
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:

And, yes, there are women who like the traditional male/female gender roles, but it's still their choice. The ball is entirely in their court. Even a woman who is submissive by nature has a virtually infinite choice of males from whom to choose. A "submissive woman" could leave her "dom" and have the resumés of 100 other male "doms" on her desk by close of business.

Judging by the complaints of some of the female subs here, finding a quality Dom isn't as simple as getting 100 resumes and picking out what they want.

If her needs aren't being met, she should leave. But there are many couples that do make it work. And yes, consensual means that the woman consents. In that sense, they do have the ultimate power as to the creation and continuation of a relationship. But you can't carry that forward and say that the subs are calling the shots on when and how and where to have sex. That's just ridiculous.
P. B. Walker said:
Your brought up the super stars and famous people. How do you explain the male super-stars and famous male athletes? Have you ever been back stage at a rock concert for an all male group? They snap their fingers and women appear. Women throw themselves at them and they take or leave as they see fit. The same is virtually true for male super stars. Do you think Brad Pitt isn't call the shots (if he weren't married already)?

PBW "It's still a generalization, no matter how you paint it"

Where in the quoted part of your post is there any mention of celebrities?

Male celebrities constitute a infinitesimally small fraction of the male population. And while many females do go after them, I think that has more to do with competition among a certain type of females, and of course the eventual financial payoff that follows if she plays her cards right. As to male stars in general, Howard Stern said it best. He said that being a star is like being a pretty woman. Think about that. Having Tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars and people willing to bow and scrape and kiss your ass is merely equivalent to what any pretty woman would get as a matter of course.

A woman who is neither rich nor not-very-well educated can make men who are stars, captains of Industry, Presidents of the United States bow at her feet. Monica Lewinsky, a 23 year old girl, showed her thong to the President of the United States ... a Rhoads scholar who has been described by virtually everyone who knows him as a borderline genius, goes crazy and jeopardizes his political career. For all intents and purposes, she hand him under a spell. And that's merely one example. There are thousands of well publicized cases of a woman taking a man to the cleaners who is a shark among other men, who can crush other powerful men and even corporations into dust ... but are easily conquered by a woman.

You mentioned Brad Pitt. I have no reason to believe that Brad Pitt's situation with Jennifer Aniston is any different. She is a hottie and a star in her own right ... and although I don't know how much he makes ... I doubt if he's making "Friends-type loot." And, let's not forget ... Her grace, Queen Gwyneth unceremoniously dumped his ass, and he moped around looking doleful for months thereafter.

Also, look at the case of J. to the Lo. She has any number rich and powerful men crawling around at her feet, begging to drink her bath water. That reminds me of a Doors song ... "sidewalk crouches at her feet, like a dog that begs for something sweet ..." Do you think that any Male celebrity could have such a harem of A-List female celebrities? I certainly can't think of anyone.
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Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
[BDo you think that any Male celebrity could have such a harem of A-List female celebrities? I certainly can't think of anyone. [/B]

WriterDom said:
Seriously, Lance was black hat guy here, but on the GB, he sees more ass than a toilet seat.

Is that where he went off to? I didn't know that.

PBW "Anti-GB lol"
mistresssilkeng said:
LOL and here i thought everyone was just interested in his backside?


His front side is just as impressive I hear.

WriterDom said:
Seriously, Lance was black hat guy here, but on the GB, he sees more ass than a toilet seat.

Well, it is a great place for an ass-kicking, I will admit to that much.

P. B. Walker said:
Is that where he went off to? I didn't know that.

PBW "Anti-GB lol"

You haven't heard the squeals and moans from here?

Damn...I must be losin' my touch...

Lancecastor said:
You haven't heard the squeals and moans from here?

Damn...I must be losin' my touch...


