Does bad feedback really matter?


I never give un-asked for in-depth critiques. There are too many fragile egos out there.

Hell, I even get my chops busted for giving asked-for opinions.

I may never give any feedback again.

Ray, you're the one being fragile, silly. Stand by your critique. Just because an author disagrees with what you said doesn't mean they don't value your effort or commentary. Buck up. :)

I don't mind people disagreeing with me. Hell I'd be real afraid if they didn't! But I do get mad when they twist what I say around to make it seem like I'm something I'm not!

Yeah, maybe I'm being fragile. Probably am. But damn, right now I'm mad as hell!

I think your rebuttal made your stand very clear, Ray. No worries. It seems like everyone is in agreement that stories should not be forced through a politically correct filter. I mean, hell, we're writing smut, which by definition is politically INcorrect. I'm sure Rumple was just feeling defensive, as we all do when confronted with less than glowing observations about what we see as Great Literature. ;)
My basic rule for judging my writing is not whether an individual reader liked my story. It is whether, or not s/he ‘got' the story. If the reader LOVED the story because s/he misunderstood the ending, then I have failed. If s/he HATED the story because s/he misunderstood the ending, I have also failed. However, if s/he loved or hated the story, because s/he understood exactly what I meant him/her to understand, I am a success.

IMHO a writer's job is:

#1 to be understood.

#2 to be appreciated.

#3 to know how to present information that will be appreciated consistently by a certain sector of the audience - that writer's niche.

Not even Stephen King, or William Shakespeare, can please them all.

Which brings me to the point of why I'm inflicting my opinion upon you. Since moving to Literotica I have never receive ANY feedback. When I posted through ASSM I got loads. ( Not all flattering, but some very precise and constructive.)

I though, perhaps it was just a blah story. (Well, it was experimental.)

Lately, I discovered that if someone wishes to send "Anonymous Feedback" to me, they must submit their E-mail addy. The info at that page, declares that I have "chosen" this! I found a place in the Control Panel under Submissions, where it seems like there is a choice, but you can not change the switch. I have sent an E-mail to the helpdesk, with no response.

Is this an unused feature, and everyone's readers must supply a (possibly phoney) E-mail addy? I thought I had read writers discussing "Anonymous Feedback". In fact, I KNOW I did!

Is there a switch that can be changed in only one location? One that I have never found. Or is it like Avatar's, a feature that is not available until I have surpassed my Virgin status?

I would really like to know!

To accept annoymous feedback you do the following:

Log into your Authors page:
---> Go to
---> click on the "login" link

On your Authors page, about halfway down you'll see a link called "Edit Your Options"

Click on this.

You'll be taken to a page that requests you to enter your password and then confirm it. Below that are two sets of radio buttons

"Make E-Mail Public"


"Accept Anonymous Feedback?"

Both have "Yes" and "No" responses

To accept feedback without requiring a return email address simply check the "Yes" beside "Accept Anonymous Feedback?"


If I have made this seem too simplistic then accept my appology. It isn't that I think you are stupid, it's just that I work with upper management all the time. For them you have to make things very simple. Telling them how to turn a light on is sort of like trying to get retarded six month old monkeys to understand quantum physics.


i rarely bother to check my percentage count, but I do enjoy feedback.

Most of my 'bad' feedback (only 2) is always from anonymous and says "What is the point?"

(I think it was the same person, but on another chapter of the same story, which makes me wonder why they read it!)
I had to laugh though as the spelling was atrocious and there was no punctuation at all in their message. I got the impression it was female.

If they didin't like it, why read another part?

Another did point out where I had put a she instead of a he, and I did appreciate that one! Constructive Helpful Criticism!

A couple of others pick me up on historical data, but I do start off with fictional lands etc.

I am going to rewrite or amend that one, so that is why I have not continued it.

Maybe I should put it in sci fi or fantasy instead of romance.

I write simply because I enjoy it, it's a hobby.

Thanks, Ray! I truly appreciate simple instructions.

Unfortunately, that was the place I had already found. Both responses were already set to "Yes."
Just to be certain, I set them to "No', updated my "changes", then set it back to "Yes" again and reset the changes.

I went to my story. Found "Do you want to send an Anonymous Message", and clicked through. Typed "Quasimodem is a twit!" In the message field and hit send. Got back a ********** App. informing me "You should provide valid email address [OK]."

I typed in a phoney addy "" and sent. It "seemed" to take it, but I saw no acknowledgement. Sent another. Same message, but with my real, home addy. This time it not only "seemed" to accept it, but it also acknowledged that a message had been sent.

I do not know how long a response takes to travel from Literotica story Archive to Literotica Mail, but I have had time to type this message, and as of NOW nothing has appeared in my inbox.

As I mentioned in the first post, I sent a message to the helpdesk, and would really have liked an answer. I suspect that, either there is some requirement that I have not fulfilled, or that some component of my membership is totally FUBAR !

After reading your post I went and checked my stories. They also say that I have annonymous feedback turned off. I don't.

Perhaps this is related to the problems the site suffered this week.

I'm going to start another thread to ask Laurel about this.

I test it if you like

Send me the links and I'll send a feedback to test

Thats if you would like me to


If you add a description of the type of story I may even read it, but I rarely read online as I have a dial up time limit

Ray Dario said:

If I have made this seem too simplistic then accept my appology. It isn't that I think you are stupid, it's just that I work with upper management all the time. For them you have to make things very simple. Telling them how to turn a light on is sort of like trying to get retarded six month old monkeys to understand quantum physics.


And with me! :D

If instructions don't come with HUGE colorful cartoon characters showing me what to do, alongside the text, I get lost...
