Dear X,

Dear Self

stop asking stupid questions - you may get answers that hurts your brain
Dear X,

He had me listen to bagpipes tonight. Guess who I thought of?

There is no home, much less one to go back to. I don't remember last time I had a home. It's a funny word. I'm their home...and she gets mad when I say that. She takes such offense and doesn't get just angry but wants to cry over it. She feels he stole that from me. Maybe..he did. I don't really think so though. I mean..I used to drive here and feel like I was coming home...but it's not the same kind of home you build with another half of yourself. This is my childhood home. I want the one...that I can melt into. Home..will be something that is mine that I helped build. Again..don't remember having that. Do you? I will have one..just not yet. I was literally homeless for a couple of months..but in some's been years. You know?

There were only two jerks. The one I married, and the one after. I will not repeat those mistakes with or for anyone. I also never speak of you to anyone. What would I be able to say? I can't speak of something I don't understand. Nothing I would say about it would make sense to anyone. There is a great deal of shame there. I already know what you will say to that too.

He keeps playing that music. *sigh*
Dear You,

Nice try. It almost worked that first time. I'll give you an A for effort.


for those of you counting, this makes 5 in one month's time ;)
Dear You,

Nice try. It almost worked that first time. I'll give you an A for effort.


for those of you counting, this makes 5 in one month's time ;)

M has been saying for the last few days that if I made a recording of my voice when I was drunk that I'd sound Southern. WRONG. And that was proof.

For goodness sake, M, I interviewed you live while recording. You failed to deliver. You failed to deliver.

M has been saying for the last few days that if I made a recording of my voice when I was drunk that I'd sound Southern. WRONG. And that was proof.

For goodness sake, M, I interviewed you live while recording. You failed to deliver. You failed to deliver.


A lot of your drunk had worn off by the time you made that recording. LOL

I'm not going to make a recording with you while you're drunk.

I never said you had a heavy accent. I said that at times you have an accent; that's it's obvious with certain words/phrases. Maybe it's not drunkeness that brings out the accent, maybe it's the dopamine.

I failed to deliver? Hmmm, interesting.
Dear Laundry Gnomes,

I notice you didn't come do my laundry last night while I was asleep. This is becoming a much too frequent occurrence, or non-occurrence as the case may be. Fuck you, you lazy little bastards. I hope you die of suffocation when Snuggle the Bear sits on your face and tells you to tongue punch his gentle-spring-scented asshole.

I got your fresh release technology right here. *gestures*

Miles :kiss:
Dear Saturday,

Thanks for the opportunity you afforded me this morning. I normally have a distaste for weekends. But you made this weekend much more livable. It was beautiful.


Dear Friends,

Thank you for such a fun evening of silliness. I haven't laughed like that in far too long. :D

Dear Falcons,

It's time to turn on ALL-MADDEN mode and RISE UP!

Dear Universe,

Why is everything so difficult?

Curious and muddling through...
Dear Tom Brady



Meow X,

Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow. Meow meow meow.
Meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow.


Meow meow.

Dear Winter,

Yep, I'm all done with you now. -7º this morning is not what I wanted to wake up to.
Please send in Spring, post haste!

Dear X,

You chucked it on the floor. And you didn't report in.

What am I gonna do about it?


Angry Faced Pmann
Dear Pmann,

It has been bought to my attention by the ever watchful Emerson, that I am perhaps a little hard on you and that you may, one day, fling me out a window to an airy and somewhat crunchy death. Though this would no doubt please some, it is not my dream.

I know I am a master of disguise and what I am about to say might come as a shock to you (and everyone else here) however, given that I do quite enjoy living I feel it needs to be said. I think you are it and a bit.

Agent MI5

P.S. Can I cancel the safety glass installation?

Dear X,

This made me giggle :D

Snoopy Litster

Dear Pmann,

It has been bought to my attention by the ever watchful Emerson, that I am perhaps a little hard on you and that you may, one day, fling me out a window to an airy and somewhat crunchy death. Though this would no doubt please some, it is not my dream.

I know I am a master of disguise and what I am about to say might come as a shock to you (and everyone else here) however, given that I do quite enjoy living I feel it needs to be said. I think you are it and a bit.

Agent MI5

P.S. Can I cancel the safety glass installation?

Dear RS,

I suggest you continue with the safety glass installation in the upstairs bedroom. But not for reasons of me throwing you out the window. I won't do that.

But for both our safety, you might want to get it installed. It would be a shame if, in the throws of passion, we tumbled as one to our crunchy death. :(

I am not surprised to find I am it and a bit, in your eyes. I mean, others are probably gasping at the news that you and I may interact more than the casual pleasantries we share on here. But I know your code. I know it well.


Double O-pmann
Dear pmann,

I see what you did there. 'throws of passion'... Very cunning, and dare I say worthy of a man of mystery and intrique. o/~ There's a man who lives a life of danger ... o/~

RS will need to keep her guard up. Or join the WWF.

Dear Glazier,

Please amend the purchase order sent to you for the safety glass. It is no longer required.
Have the new panes be reflective glass, on the outside.
Please forward any necessary change order for approval and signature.

Magnanimously yours,

Keeping the "bit" in it and a bit obscured
Dear pmann,

I see what you did there. 'throws of passion'... Very cunning, and dare I say worthy of a man of mystery and intrique. o/~ There's a man who lives a life of danger ... o/~

RS will need to keep her guard up. Or join the WWF.


She already kicks my arse at WWF. Does that count?
Dear Rainshine and other Aussies,

Happy Australia Day. May it be filled with Foster's Beer (which tastes like the urine of satan after five servings of asparagus), kangies, koalies, shrimp on the barbie, Crocodile Dundee movie marathons (part 1 AND 2), Vegemite, boomerangs, Steve Irwin, joeys, shitty Internet service and all other things Australian.



(I realize that you don't drink Fosters... All the others are true I'm sure)