You must be... here I'd expect them to running over here just to escape you. :) And if you do happen to start scaring them over here... make sure they are hot :)

P. B. Walker said:
You must be... here I'd expect them to running over here just to escape you. :) And if you do happen to start scaring them over here... make sure they are hot :)


P. B. Walker said:
You must be... here I'd expect them to running over here just to escape you. :) And if you do happen to start scaring them over here... make sure they are hot :)


There's no hot girls on the GB PBW, don't you know that? ;)
Freya2 said:
There's no hot girls on the GB PBW, don't you know that? ;)

I did not know this... damn.

So uhm... why all those guys hang out there? LOL... jus kidding.

P. B. Walker said:
I did not know this... damn.

So uhm... why all those guys hang out there? LOL... jus kidding.


The sauteed troll is particularly good there.
Freya2 said:
The sauteed troll is particularly good there.

Ahhh... and when ya go to the trouble of sauteeing the troll, your creation isn't just removed from sight... lol.

P. B. Walker said:
Ahhh... and when ya go to the trouble of sauteeing the troll, your creation isn't just removed from sight... lol.


Yes, they let us keep proof of our good work.
Freya2 said:
Yes, they let us keep proof of our good work.

Cool beans :) I like to leave stains... lmao. juuuust kiddin.

Love the AV... :) very perky <weg>

P. B. Walker said:
Cool beans :) I like to leave stains... lmao. juuuust kiddin.

Love the AV... :) very perky <weg>


As long as you promise to sleep in it, I'll let you make whatever stains you'd like. ;)

Indy_dark said:
If my desires are to dominate a dom into submission or conversely to release a sub then am I by definition a Dom?

I'm going to answer this one seriously. No, in either case you are not a dominant. You are most likely either a malicious sadist of the "permanently harm" variety or at heart a vanilla who hates or is terrified of power exchange. Or you may have that common overwhelming obsession with the importance of "FREE-DOM!" hardwired into your braincells through the propoganda you have been exposed to all of your life. When an idea comes into a person's head as a result of propoganda, he or she often has to force it upon others in order to truly feel it is legitimate. This is not so of ideas you come to on your own using your own brain to work things out--these ideas you truly own and there is no need make sure of their certainty by making sure others follow them to. People obsessed with the idea that freedom is everything or is the most important thing often play the games you speak of above: trying to turn apples into turnips. Because most people are not genuinely "apples" to begin with, but just turnips with a little warpaint on them, they find such activities relatively easy, lol.

A dominant is sexually attracted to people with genuinely submissive personalities. A dominant has no desire to waste time with something pointless like dominating another dominant--except maybe in the very rare.

Besides, if the other is actually another dominant, the first dom will get nowhere in his endeavor. The second will laugh it off, or if "dom" number one is insane and gets into serious kidnapping and torture, dom 2 will do what anybody does under toture: tell any fucking lie the tormentor wants to hear to get it to stop, or, if it still doesn't stop, go insane. You can't change a dominant into a submissive with torture. As a mere human, you haven't the godlike powers of transformation--all you have are the very banal and pitiful (although digusting and ugly) power of destruction. Even a deep submissive has the power of distruction--it's part of the human heritage.

Likewise a dominant who is attracted enough to a submissive to take that person on as his own (in a condition of "Un-release" so as to make the possibility of the "release" you mention above exist) then he's going to consider him, his dominance, the very best thing that every happened to this submissive and he will not ever EVER let her go, unless things in life change so radically that he percieves her staying with him as doing more harm than her being away from him. And even in that rare latter case, the way most genuine doms I have know handle it with their genuine submissives is not by "releasing" them all alone and unsupported to make their own way in life but by finding them a more suitable dominant. A genuine submissive is always much happier in the latter situation.

I'm only speaking of the genuine articles above, of course, not of the pretend people of whom there are so many in the bdsm world. If you have enough determination, you can make someone wearing a pretense or holding a false idea of who he is, do or be anything you want him to, as Brecht so neatly pointed out in one of his more famous plays.

Unda, An apple to the core
There are sadist bottoms and masochistic Tops, and everything in between the imagination can conjure... it's not an approved D/s flavor, but it exists. Still, you did ask for opinions. ;)