Do you comment back on comments?

I generally don't comment on my own stories, but feedback is a different matter. I always respond to feedback. I feel if they took the time to send me a personal note, it deserves a 'thank you'. As of yet, I haven't received any troll/rude/hateful comments, but I doubt I would respond to those. The only time I have posted on my own story was recently. I was having trouble finding and editor and only the first part was up. I wanted people to know that it had not been abandoned so they would continue to look for it.
This is purely hypothetical in my case, since I've only published two stories so far and I've only received one comment (it was a positive one, but not one that warranted a response beyond "thanks"), but I most likely would respond to any questions or constructive criticism the commenter offered. If it's about their opinion of the story, well, they're entitled to their opinion and I try to stay out of the way on those. If it's a matter of interpretation, my philosophy is that meaning is in the eye of the reader and if someone "misunderstands," there's a good chance the real problem is that I didn't make myself as clear as I could have.
When I do get comments I respond here on lot and via the emails.

I like being feedback, and I like interacting with my readers
I like responding to comments. I've never had a comment that instigated debate, but I've posted a few "thank you" messages.

I got my first Feedback today and replied almost immediately. It was very flattering. I had never thought of speaking to people who favourite my stories. Maybe I should. Seems like a nice thing to do, and would no doubt help draw eyes to my other stuff, since they all have a pretty similar style.
So far I've responded.. once by making a comment to the story and several times via PM on the forum here.
Matter of courtesy

I always respond to anyone identifiable who comments on my stories, who emails me, or who favourites me or a story.

For me it's just a matter of common courtesy. If a reader takes the trouble to write about my work, they deserve a response. And I've had a few lovely discussions in consequence, and the occasional meeting. One especially: my loving partner.

I thought long and hard before I submitted my first story on Lit and the comments readers left gave me the courage to finish, but I didn't thank those who left comments. I should have because if it wasn’t for them I would have never finished The Cabin.

Then I put a story on my Favorites list and got a thank you from the author. I thought that was a nice thing to do, so I’ve been doing it ever since. So with the other stories I’ve written, I’ve taken the time to thank anyone who favors me or leaves a comment. If someone takes the time to read one of my stories and leaves a comment, I acknowledge the comment. A simple thank you doesn’t take long.

Scotsman, you were one of the people who left a comment on my first story. Since I know I didn’t thank you then, I’ll take the time to do it now. Thank you, you were one of the reasons I finished that story.

Like the Scotsman, by acknowledging some readers I’ve made some very good friends—one has become my editor and what a blessing she is. And to the others, I say thank you, it’s always nice to open my mail and see one from you.

I've been wondering about this.

I didn't want to get into thanking everyone for their comment and end up missing one if I didn't visit for a while, so I decided to remain silent, although I really do appreciate the fact that people have taken the time and trouble to leave comments.
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I make it a point to send thanks for comments and encourage further feedback, probably in part because I get so few of them, so far. Heh. Ratings and such are nice and everything, but actual feedback and constructive criticism helps me refine my writing skills. After all, why just churn stuff out if I'm not going to try to get any better at it?