Do you ever revise your stories based on feedback?

I never revise a story that I've already published. I do take feedback into account in future writings, though. I got some feedback on a recent story that I don't include enough of the "voice" during sex scenes - meaning the other party's voice. It was actually valid feedback and I've made a mental note in the next ones I write.
Glad I read this... Im new here and about to start posting... My stories will be pretty niche, so Im not here for a zillion likes or veiws or whatever... I just wanna write and share. Is that a bad thing???
Glad I read this... Im new here and about to start posting... My stories will be pretty niche, so Im not here for a zillion likes or veiws or whatever... I just wanna write and share. Is that a bad thing???
No, it's absolutely the best thing to do, but don't be surprised if you get a gem in feedback. I got one that caused me to rethink a 15 chapter story at chapter 7 (I post chapters about a month apart) I ended up rewriting the end of the story and am utterly happy that I did. I'm still re-writing the last two chapters, but I didn't pitch the ones I didn't use, they'll appear somewhere else someday.
No, it's absolutely the best thing to do, but don't be surprised if you get a gem in feedback. I got one that caused me to rethink a 15 chapter story at chapter 7 (I post chapters about a month apart) I ended up rewriting the end of the story and am utterly happy that I did. I'm still re-writing the last two chapters, but I didn't pitch the ones I didn't use, they'll appear somewhere else someday.
Ok i admit that major changes sound terrifying...
Although to be totally honest, Im not sure exactly how this one ends yet, havent daydreamed it all out yet, so who knows???đź‘Ť
I've revised a few technical errors here and there, but never actually changed a story, pre or post publishing, based on reader feedback.

I have incorporated reader IDEAS into new stories from time to time, especially in my series.

But only if I think it fits with the story I've intended. And I write it MY way.
Ok i admit that major changes sound terrifying...
Although to be totally honest, Im not sure exactly how this one ends yet, havent daydreamed it all out yet, so who knows???đź‘Ť
I originally planned to kill a character but as the story progressed a reader asked, "Do you hate this couple that much?" and I looked, and to that point it was nothing but pain and suffering for that couple. I had the death already written and to be honest as I got closer to posting that chapter the worse I felt, I was giving myself an ulcer over it. Then one night a different outcome came to mind and I removed about 5 chapters that were completed and started the re-write, and I've never been happier with a story after I did that. The story doesn't have the impact it once had, but I can live quite happily with myself now.
I’ve revised a few times when people found errors or inconsistencies, but not to change something a reader didn’t like. I do listen to ideas and have incorporated a few.
I continually get feedback of how to continue, rewrite, or improve my story to individual taste. I do not do this. I figure they can write their perfect story themselves.
I've started the process to go through mine and correct spelling/grammar and slight changes to the way something is worded. But I don't change the actual content of the story.
How long does it usually take a moderator to accept a story once it’s submitted ?
Note, once it's been published, edits are low priority and can take a couple of weeks. So get your copy the best you can, first go.

And for a new writer, you can expect up to a week to get it published, because your story will be looked at more closely for content compliance.
Under normal circumstances, 2 - 4 days
My stories have taken anywhere from 2 to 26 days to be published. Expect 1 to 2 weeks most of the time. It mainly depends on how many new stories there are, if the admin is sick or on vacation, and if you broke a rule or annoyed an admin lately. When I stepped over the line I apologized, but noticed my stories seemed to take an extra week or two for a few months.
My stories have taken anywhere from 2 to 26 days to be published. Expect 1 to 2 weeks most of the time. It mainly depends on how many new stories there are, if the admin is sick or on vacation, and if you broke a rule or annoyed an admin lately. When I stepped over the line I apologized, but noticed my stories seemed to take an extra week or two for a few months.
If my story sits 4 days I'll send a very polite message to Laurel, it usually goes active the next day.
Edits however take ages. I need to fix a few stories and I hate to see stuff sitting in pending.