Doubts about my dick

Boner Avatars

  • Gimme more!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Prefer 'em flaccid

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • They're good for a laugh

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Limit the size to 4 1/2 inches

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Black ones are okay, pink ones suck

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'm a serious writer, I turn off AV's

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
rhinoguy said:
what a load of crap!

sorry world we are in when the human body is reduced to "funny looking".

I think cocks are amzing and wonderful to look at.

as are breasts...asses...belly buttons.....pussies.

presented subtley.....shrouded in translucent material...or brazenly flaunted.

I embrace the animalistic desire to well as the intellectual desire to be teased.



I'm deeply offended.

(Not really, but I'm in that kind of mood).

Anyway, you don't know how I react. I giggle lots, during sex, and it doesn't mean I'm finding anything funny. It's a kind of -oh-my-fucking-god-that's-tickling-my-most-intimate-parts giggle. :p

Lou ;)
I think it's that whole discussion about what we, as individuals, see as erotic again.

I prefer more suggestive stuff, but I don't have anything against dicks, far from it! I could sit and look at a real life, flesh and blood one for hours, they fascinate me.

But, just seeing a picture of one just doesn't turn me on, unless I happen to intimately know who owns it. Then that's a whole different thing.

Tell me, honestly, what would you find more erotic (gonna get crude now, so be careful)? That photo of me, the one I had as my AV the other night, or a close up of my gaping pussy?

Not a nice thought for me, for sure, and something I would never do, but I think it illustrates my point.

I love dicks, I doooooo!!!! But, I prefer slightly more suggestive AVs. I'm only answering the question posed by the thread starter.

Lou :kiss:
rhinoguy said:

how about a full body...face and cock....or face and pussy....

Well, yeah, I could go for that, but I'm not about to post that kind of picture of myself, either. ;)

Other people, on the other hand...

Lou ;)
Originally posted by rhinoguy
I think cocks are amzing and wonderful to look at.
I think cocks are amazing too, but that's it. I like them closeup and personal, but find nothing aesthetic nor erotic about them in themselves or as full blown self-portraits (nor would I find such in a photo of a man's brain or heart). However, I do find a little boy's penis sweet and lovely to look at, as well as a baby girl's vulva. After puberty though, the aesthetics wears.

At any rate, erotica or sex (fucking, whatever) is not about the parts involved. I like to look in a man's face when I fuck or get poked, not his balls.

I am certain some people find assholes amazing and beautiful, but I wouldn't expect them to get ired because I don't.

Rhino, just to clarify, what I said was that I don't find cocks and cunts ain't all that interresting to look at. Not more than elbows and toes, and you don't see many elbow AVs. Now, show me a full frontal, and it gets a bit more interresting. That's Cock in Context. :)

And still, it wouldn't say more about the person than the shape of his corpus. Unless the stance and/or the facial expression manages to tell something.

But as you say, each to his own. That's my own.

English Lady said:
Give me buttocks anyday*ewg*

there is just something about the erect dick of a man I don't know that is very offensive, but then explicit pussy shots have the same effect on me....I prefer something mre on the subtle side myself......

As my mother once stated. It reminds her of a piece of gristle with skin stretched over it.

rhinoguy said:
appreciating others viewpoints...while defending my own
Rhinhombre, that's the thing, you don't need to defend your views on cocks or elbows if you simply state them w/o ranting or judging someone else's. There's no argument here, maybe some extra-sensitivity?

I'd keep it in your pants if I were you Joe.

I'd post an avatar of mine, but I couldn't stand the ridicule, I also lack a strong enough tele-photo lens. The 800mm Cat. hardly picks it out from the pubes at the range of three feet or more.

I had a nasty accident you see, with a lawn mower, a few years back, only left me with a ten inch stump:D
shereads said:

Notice anything unusual about the shape of the poll results?

yeah, if you tilt your head to the right they're flipping you off...

lucky-E-leven said:
yeah, if you tilt your head to the right they're flipping you off...


Maybe they're flipping you off.



A Cranky Ass Bitch
Tatelou said:

Then again, I got hypnotised by Carl's the other night. Three hours went by, and I don't have a clue what happened in that time.


Where as I remember each and every minute.:p

As for this thread, I honestly don't feel like some of these ladies are telling the truth. I think they're going with the gang as opposed to telling us there real feelings. Judging by how many times this thread has been read I'd say people are avoiding the question because it's going against vivid pictures like my own.

Whatever you people like or dislike is entirely your own affair, however, I will not be drawn into the rights/wrongs of my choice in av's. You either accept me or you don't. I'm not ashamed of my body, in fact I'm rather proud of it.

Now then, can we get back to flirting PLEASE. :D


ps to all the lovely ladies.:rose:
Carl East said:
Whatever you people like or dislike is entirely your own affair, however, I will not be drawn into the rights/wrongs of my choice in av's. You either accept me or you don't. I'm not ashamed of my body, in fact I'm rather proud of it.

I happen to like penises. But I also know that there are people in this forum whose children are in the room when mom or dad is posting at the Authors Hangout.
shereads said:
I happen to like penises. But I also know that there are people in this forum whose children are in the room when mom or dad is posting at the Authors Hangout.

In which case I'd be willing to bet real money that these people have the av's turned off as responsible parents would. That can only mean that the people you're refferring to don't get to see my av in any case.


ps I've been looking for sometime now for an alternative av, I'm looking for something muscular and suggestive. It doesn't have to be nudity just as long as I like it, so if anyone feels up to the challenge of seeking one out it would be appreciated.