Dueling Samurai

Ninja Nookie said:
ocean of life in currents
suppressed by air and breeze
but not in a dead sea

first thing I thought of was are talks about the dead sea scrolls <grin>
good to see your writes!
My Erotic Tale said:
it was the voice
across the miles
that made me smile

dreamy voice that carries
friendships devotion
across desert sands
on mountains high
filling the heart
with breathless sighs
of hope and love ...

RhymeFairy said:
dreamy voice that carries
friendships devotion
across desert sands
on mountains high
filling the heart
with breathless sighs
of hope and love ...


certain sounds are music to the ears
like the sound of money
or some one breathing next to you while sleeping <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
stance in hand
legs bent in balance
sword drawn

draw your sword
lay it down. let's play,
let me, go down ...


had to be said ... *grins

My Erotic Tale said:
draw up a pen
to writ you down
writing whats thought

thoughts written,
pen 'tis sharp.
sharp witted, mind.

sharp tongued
drawing circles
with long
wispy strokes
... what's thought~

RhymeFairy said:
thoughts written,
pen 'tis sharp.
sharp witted, mind.

sharp tongued
drawing circles
with long
wispy strokes
... what's thought~


long tongue talks
over flesh inviting
stiffened to release
My Erotic Tale said:
long tongue talks
over flesh inviting
stiffened to release

Release my muse.
I must insist.
I need him more
than you, I know
tis true.

So give him back,
Pretty - Pretty please.

* Pouts *

Now I got'm back
See whatcha think
No longer is my mind
goin clinkity clink ~

See who is writing now ..

(for now, that is * WEG * )

:devil: :rolleyes:
RhymeFairy said:
Release my muse.
I must insist.
I need him more
than you, I know
tis true.

So give him back,
Pretty - Pretty please.

* Pouts *

Now I got'm back
See whatcha think
No longer is my mind
goin clinkity clink ~

See who is writing now ..

(for now, that is * WEG * )

:devil: :rolleyes:

little muse fairy
tossing poetry
like wild flowers
tie two birds together
and though they have four wings
they can not fly

does a stallion follow man
for his intelligence
or for the easy supper

shall I cast a stone in water
make ripples movement and noise
rather than sit in tranquility