Do you get the point?

Re: Let's put our heads together

A Desert Rose said:
work on a Fuck You or Fuck Me poll thread. I do not mean neccessarily ME (Rose) per se, but Me in general.

Sandia, does that answer your question? I am trying to be as convoluted as I possibly can be.....

Re: Re: Let's put our heads together

A Desert Rose said:

Sandia, does that answer your question? I am trying to be as convoluted as I possibly can be.....


Ah, well that clarified things nicely !

trying to back out quietly...cos he really doesn't have a clue WHAT is going on here
yeah what she said..

lovetoread said:
I sometimes like lovey-dovey-huggy.

Its get me all gooey inside.

I also think that if you have a thought,even if it is not popular,you should be able to say it.

And not get attacked for it.

No matter who you are.
Ditto LTR .. I am in a BDSM D/s relationship and its 24/7 on or offline and there HAS been skin to skin and will be again .. also its LDR and is gonna be a LTR also ... now if all those abbreviations didnt confuse the hell outta ya , nothing will!!:D
ahhhh date is a dud.........
such is life and i dressed so well toooo......Dang.

Well in the words of someone I know- Cast my net elsewhere ;-)

Re: Re: Re: Let's put our heads together

sir-to-k said:

Ah, well that clarified things nicely !

trying to back out quietly...cos he really doesn't have a clue WHAT is going on here

I try my best to be as obtuse as I can possibly be. It means I have to take no responsiblity for my words lol.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Let's put our heads together

A Desert Rose said:

I try my best to be as obtuse as I can possibly be. It means I have to take no responsiblity for my words lol. And I have definately had too many rum and cokes tonight.

Re: yeah what she said..

Artful's dream said:

Ditto LTR .. I am in a BDSM D/s relationship and its 24/7 on or offline and there HAS been skin to skin and will be again .. also its LDR and is gonna be a LTR also ... now if all those abbreviations didnt confuse the hell outta ya , nothing will!!:D


I used to be a LTR in a LDR.


I love my initials.