as she would try to tell Gary if she would ever see him again or was she only pretending to pretend did she enjoy what he was doing to her right now more then she had ever enjoyed anything Gary had done to her.

She suddenly felt so wet and hot and his fingers brought her quickly to her orgasm she couldn’t believe how fast though her mind was racing over how much she truly was enjoying this or how much she was trying to at least pretend it that her body just let itself fall in his arms and let his fingers show her the true path.

When she cam over his fingers she moaned and bite her lip as she then held tightly to him till her body stopped trembling and shivering from this orgasm as it was so different then the ones David and Alex had forced form her body earlier. She turned around looking up at Vardan as she cupped his one cheek as she then tippy toed slightly as she kissed him pressing her breasts to his chest as she then broke the kiss her lips still on his she whispered.

“Vardan show me how much I can enjoy myself so I might not have to pretend!”

She was not sure what this might make him do or if it might just upset him in some way, but she couldn’t help herself the words just came out over her lips before she could think them over. Her breathing a panting as her body still shivered ever so slightly though it relaxed under his fingers and the hot water of the shower.
Andrew settled into a rhythm, pushing himself forward with his thighs as he sank his cock into Sarah’s exquisitely wet and miraculously tight pussy. The bed was making a high-pitched squeaking noise as his body pushed hers against the mattress and box spring over and over again. While Sarah was having regrets about withholding from Andrew, Andrew was thinking what a welcome change it was to be with a girl who wanted him—and wanted him often, without having to talk the parameters of their relationship to death before and after.

If he’d been put on the spot, the way Constance was so fond of doing, the truth was that Andrew wasn’t sure what he was doing with Sarah. He was cheating on Constance, sure, there was no denying that. She’d fucked him in this very same bed just the evening before—they were together, for now—but Andrew wasn’t sure if he wanted a real future with Sarah. As he understood it, she was moving back to the city for school and as far as he knew, she had a committed boyfriend of her own. Was it really worth breaking up with Constance for a hookup? He simply hadn’t made up his mind…

But none of that complicated, emotional bullshit mattered when Sarah said she was close, and it made Andrew smile. He liked how sensitive she was and sought to reward her by bouncing her body against the mattress faster with his hips. The faux-bamboo headboard started tapping against the wall in tempo with Andrew’s intensifying thrusts.

“Look up,” Andrew smiled, grabbing Sarah’s attention with his eyes and turning slightly to indicate the mirror on the ceiling, “look how beautiful you are right now.”

By way of facilitating, Andrew turned his head, dragging his teeth down the side of her neck and tracing the outline of her collarbone with kisses, working his way down to slowly lick a circle around her perky, pink nipple before sucking it into his mouth—his hips never missing a beat.

Andrew continued sucking and fucking Sarah’s arching body as he rode her through her climax, the first person to every deliberately attempt to extend her climax for her, which he did an admirable job of, until she convulsed to strongly that his cock was pushed out. He kissed her neck again.

“Ride me, baby. It’s my turn to watch, and you can set the pace.” Andrew smiled, seeking her eyes with his own.


Vardan could feel Ginger beginning to yield to him, as clearly as if it were a tactile sensation of her giving in below his caresses. As she squirmed and moaned, pressing back against him more, Vardan bit down on her neck hard enough that it was certain to leave behind a hickey. He rubbed her clit at a furious pace, sending broad splashes of water scattering against the wall each time his arm angle changed. He squeezed her breast tighter, still focusing on her stiff nipple—which he squeezed tighter as well.

When Ginger cried out, Vardan removed his hand from between her legs, turning a different dial which caused gentle but plentiful streams of water to burst forth from narrow, metal fixtures in the wall. For a moment, the water was coming from multiple directions—it was slightly disorienting, but undeniably pleasant. Another shift of the original polished handle and the overhead water ceased, while a personal, massaging showerhead spurted to life. Vardan twisted the head of the showerhead before pulling it down from its cradle.

The showerhead was set to a high-pressure staccato burst of water over a small group of holes. The water sounded almost percussive as Vardan slid the showerhead between her legs, directing the jackhammering stream of water directly onto Ginger’s clit.

In that same moment, he angled his hips back and slid his massive cock in as deep as he could without pounding her, filling her up in a moment, his cock making a “schlop!” noise, squeezing into Ginger’s tight, wet pussy-pocket. He didn’t fight against her limitations when he bottomed out—instead he rotated his hips around in slow, gentle circles, changing the orientation of his massive cock inside her—stretching her open in every direction other than deeper.

“I can deny you nothing,” Vardan sighed, his hand on her breast supporting her weight as he chased her squirming, little bud with the pistoning jet of water between her legs, “doesn’t it feel good to give in?”
Sarah moaned and lost all feeling around her she felt him and tried to keep Corey out of her mind she wanted to enjoy this forget about the bastard that took her virginity and left her laying there like a old bag of chips or such. She wanted to prove to herself that he and the others weren’t right about her and she could enjoy something, she knew she was keeping herself from as she had this old rule of wanting to save herself but he had taken that from her and now knowing he did it to win a bet or such and probably never really felt anything made it even worse than before.

