Do folks want honest feedback or not

Fabulous Feedback

Whisper, Risia, KM, daughter......God what I'd give to write like you ladies. You are all phenomenal. And the feedback each of you have given me has been appreciated beyond belief. I can't thank you enough.

Has it always been easy to swallow? Hell no. Was I tempted to spit it all out and say fuck you and the horses you rode in on? Hell no! I have never felt "picked on", OR patronized. All I've ever felt was that each of you gave me your honest, and well-thought-out opinions. You've encouraged me to keep writing even though I'm sure there were times when you wanted to scream "CEASE & DESIST!"

KM, and daughter you each have slayed me on one poem, then turned around and given me rave reviews on the next. You kept an open mind with me and didn't close me out.

Whisper, you've just given me incredible feedback on my latest poem.

Risia, you were wondeful to critique that story I started (eeks! No..I still haven't..... )

I don't know what to say except thank you. I truly feel honored to "know" you and to be a part in some way of what I consider to be a wonderful circle of friends on whatever level that might be.

Kat, part of me is blushing and saying, "Aw, shucks," and the other part of me is ecstatic that the hour I spent this morning ripping the shit out of your poem wasn't wasted. ;) Yahoo. This is why I take the time to comment, because of appreciation like this.

By the way, all your feedback-receivers, it does make a difference when you thank the people who take the time to comment. When a writer lets it slide and says nothing, even if they did appreciate it, I feel taken for granted and am less apt to comment in the future. (I guess that's good news for those who don't want my feedback. LOL. Now they know how to get me off their backs.)

See? It wasn't for naught! I realize that it IS time-consuming to give the kind of in-depth feedback that you ladies give. And damn! How could anyone NOT at least say thanks?

The idea that you give a precious hour out of your life to a total stranger is so
GIVING! (Don't I have a way with words! lol)

And if anyone is so stupid to keep you off their backs, well, they're more numb than a pounded thumb! LOL!! They simply don't know what they're missing, but consider the source. I tend to be a bit on the masochistic side. ;)

Well, some people have a way with words, and some people...

don't have way. ;)
Re: Fabulous Feedback

KatPurrs said:
Whisper, Risia, KM, daughter......God what I'd give to write like you ladies. You are all phenomenal. And the feedback each of you have given me has been appreciated beyond belief. I can't thank you enough.

Risia, you were wondeful to critique that story I started (eeks! No..I still haven't..... )

I don't know what to say except thank you. I truly feel honored to "know" you and to be a part in some way of what I consider to be a wonderful circle of friends on whatever level that might be.
Wow. What an incredible compliment: both to be so appreciated, and to be placed in such company. Kat, you're more than welcome. And thank you, profusely, for consistently being positive, open-minded, and always ready & eager to participate in all our various efforts to improve our writing. Know that I've never wanted to tell you to "cease & desist," and that you're appreciated for many things, *including* (but not only) your writing.

Whisper--Now I have to listen to my Steve Martin CD. Damn you! :D
perks said:
I don't need a cheerleader. We all have fans and thank God for them. I need someone with the gumption and willingness to help me become a better writer.

god, this is so completely true. Let me add. I also need a critic that can take criticism of their critique. Case in point, the first poet I critiqued on here was daughter. I was aggressive. I made points, and she came back at me. It was THRILLING. One of the best poetry experiences I've had. I stuck by some of my original opinions, but in the debate, in the defense of her poetry, her thought, her spoken word, I was able to see clearly some things I hadn't before. I learned more about my art, by critiquing another's.

This is what criticism is all about, the give and take, the sharing of opinions, what works, what doesn't.

I will continue to be aggressively defensive of my "children", I also will take the criticism of them. I think it is important to stand strong for points about your writing that make it what it is. Without certain parts of my style, my poetry wouldn't be noticeable as mine. If someone reads your poetry, do they know it is yours? Unequivocably, people know my voice.

Daughter stated that my vulagrity<hubby calls them my 4C's(cock, cum, cunt, clit)>,matched with my "voice", is like an SUV in a 50's movie. God I totally understood what she said. It was poignant, and she has a great and valid point. However, <smile> If my only goal were to be writing in an archaic style I would agree. We know this is not the case. I do, however, realize that my buzz words aren't completely working, because of her opinion. I will not change them just to fix the style, I will try to find a better way to incorporate them to better showcase my "voice". Criticism is wonderful, it is important to the sculptural qualities of your poetic "voice". It's the way you choose to use that tool that makes you a better writer or not.

Ah, here is an Ass I miss