Do you get naked during a massage?

Absolutely yes.
I get intermittent medical massage for a lower back issue. My primary therapist I’ve caught several times sneaking peaks at my junk. I actually find it thrilling that she does.
I was going for the same reason. My masseuse kept insisting on a full massage not just my back. Although she always did spend a lot if time on my butt and hips which I didn't mind. I finally relented on the full body massage which was great. Each successive massage she'd spend more time on my thighs and each time moving a bit higher until my cock would finally start swelling. Then she'd move on. I think that was her goal to tease me. Nothing ever transpired beyond getting me hard.
Always nude! I found out after forgetting to wear underwear that the therapist goes higher on your glutes. Prior to that, she always stopped where there is fabric. They do keep us under a sheet FWIW.
Always naked. Professional, non erotic massage will work around that. I do have hip issues that they need to work on. When they say to undress to your comfort level - that's what they get.
Yes always. My last massage, I didn't realize it had the option at the end. I turned her down since I was sick with a cold and just there to relax. Plus it wasn't very good.
Always, it's more comfortable that way and I get a small exhibitionist thrill even if it doesn't take an erotic turn.