Sarah felt so much pleasure Andrew showed her so much that she was really liking it and knew she had been stupid to wait so long and she would not stop now either. She moaned and griped to Andrew her body was showing her what it had wanted for so long each night which she played with herself but was never granted. She was so lost in her thoughts and the pleasure he was giving her that she gasped slightly as he then told her to look up look how beautiful she was. She blushed and did she watched his body on top of her how his muscles twitched and moved each time he thrusted in her which made her moan even a slight bit more and then when he also went to her neck she dug her nails slightly in his back. When he then reached her nipples, she could not help but moan out his name.

“Oh god Andrewwww….”

She couldn’t help it she couldn’t hold it back any longer as he kept his pace she cam and her body trembled and shivered uncontrollably under him her back arched her head tilted back her eyes closed and she bite her lip. God that felt so good and when he then was pushed out, she even gave a soft whimper not wanting it to stop not now when she was finally getting Corey out of her head.

When he then said ride me baby she smirked and nodded her cheeks glowed with a crimson red not only from her climax but also of how good she was feeling and this all being so new to her. She scooted out from under him so he could lay on his back and as he did, she nibbled her lip as she locked her eyes to his the whole time. She then straddled him and holding his cock under her she slowly let herself lower down on his cock feeling his head slide in her dripping wet hot pussy slowly and then his shaft she swore she could feel each and every vein bump or curve of his cock. She breathed in almost gasping but slowly and long till she was fully on him. She then put her hands on his chest as she leaned back slightly first to look up at the mirror as if wanting to see what he sees before starting.

She then thought about what she saw and liked it so she leaned back putting her hands on his thighs she slowly started to move her hips in a wave like motion first as she then looked threw the mirror in his eyes she couldn’t believe how much this mirror thing was turning her on and how much playful ideas could come from it. She nibbled her lip muffling some soft moans as her eyes kept looking at his but threw the mirror wondering if this was doing just as much for him as it was for her in that moment.


Ginger held onto Vardan and she couldn’t help but moan softly as she leaned back against him pressing and grinding slightly as his fingers worked her body and she thought she was going to go crazy he was roughly playing and teasing with her but still somehow softly it was just so much different to what Alex and David did and anything Gary had ever done. She was really liking it and as she felt his grip tighten his bite on her neck, she screamed out a moan not only from sweet pain but also of lust and desire for more.

When Vardan pulled his hand from between her legs she whimpered some and when she then saw what he was doing she squirmed a bit more in his arms in excitement and lust while her thighs already started to slowly shiver she was sure this was only the beginning and when he then held the water to her clit she cried out.

“OH FUCK! V... vVardan….!”

Then it came the time she had longed for, for so long but never really wanted to admit to herself or anyone for that fact, she felt his cock slid deep inside of her pussy he felt so different then any guy she had ever had deep inside of her and she moaned out and griped him as one arm went up over her head behind her to grip the back of his head as she turned her head to maybe get a kiss as she hears him telling her he couldn’t deny her anything.

Her breathing was a panting her beat beaten like hell her whole body screamed yes fuck me and her mind was now already trying to make some reason for her to believe that she had no other choice then to stay by his side to be his whore and not go back to Gary for his sake and to keep him safe and all she never wanted to go back to Gary and this was the point that made her realize that Vardan was right and then when he asked if it didn’t feel good to give in she nodded and moaned out.

“Yes Vardan… oh god yessss… fuck me please fuck me…!”

Her body felt as if it was on fire or electric everything each drop of water his touch anything she thought she felt it 100 times more then she had ever felt before she wasn’t sure if it was the drugs the alcohol or what it was but this would be her new drug and she knew she had to admit it to him that she wanted to stay but she knew she had to put up some rules but that she would think about later right now she only wanted to enjoy being fucked.
Andrew groaned out loud, locking eyes with Sarah through the ceiling mirror, watching with intense approval as she undulated her body and hips in a serpentine motion that made his cock change directions, angles and orientations as she rode him like a pro. She looked like some kind of exotic dancer the way she worked her hips against his erection. She wasn’t the young, childhood friend with scabbed knees that he remembered—Sarah was a woman.

“Ohh fuck—fuck me!” Andrew groaned, one hand wrapped affectionately around her thigh as she continued to work his cock.

The hand that wasn’t caressing her leg reached up, his fingertips and palm spreading out slowly on her chest and dragging slowly down across her stomach until his thumb reached her clit which her started rubbing eagerly in rhythm with her gyrating hips. He coaxed back the hood gently and caressed her in small circles until his thumb encountered the raw nerve of her clit and rubbed it fast.

“I—I’m getting close! It’s so good!” Andrew groaned, pushing his ass back against the bed so that he could push up against Sarah’s downward motion, “cum with me baby. Cum on my dick!”

Finally, Andrew’s eye contact with Sarah’s reflection was broken when his eyes squeezed shut and his cock started spraying hot cum into Sarah’s receptive pussy. They really were making the most out of those Plan B pills, Andrew thought.

“Uhhhnn, so good…” Andrew sat up suddenly and leaned his forehead against Sarah’s chest.


