Do you return gifts

Richard49 said:

Also we made a flogger together


this was at the bottom of the first post. Much of what has been written in this thread concerns the emotions and the D/s situations that involve the flogger, and how parting ways from a D/s situation might be difficult.

And will you please give it a rest? You have your two threads about it, why bring it into these other ones?
Cheyenne said:
Your post said the gift was a bracelet. Or are bracelets and floggers the same thing?

Don't answer that, I don't want to make this thread about anything bdsm related. That way MissTaken can still move it to the general board for you. :rose:


the OP's post (if you had read it) mentioned a flogger that the couple had made together....

IMHO.... flogger does "kinda" make it bdsm related....

Not BDSM. Please transfer to the GB.

Richard49 said:
I never went steady or any of that other
stuff growing up and do not know how to "do"
certain things......

Paint me dumb

R gave me one gift I am not sure what to do with
it was at xmas ......
it was a bracelt ....
she said she picked it out because the links
reminded her of how our love interlinked

(I still am not sure our relationship is over permantly)

is it somethig I should return?

Sometimes I look at it and get sad
sometimes it makes me smile
sometimes I feel nothing ... it is just there

Also we made a flogger together
Re: Re: Do you return gifts

Lancecastor said:
Not BDSM. Please transfer to the GB.


I always thought you could read
I guess you for sure go on my ignor list now

You and what's her name belong to each other
I think this topic does have relevance to BDSM. :devil:

I have never asked for a gift to be returned. One time a woman asked me to return a gift that had personal significance to her and I obliged. In general, I don't see the need to return gifts after a relationship has ended.

As far as what to keep after a relationship, I split the dilemma into four different areas:
  • Possessions: Would you replace a bed each time you shared it with a new partner? Yes, you wash the sheets but that should be enough. I think non-intimate items like whips, blindfolds and cuffs can be re-used from relationship to relationship.
  • Normal gifts: If any gifts are of use and do not cause you uncomfortable memories, keep using them. An ex-girlfriend gave me a dictionary and seven years later it is still a good dictionary.
  • Mementos: I usually keep a few things like letters, normal pictures, erotic books and handmade crafts. They are just memories of the good times I shared with the women who have been in my life.
  • Sexual items: This would be stuff like personal pictures and intimate toys. Would an ex-girlfriend keep using vibrators or anal beads that I gave her? Probably not! So why should I be creepy and keep homemade porn? All of these items are destroyed or discarded.
Richard, to me the bracelet sounds like a possible memento and the flogger sounds like a sexual item. These are just my thoughts. You are a grown man and can make your own decision depending on the circumstances. Breaking up with a partner is never easy. Good luck!
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Re: Re: Do you return gifts

Mr Blonde said:

Richard, to me the bracelet sounds like a possible memento and the flogger sounds like a sexual item. These are just my thoughts. You are a grown man and can make your own decision depending on the circumstances. Breaking up with a partner is never easy. Good luck!

Thank you for taking the time to post
and the thought you have put into this subject