Does your partner know you're here?

Of course

Yes he knows, I am actually the one who introduced him to the site. I do not need to ask his permission to post. For the time being he is more of a lurker here, but I expect that will change.
Yes He knows i post here.

So far not had to ask permission but once he reads this who knows ;P

shy slave
I introduced Him to the story side of Lit, then He noticed the big on the top of my screen all the time and asked, I told Him I post on the boards... He peeks over my shoulder every now and then, and asks me every day how the boards were and if there was anything I learned or read something interesting... I don't think He is very interested in posting... but I don't hide it, and He hasn't told me to stop :)

I don't know if I could even if He did ask... tehe
Yes, he knows, no he doesnt read the posts as it does not interest him, and no, I don't need permission.

I suppose if I were acting in a way he deemed innapropriate, a problem may arise, but besides this, there is no concern for me interacting here :)
Yes, he knows. It worries him, though. We have a nilla relationship, and the fact that I'm always on the BDSM boards makes him feel inadequate. I've tried to cut down (and I think I'm succeeding!) for his sake, but y'know, sometimes it's rough. He knows I'll always have the fantasies, but it seems like that alone would be easier for him to deal with than my discussing said fantasies with other real people.

He does read these boards though. Mostly to keep up with what I've been reading and saying, just to stay abreast.
I don't have anyone to tell.

When I did have someone in my life, he knew about the site, visited a few times, and then lost interest. I would show him threads that I thought were really interesting or had stuff in them I wanted to try (y'all remember the chain trick thread??? We never did get around to that) but he really was too busy to be interested for long.
He knows, but because of lack of time has no chance to post.
He has read some stories and the boards from time to time, esp if he's wants info.
I didn't ask permission when I first came here, and he hasn't said he has a problem with lit yet.
He knows. He doesn't post here, but does have a user name. Sometimes, he'll do a search on my name to find out what I'm talking about, but there are no surprises. I will also send him links to conversations that he may find interesting, which leads to conversations between us. I have Lit, he has Star Wars as our cyber lives.
No, I don't ask permission.

Does your partner know you're here?
I'm curious, does your partner know you're a participant here at Lit? Is your partner also a participant?

For those of you who are submissive, does your dom have to give permission for you to post here?

yessssssss, She knows i go to many many a middle aged citizen.......i believe i know reality from fiction.....
not as if i need a babysitter...........huh?
Ma'am dont care about anything i do on the net........
and NO......She does not go to board sites........ever!

i hope this is a good answer?

lizzie anne
Etoile said:
I'm curious, does your partner know you're a participant here at Lit? Is your partner also a participant?

For those of you who are submissive, does your dom have to give permission for you to post here?



Not yet. :(
Yes, He knows I'm here, and He is as well. We joined together. I do not have to ask permission to post, but I have been ordered to respond to some threads, for He wishes to see my thoughts.
kitty4ever said:
Yes, He knows I'm here, and He is as well. We joined together. I do not have to ask permission to post, but I have been ordered to respond to some threads, for He wishes to see my thoughts.
Ah, I like that he tells you to respond to some threads. :)
He's not my partner, but my Dom... yes He knows that i post here, and i don't have to ask permission to post, but He does keep an eye on some of my posts... :)
No, she has taken a position that requires her to travel quite a bit. I found Lit, was reading the stories and once she was gone for weeks at a time found the boards as a way to pass the time. Have met some interesting people in the past month, makes the lonliness much easier to bear.
Yes, Etoile, I did not expect the first order to post in a thread, but I willingly obeyed, and continue to do so. :)
Yes, she knows.

I showed her my story when it posted. She freaked out when she saw some reality in my story. The next thing, she was telling me it would never happen.

Seems my fantasy included more of a role for her than she was willing to play at that time. It did let her know what I fantasized about though. In truth, I must have masturbated to different thoughts about my story for a month before I wrote it down. Gee, I need another story now!

I hoped she may even enjoy the site a little, you know, acknowledge her sexuality a little more. Maybe sometime.

She knows I'm here and she'll occasionally read what's going on but she is for the biggest part uninterested.
yup! and it was her(wildrose40ddd) that introduced Me to "Lit"...I keep telling her that I like to lurk and that lurking in the shadows allows Me the opportunity to observe much and to nurture the seeds that have been planted in My fertile mind undistracted...she does not need permission to post, she knows I enjoy her writings
Etoile said:
I'm curious, does your partner know you're a participant here at Lit? Is your partner also a participant?

For those of you who are submissive, does your dom have to give permission for you to post here?

Obviously we know of each other that we are here, on Lit. We both participate and enjoy it here. :)

Stardust doesn't need permission to post on the many word-game threads she posts to, or threads such as "what's your favorite food" and "What are you wearing right now"

Other posts, that require more personal information and such, I need to check first before she is allowed to post them. Privacy is very important to us and it is always good to double check. For this reason, she also reads some of the things before I post them. 4 eyes notice more than 2. :)

Like kitty4ever, stardust is also ordered sometimes to post to certain threads because it interests me how she will react to the subject and how she is going to put her thoughts into words. (Or just because sometimes it amuses me to see her struggle with a, for her, embarrassing subject ;))