“Yes—yes, take it, whore!” Vardan sighed, splashing against the oncoming water as he increased his tempo at her moaned pleas to fuck her more—he did, he fucked her in a way that he knew would silence her to intelligible speech as one hand squeezed her soapy tits and the other kept the churning stream of water beating against her clit.

Vardan leaned into his strokes, letting her hold up bot of their wights while he focused on teasing her very deepest parts while teasing her most sensitive external parts at the same time. He was exerting himself for the first time, really hammering her now, but not quite violently, more desperately—like he just wanted to feel more of feeling inside her.

“You should learn to cum on command, are you close?” Vardan asked, his voice breathy even as his tone was dispassionate, “I want you to cum for me.”

Faster still, Vardan was drawing back further now before sinking his shaft deep into Ginger’s tight pussy. When he felt her tense up and begin to climax, he dropped the showerhead and grasped one of her long, muscular legs—lifting it up from the floor and turning her to face him while his cock was still inside, nearly forcing her to do an upright split.

“You’re flexible. I like that. Continue to work on being flexible,” Vardan praised her, leaning back into his continued thrusts, against Ginger’s wide-spread legs, “you love it, don’t you? Getting fucked like a whore. Be honest, you’ve been hoping for someone like me to come along and fuck you like you really deserve. Haven’t you?”
Sarah had seen a few pornos with Cory and all as if he thought she might learn something from it and to her surprise she did and she couldn’t believe it back then when the girl shifted like this that her moans were intensive or even louder maybe but now she understood it very good as her moans changed as well and she felt him so much deeper she could even swear even that he felt bigger or harder.

Then his hands on her body felt so good she didn’t want this to end but she could feel herself getting to the edge pretty quick and she wasn’t that good yet to be able to hold back if at all maybe a few seconds or so, then his hand on her chest slowly traveled over her body till his thumb found her clit making her tilt her head back moan out his name.

“Ohhh... Andrewwww!”

It was then that her hips picked up as if they were eager not to only be able to cum for him but to get him to cum with her. She heart raced like hell and her breathing were quick pants with moans as her thighs started to shiver uncontrollably as she hears him say he is getting close and it felt so good. It was then he started to thrust against her movements which made her cry out her moans and hearing him tell her to cum with him cum on his dick she couldn’t help it she had to.

Her whole body shivered and jerked her thighs trembled uncontrollably showing him in full body how good it felt as she rode threw her orgasm her hips didn’t stop moving as if to milk his dick empty not to leave one left. When they both slowly calming down after riding out their orgasm, she realized she had never felt this good ever in her life.

When Andrew sat up resting his forehead on her chest, she smiled panting softly wrapping her arms around his neck holding him she rested her head on his softly as she whispered.

“Thank you, Andrew… you made me feel SOOO good and I’m sorry I used you…!”

She could not keep it for herself she felt so bad because of it and he made her feel like Cory should have and now she wished it had been Andrew that took her virginity. She then took her hands on the side of his head cupping his cheeks forcing him softly to tilt his head back she leaned down to kiss him softly as a tear rolled down her cheek as she whispered.

“Please forgive me! My BF ……”

She took a deep breath whimpering softly and quickly adding before he could react to what she said.

“my EX BF he was with me only to take my Virginity to win a bet and right before we had sex he sent me a pic of the next girl he was fucking and I wanted to prove to him I am not this bored little girl and I could also enjoy sex and all….. it was the night I came home that he took my virginity not really with me wanting him to really and he then only did it to cum himself and then turned over and fell asleep leaving me then laying there wanting more and not done…. That hurt a lot and then you came along and showed me how good it could feel and now once more god I am sooo sorry Andrew I never wanted to be one of those girls who used a guy like cory did with me I would understand if you hated me or never wanted to see me again…..”

She sighed as she bite her lip as she noticed she couldn’t stop talking she was so nervous and even thought about getting off his lap as she watched his face and his reaction afraid he would really hate her.


Ginger could not help but think of how good he felt deep inside of her and how good his hands were making her feel also good god just the way he was taking her made her want more. He didn’t take not really for an answer, but he wasn’t like David or Alex and she was starting to really like this, and he was even better then she had ever thought he could be.
He did not stop and then only told her she should learn how to cum on command and asked her if she was close, she whimpered moaned a yes
She had seen him so oft and could never help herself of thinking how he would feel if he fucked her and now, she did not want him to stop. it was then she felt herself get closer and closer her moans became more pants and louder as she gripped ahold of him a bit more as he then caught her out of surprise making her gasp when he lifted her leg up and turned her now her leg rests against his chest and over his shoulder as her hands wrapped around his neck to give herself some hold on him she heard him liking her being so flexible.

She smirked some and nodded as she tilted her head back moaning begging for him to send her over the edge and for some reason, she had to ask him if she may cum.

“Yes V... V…Vardan may I cum please… and yes I wanted you to fuck me for so long now GOD!”

She knew now she wanted to take his offer up but she had to make it clear she didn’t want to be some whore on his list she wanted to be HIS whore and if she wouldn’t be HIS whore and just some whore she would go back to Gary. She did not want only him to fuck her from now on, but she wanted to be his to take home and not send home to somewhere to wait to be called on again.