Don't bother being gentle, I like it rough.

i think that would be awesome. furthermore, i said bowels because i meant bowels. not my problem if the word is ugly, i couldn't think of any better way to express what i was saying..

Now don't be getting you lower intestinal track all twisted out of shape. Otherwise, I just might have to tell you to blow it out of your colonic exit orifice!
i think that would be awesome. furthermore, i said bowels because i meant bowels. not my problem if the word is ugly, i couldn't think of any better way to express what i was saying..

Not to worry darlin'; we're just ribbing you a little. It's a fun poem and I'm obviously not the only one interested in this particular topic, one way or another.

ribbing, huh? i'm not quite sure i know what that is, but it sounds just delightful.

I think ribbing is like pegging, only with WAY deeper penetration!
(You're way past the bowels, now bucko - Your into 'cough latex" land!)
I think ribbing is like pegging, only with WAY deeper penetration!
(You're way past the bowels, now bucko - Your into 'cough latex" land!)

do want!

nothing's quite like gagging on a peg from the inside-out, i'm sure!
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do want!

nothing's quite like gagging on a peg from the inside-out, i'm sure!

Well actually I was using the archaic term for joking, joshing, harassing amiably, that sort of thing. But now you have me trying to invent some crazy, kinky new idea that would be referred to as 'ribbing'. Maybe I'll run it past Homburg and the folks on the BDSM board; I'm sure they can come up with something scandalous to go along with the term.

Pegging while telling jokes? I'm sure uncontrolled laughter would make just about any act a lot more interesting...
