Dueling Samurai

Cupids Curse ~

Global abeyance, transfer two
equivocal hearted loves, upon the
landing, of lunar emporiums,
shadow planet.

Speeding forward through
these lands, two hearts cartwheel,
through times gate, mistakenly
thinking, to dance, to the tango
of true loves calling.

Holding back their arrows, cupids
army, teasingly tempts the lovers
back, into the land of reality.

Sugar coating their hearts,
eyes ...
with blossoming drops
... of honey kisses. Shadows
lingering, lengthening their stay.

The Lovers carry this shadowed
heart, into realities land. Thus,
foreshadowing the future of
what could have been.

Separated from the other.
Never ...
knowing thy love was
returned tenfold. Two loving
lovers, released from cupids
went forth,
forgetting ...
forsaking loves course ...

Mortar, mason and plum
a temple is built in the rising sun

shovel, pick and axe
temples are never built to last
Only the idea of self remains
Floating on a sea of cells;
Only heartbeats short of eternity
In breath after breath we dwell.

Michael P. Garofalo
My Erotic Tale said:
at the door death knocks
I will not let him in
he will have to
break the door down

RSVP, was needed this day.
Tell him, he must go away!
Push, the cabinet of courage
out front. For HERE, no More
shall he hunt.

Sweeping away the grim.
Replacing with Smiles,
and love, I send.

Pouring into the heart,
kindness ... love.
Also, I shall give
lots of Huggss ~

:rose: :heart: :rose: