Did Joe Just Win The Election For Kam?

Reading some of the details of what it took to get all of these political prisoners swapped shows the power of what diplomacy can accomplish.

I cannot image the former President managing such a difficult and delicate task, he only cared about one prisoner, the Wall Street Journal guy who his donors said was the only one who mattered.

The last minute objection by Slovenia about the swap could have brought the whole swap down. Two top Russian spies (husband and wife) were being held awaiting trial on espionage charges, which carries the death penalty in that shithole country.

The other countries exerted political pressure on Slovenia and came up with a political face-saving solution: the Russians would plead guilty (late yesterday afternoon), would be immediately sentence to 18 months (which was the amount of time they'd been held in prison) and subjected to "immediate deportation". Slovenia promised in writing to Putin they would not execute the spies and the whole operation was "go" from that point onward.
Has the 78-year-old convicted criminal revealed how he secretly arranged all of this behind Joe Biden's back?
Apparently he has said if he were president, he'd have been able to get them released without giving anything in return. To which Biden replied, "Why didn't he do that when he was president?" Excellent question.
I'm not wild about the Khalid thing though. After 20 years in Gitmo, Dude might say anything to get somewhere else.
CNN is spinning this tonight as "Putin got the best of this deal, because he got his master assassin VADIM KRASIKOV out of German prison, along with another suspected Russian military intelligence agent. What the western nation got in return was the usual rabble of reporters, dissidents and protesters.

Interestingly, one prisoner NOT released was 63 year old Marc Fogel, the numbskull who attempted to smuggle pot into Russia for personal use when he accepted a teaching position in Russia. He's still doing 14 years hard time in Siberia as a "drug lord". His biggest champion in the US Senate was Senators John Fetterman and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. Fogel has a really bad back condition (which is why he brought his reefer with him) and is not being given meds AND forced to do hard labor and has purportedly "declined significantly". The State Department added a line about Fogel in the press release about the prisoner swap saying he should be released unilaterally on "humanitarian grounds", and now formally considers Fogel to be "wrongfully detained".
"Stupid bitch DEI hire, Nancy Ace!"


Did I do that right?

I’m here to humbly acknowledge to you trump’s 2 most prominent prisoner releases.

Otto Warmbier

Detained January 2, 2016

Released June 12, 2017


Died June 19, 2017(aged 22)

Trump administration agrees to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners​

Taliban talks: US peace envoy 'not happy about' release of prisoners​

This is a bigger deal than I initially thought it was.

Not only because Trump bragged about being the only one who could get it done, but most importantly because Biden and Harris have been working on this since prior to taking the oath of office. It was a major diplomatic feat.
CNN is spinning this tonight as "Putin got the best of this deal, because he got his master assassin VADIM KRASIKOV out of German prison, along with another suspected Russian military intelligence agent. What the western nation got in return was the usual rabble of reporters, dissidents and protesters.

Interestingly, one prisoner NOT released was 63 year old Marc Fogel, the numbskull who attempted to smuggle pot into Russia for personal use when he accepted a teaching position in Russia. He's still doing 14 years hard time in Siberia as a "drug lord". His biggest champion in the US Senate was Senators John Fetterman and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. Fogel has a really bad back condition (which is why he brought his reefer with him) and is not being given meds AND forced to do hard labor and has purportedly "declined significantly". The State Department added a line about Fogel in the press release about the prisoner swap saying he should be released unilaterally on "humanitarian grounds", and now formally considers Fogel to be "wrongfully detained".
You sourced CNN for the above in quotes but cited it incorrectly. It should read: "Putin got the best of this deal, because he got his master assassin VADIM KRASIKOV out of German prison along with another suspected Russian military intelligence agent."

That next part in your quote, "What the western nation got in return was the usual rabble of reporters, dissidents and protesters." was not said by either newscaster. Their names and associations were stated objectively. You make it sound like CNN trashed them or the negotiators because they were rabble, dissidents, and protesters. That was not the case. I'm guessing that is your opinion added there.

Fogel is now considered to be "wrongfully detained," which is a correct statement.
This is a good deal today, but will be ancient history come November. But there is plenty of time for Putin to arrest a bunch more in the next 3 months.