Do you work too hard?

gauchecritic said:
Do you recognise 'immediacy' in your work? Have you ever written something which you know you will ruin if you go back and check it through ten times?



I lose interest in something very quickly. I've recently come to the conclusion that I cannot write stories which I have started more than a month ago.

About revising and editing - the same. I edit once, maybe twice, immediately after I finish writing a story. I simply cannot edit ten times. I can't even begin to think I could and have a deep admiration for people who can. I have not yet tried to keep a story and come back to it in a month or two to see if I could improve it.

I think I can do my best the first time, before I get bored with the piece I'm writing.

Does all this mean I am satisfied very easily? Or that I'm lazy? Or i don't care about it enough?
Ok, I've finally found the exact two stools that I wanted to fall between. Perdita provided one :)o ) and DP the other.

A few people mentioned posting to these boards, Mab has started an actual thread on perceptions.

I'm going to change direction just to keep the thread alive.

It's a related topic and doesn't clash with Mab's thread (I hope)

In your stories, do you take as much care to present yourself in the light in which you want to be seen as some do when posting to threads?

In a seriously debated thread I take great care about what I actually say, particularly if I think I'm being cutting or witty. I can honestly say that I take as much care in certain posts as I do in a short story, quite often moreso.

I want to be seen as clever, erudite, sarcastic and worth talking to. The same applies almost exactly to stories I post. When I click 'submit' on a story, that's me to the world. When I click 'submit' to a post thread that's me to very specific people. I rarely edit either. (except for typoes etc)


Edited for irony
gauchecritic said:
Ok, I've finally found the exact two stools that I wanted to fall between. Perdita provided one :)o ) and DP the other.
DP, which of us leans over first to help the poor bloke up? Your call.

Perdita :p
I'm not at all sure that the majority take the trouble you and some others take. I could cite examples. Sometimes the information people offer (incorrect information, or prejudice, take your choice) could have been verified by a couple of google clicks. So how does that make me feel about those people? Do I want to go and read their stories?

Who was it who said "Reply in haste, repent in leisure" - guilty as charged, Sir. I'm learning to think before charging in, similarly hoping for some mark of approval for my contribution.

Unfortunately, if you think too long, by the time you get back some buggers off talking about waffles or buildings.

So the answer is Yes, I put much more effort into serious threads because I want to be viewed by my peers as 'worthy'. I have on occassions spent considerable time drafting a reply or message because it merits that level of consideration. I discover more about myself in the process and that I can put to work in my writing.

Do I put the same effort into stories and posts? Difficult, I write when I need to write, so it doesn't seem an effort, editing - except shorts - is endless, the mechanics of editing posts is slightly more tricky especially if refering to other web pages. I think I put greater effort in now to posts than previously, if nothing else, I DON'T WANT TO
I'm not at all sure that the majority take the trouble you and some others take. I could cite examples. Sometimes the information people offer (incorrect information, or prejudice, take your choice) could have been verified by a couple of google clicks. So how does that make me feel about those people? Do I want to go and read their stories?

Who was it who said "Reply in haste, repent in leisure" - guilty as charged, Sir. I'm learning to think before charging in, similarly hoping for some mark of approval for my contribution.

Unfortunately, if you think too long, by the time you get back some buggers off talking about waffles or buildings.

So the answer is Yes, I put much more effort into serious threads because I want to be viewed by my peers as 'worthy'. I have on occassions spent considerable time drafting a reply or message because it merits that level of consideration. I discover more about myself in the process and that I can put to work in my writing.

Do I put the same effort into stories and posts? Difficult, I write when I need to write, so it doesn't seem an effort, editing - except shorts - is endless, the mechanics of editing posts is slightly more tricky especially if refering to other web pages. I think I put greater effort in now to posts than previously, if nothing else, I don't want to feel inferior in the company I keep.
gauchecritic said:
In your stories, do you take as much care to present yourself in the light in which you want to be seen as some do when posting to threads?

In a seriously debated thread I take great care about what I actually say, particularly if I think I'm being cutting or witty. I can honestly say that I take as much care in certain posts as I do in a short story, quite often moreso.


Edited for irony

Now, to get to the revised topic, I do not present myself in a story. That is the least of my concerns while I'm writing. I do not think about what a reader might be thinking about me while reading my story. I just think about how he is taking my words and how they might be affecting him. Wait... is this about content? If you mean clarity (that's what I realised by the emphasis on editing), then yes, I do take care of that much more than my posts here. Then again, after reading Wills' post, verification - I don't talk about serious stuff enough for it to be verified.

In some threads, I do think more about what I'm posting and might go over the post once. In the majority of them, I just write and click submit. Of course, that's fluff most of the time. :eek:

Have I answered the question or just confused myself here?