Does anyone know about your stories?

I've told Powell and Cheney, but I haven't told Laura yet. I don't think I'll ever tell Ashcroft. Not a very openminded fellow Ashcroft.
Boy/f encouraged me to post here. best/f knows I write these stories, I don't think I told her yet that I posted but might have.

Most people I know really well probably would't be overly suprised or care too much, but I am of the opinion that they would probably consider it "too much information." My mom's kinda weird, she seems to know everything about me weather I tell her or not. She'd probably be more interested than I'd be comfortable with. Those who would care probably would never imagine it of me anyway. Some people have this mistaken idea that I'm just a nieve innocent young thing!

If I ever wrote a book that was heavy with sex scenes and it was published, I'd probably tell everyone I know, but I'd warn them before they read it that it's pretty racy or whatever. Then I'd just leave the choice up to them.
my best friend directed me to submit a work on here...i actually just picked up the pen again, so to speak, a week ago. i usually have strange creative spurts so i may be writing erotica continuously for some time...or it may all end tomorrow. in which case im doomed. :) i would never show it to my mother. she is way too much a prude and would probably tell my entire family that im a raging pervert. my father would probably look at me funny and forget about it the next second, but all my friends know. i actually started writing due to a suggestion from my significant other...hopefully when my stories do post i will get some good feedback from everyone or at least votes to tell me if i should keep writing. :( from what ive read on here...i have quite a ways to go.

she is way too much a prude and would probably tell my entire family that im a raging pervert.

Oh, mine would never do that. She would be too embarrassed.
I'm been thinking and I don't know if I can show my work to anyone I'm not (or haven't or won't) having sex with.
yeah i need to have feedback from people i know. the guy i am seeing loves the stories i write and they bring him a lot of pleasure and fodder for his own fantasies. i guess it just depends on how the person is like, really. it might actually bring you closer to let him read them. :)
The thing I was most scared of when I told my sister was that she'd take my incest story literally, add 1 and 1 to create 3 and come up withthe idea that I fancied her.

All the people who have told everyone: don't you get even slightly worried that someone you know and trust will chuck a mental?

The Earl
TheEarl said:
All the people who have told everyone: don't you get even slightly worried that someone you know and trust will chuck a mental?

I was a little concerned when I first showed my fiancee what I was writing. But again, he already knew the types of things I was reading, so writing about the same topics was no real surprise to him. My roomies know me too damn well so they would have guessed if I hadn't told them.

It's not something I advertise to others though. If someone figures it out, then thats cool too. It's very unlikely though. Most of my friends know I have an adventurous streak, so they would not be too shocked.

I was IMing my sister last night, and I told her where I was at the time we were chatting. She asked me if I'd submitted anything, and I told her that I had seven stories in here, and she said "Kewl!" She writes, too.
TheEarl said:
The thing I was most scared of when I told my sister was that she'd take my incest story literally, add 1 and 1 to create 3 and come up withthe idea that I fancied her.

All the people who have told everyone: don't you get even slightly worried that someone you know and trust will chuck a mental?

The Earl

Compared to what I have done in real life, which pretty much the entire town I live in knows about, or think they know about, my writings here on Lit are so romantic and funny and cute that it doesn't matter all that much if the whole world reads them.
Being known as an author of erotic stories is just what people would expect of me...;)
My fiance knows, and quite enjoys what I write.

I think if my parents found out, my mother would be okay, but my dad would freak. Especially over the Adrian fics. He didn't realise we had actually SLEPT together.

He thinks I'm soooo sweet and innocent its not funny...
I really don't think anyone who writes fiction or true accounts honestly believes themselves when they say, "no one should read this". or they shouldn't believe themselves. there is some quote that says, in a nutshell, dont write if you dont want someone to read it. I am not a psychologist, but I think that every writer wants to be the best writer and wants to be accepted by most everyone for what they do. not to say everyone should read your writing, but people who are close to you should know that is a part of you. if they are understanding, they wont pry until you feel comfortable. if they do pry...tell them to bugger off! :p
i dont know if it is just because i am so comfortable with myself that i am able to talk about what i do, especially my sexuality and the aspects of it, but i just dont care about peoples negativity towards me. i know this probably doesnt help you Nikki, but it does help to get things off of your chest if you tell people. feeling free is wonderful :)

Stheno said:
I really don't think anyone who writes fiction or true accounts honestly believes themselves when they say, "no one should read this". or they shouldn't believe themselves. there is some quote that says, in a nutshell, dont write if you dont want someone to read it. I am not a psychologist, but I think that every writer wants to be the best writer and wants to be accepted by most everyone for what they do. not to say everyone should read your writing, but people who are close to you should know that is a part of you. if they are understanding, they wont pry until you feel comfortable. if they do pry...tell them to bugger off! :p
i dont know if it is just because i am so comfortable with myself that i am able to talk about what i do, especially my sexuality and the aspects of it, but i just dont care about peoples negativity towards me. i know this probably doesnt help you Nikki, but it does help to get things off of your chest if you tell people. feeling free is wonderful :)


I do want my friends to read my stuff, but I want to get a lot better first. That's why I'm inflicting my flawed first attempts on you good people :)

The thing is, I'm really, really shy about both my writing and talking about sex (although not about doing it, luckily). I've shared some of my travel writing with friends, but the thought of them reading about sex stuff is just too much. I can't even say some of those "dirty" words out loud (probably will use an immunity for the audio section of the survivor contest).

The guy I'm dating now is a journalist and gets published all the time, so I feel like I can't show him anything less than stellar, writing wise.

I'm thinking of showing my stuff to my ex who took the pics for my AV, but I don't know if he'll be upset reading about my experiences with other men. (Same for the journalist)

My friends... well... it just seems too intimate to share with them.

It's something I'm working on. I can't see anyone freaking out on me, so maybe after a while I'll be able to loosen up and send someone a link.
There is a certain thrill that comes with being annonymous...

Being a realist in life, I get a certain thrill being annonymouse when my friends tell me about how great a story they just read was, and it turns out that I wrote it. Whether or not the work was legitimate, or not. Oh sure, some of my friends, who I trust to be as filthy minded as myself know about this side of my work, but they are far and few between. Why? Because nothing is as simple as it may seem. People get a thought in their head, and nothing short of a nuclear explosion will get rid of it. For instance; every author knows that they put part of themselves in their stories, just to keep it real for them, but is any one character, or all of the characters really him/her? Absolutely not. And that's what most people don't understand, and that's why I don't tell everybody that I write erotic literature/porn, and why most authors don't either.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
when my friends tell me about how great a story they just read was,

Wow. Not only do none of my RL friends know what I do, they don't go where I go nor do they read anything in there. It would certainly be a trip for me if they did.
I showed my ex this site and my stories last night. He said they were good.

Actually after all my anxiety it was kind of anti-climactic... you'll pardon the pun, I'm sure.
It's kind of a relationship tester for me...We get to a point and I ask if they read erotic writing, if they reply yes I've shown them some of the stories and roleplays I've done.

Most reply either "that's not erotic, it's smut" OR "that's nice" and you can guess where the relationship goes from there:rolleyes:


the few that ask to read more or want the www? :devil: :D :devil:

just goes to prove it takes all kinds;)