Do you have to ask permission if...

Shadowsdream said:
Thanks for the suggestions..darker is what I thought as well but am at the moment tormenting him with the possibility that I will choose pink or blue!

*giggles* sounds like something we would do ... :D
Shadowsdream said:
Thanks for the suggestions..darker is what I thought as well but am at the moment tormenting him with the possibility that I will choose pink or blue!
I do allow a half inch trim twice a year..whether he needs it or not!

i am not sure that pink would suit the slave ...

maybe a plum colour?

ohhhh that might look good with a pink ribbon?
A trim is definitely in order - long hair looks so much neater when it's even across the bottom. Well, mine does, anyway! The color is hard to see, but something more even might be nice - there seems to be some variance in the shading. It's hard to tell in that picture, though.
Etoile said:
A trim is definitely in order - long hair looks so much neater when it's even across the bottom. Well, mine does, anyway! The color is hard to see, but something more even might be nice - there seems to be some variance in the shading. It's hard to tell in that picture, though.

The ends are no big deal to me one way or the other, but I happen to prefer the varience - it is more natural ... that's why when I color my hair, I tend to not leave it on the whole time so that some of the natural highlights & stuff will still be visible & my hair won't all be the same color.
SweetDommes said:
They aren't the only ones who have seen them rick ...

Well thank you. Someone once told me to always be myself and thats what I try to do.
Etoile said:
A trim is definitely in order - long hair looks so much neater when it's even across the bottom. Well, mine does, anyway! The color is hard to see, but something more even might be nice - there seems to be some variance in the shading. It's hard to tell in that picture, though.
Yes a trim is in order but on him I do not like the straight across cut. The color is varied because it is changing from its natural summer blonde to its natural winter drudgy brown. he has never had it colored but will this weekend.
SweetDommes said:
The ends are no big deal to me one way or the other, but I happen to prefer the varience - it is more natural ... that's why when I color my hair, I tend to not leave it on the whole time so that some of the natural highlights & stuff will still be visible & my hair won't all be the same color.

There are many products out now that highlight 3 different shades..I will choose one of those. I will color his Myself because it is a journey of obedience that he will enjoy more naked under My care.
Shadowsdream said:
There are many products out now that highlight 3 different shades..I will choose one of those. I will color his Myself because it is a journey of obedience that he will enjoy more naked under My care.
I definitely agree - I would enjoy it more that way, too. I've had Daddy brush my teeth and wash me for that be taken care of. My girlfriend usually dyes my hair, though, because I do a terrible job of it when I try it myself! (I did it once and it came out all streaky, so now we know better than to let me try.) We usually wear a special shirt that's been designated the hair-dying shirt, though - that way if a bit of the dye drips, it's not impossible to wash out of the skin.