DISTURBING: The List of Purged Military High Officers Under Obama

Commander Nathan Sukols-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Jacksonville - crashed submarine into civilian vessel.

General John R. Allen-U.S. Marines Commander International Security Assistance Force - Cleared of misconduct charges, retired with full rank/benefits

Commander Jay Wylie-U.S. Navy Commander destroyer Momsen (Apr 2011) - pleaded guilty to two charge of rape

and the lie continues. . .

Did you even attempt to research your huge controversy before posting the thread BB?
Prove it.

It's paining me greatly to say it, but there's a lot of talk and an awful lot of speculation about Obama's motives in this regard. A LOT. And I don't mean just on the Internet - I mean among officers, the ones who aren't supposed to discuss this stuff.

He does appear to be cleaning house - not that the ones who have fucked up don't deserve to go, because they do.

One could also counter the 'compliant officer class' theory and say he's just not putting up with petty bullshit that got swept under the rug in days gone by, that he's ending the 'good ole boy' regime. There's a lot of stuff that some of these guys were removed for that twenty years ago we would've never heard about.

For the record, I'm pro-Nobody, really. I'm starting to believe we haven't had a decent CINC since - hell, I don't know - Kennedy?? Maybe Clinton, in some ways? I don't even know any more. And politically I'd qualify as a moderate, leaning more right than left.

But the 157 majors are no surprise. The Air Force is field grade heavy on her line side as it is.
Prove he isn't. It's a fact that he has fired more 4 star generals than any President in history. Five since January.

Aren't teahadists all about cutting government spending though?

Oh wait nevermind this is the military used against brown non-believers, my bad. Logic doesn't apply nor does a consistent set of beliefs.
Prove he isn't. It's a fact that he has fired more 4 star generals than any President in history. Five since January.

Burden of proof is on you. You made a claim, it's not my job to prove it wrong when you've provided no proof to back up your claim.

Once again your mouth wrote a check your ass can't cash.
I posted an article already.

You sure did, and your "proof" was a comment by disgraced General Jerry Boykin, arguably one of the biggest religious bigots to ever wear a military uniform.

He got sacked by President Obama, and has been trying to settle a score with him since then.

If that's your "proof", I win.
You sure did, and your "proof" was a comment by disgraced General Jerry Boykin, arguably one of the biggest religious bigots to ever wear a military uniform.

He got sacked by President Obama, and has been trying to settle a score with him since then.

If that's your "proof", I win.

sure you win. here is your sign .... your the GB idiot of the day
Brass creep:

Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates August 09, 2010

In May I called on the Pentagon to take a hard and unsparing look at how the department is staffed, organized and operated. I concluded that our headquarters and support bureaucracies, military and civilian alike, have swelled to cumbersome and top-heavy proportions, grown over-reliant on contractors and grown accustomed to operating with little consideration to cost.

This manifested itself over the past decade in vast increases in spending and staff, by nearly a thousand employees in the case of the Office of Secretary of Defense alone, and in the proliferation of new organizations and senior executives to lead them. This expansion and its associated habits and attitudes was abetted by a near doubling of the defense base budget since 2001, and further enabled by a steady diet of supplemental war appropriations, both factors that will soon end.
It could be far worse.

Uncle Joe, when displeased with his officers, had them executed, along with their families.