Donald Trump, the Racist

but an article was posted!

that is absolute bullshit.

It is nothing more than another chapter in their revisionist history of fantasy. There's lots of data which has come out after the entire "chop off body parts to cure transgenderism" crusade which shows that the entire narrative is cruel and inhumane.

Which is why many nations are now outlawing the procedure, including via drugs. It's all lies and never was anything other than lies. Those who supported it then are the same assholes who lie about it now.
It is nothing more than another chapter in their revisionist history of fantasy. There's lots of data which has come out after the entire "chop off body parts to cure transgenderism" crusade which shows that the entire narrative is cruel and inhumane.

Which is why many nations are now outlawing the procedure, including via drugs. It's all lies and never was anything other than lies. Those who supported it then are the same assholes who lie about it now.

i hate making assumptions but i get the impression these kids double masked with a laundry sheet.
Yeah sure thing toots. I'd give you the excuse of the pain meds but frankly there's not enough of those in the world to give you that much wiggle room.

You've just called people racists, baby killers, communists etc all throughout your grand reappearance here. I honestly feel sorry for you but that empathy is killed by the fact that you revel in being an absolute cunt.
Yeah sure thing toots. I'd give you the excuse of the pain meds but frankly there's not enough of those in the world to give you that much wiggle room.

You've just called people racists, baby killers, communists etc all throughout your grand reappearance here. I honestly feel sorry for you but that empathy is killed by the fact that you revel in being an absolute cunt.

^somebody's knickers got starched before they got twisted.
Right here enjoying every second of watching your fortress of crap burn to the ground.
Of course - ad hom attacks are only concerning you when it's from your opposition.

Thanks for confirming.
Of course - ad hom attacks are only concerning you when it's from your opposition.

Thanks for confirming.

You play the game, you get what you deserve.

Stop doing it and you'll probably find that others will do the same.
Yes, you do

Are you talking to a mirror?

Might as well be since the mirror listens better, does better debate and conversation than almost anyone here on Lit, and certainly looks better than you.
^somebody's knickers got starched before they got twisted.
That's funny, you're the two idiots that can't seem to stop yourselves from posting in the threads that demonstrate just how unfit and unwell Trump is. It's like OCD on steroids.

Might as well be since the mirror listens better, does better debate and conversation than almost anyone here on Lit, and certainly looks better than you.
I would argue this based on your entire post history here.

Everyone here believes they are deserved debate. It doesn't mean they are ...including you.

I don't have conversations with you because you aren't wanting want agreement and cheers on your perspective.

I've got battle scars from both sides of the aisle here....discussion isn't what people want here. The threads demonstrate that, OFTEN.
Yup I'm more left than conservative especially given the way conservativism has been hijacked by you mental midgets with the IQ of a cucumber since you all have come out from under your rocks.

And yup I can be a bitch. Unapologetically. Especially to people like you.

T&P 🙏

i knew you were going to flatter yourself.
That's funny, you're the two idiots that can't seem to stop yourselves from posting in the threads that demonstrate just how unfit and unwell Trump is. It's like OCD on steroids.


The only people who think Trump is "unfit and unwell" are those who have the same mental illness and disability you do.
Yup I'm more left than conservative especially given the way conservativism has been hijacked by you mental midgets with the IQ of a cucumber since you all have come out from under your rocks.

And yup I can be a bitch. Unapologetically. Especially to people like you.

T&P 🙏

Being a bitch used to be something to be ashamed of.
It is nothing more than another chapter in their revisionist history of fantasy. There's lots of data which has come out after the entire "chop off body parts to cure transgenderism" crusade which shows that the entire narrative is cruel and inhumane.

Which is why many nations are now outlawing the procedure, including via drugs. It's all lies and never was anything other than lies. Those who supported it then are the same assholes who lie about it now.
Real Americans know the truth. We don’t need people like doctors, scientists, psychiatrists and other so called “experts” who went to school for years to spread their lies. Real Americans know that there are only two genders, climate change is a hoax, Covid was just the flu and the Earth is actually flat.
Real Americans know the truth. We don’t need people like doctors, scientists, psychiatrists and other so called “experts” who went to school for years to spread their lies. Real Americans know that there are only two genders, climate change is a hoax, Covid was just the flu and the Earth is actually flat.

Of course the earf is flat. You can't build a house on a hump.