Dueling Samurai


My Erotic Tale said:

lOOkin' for ya
this was at poetry basics as a guideline?


Haiku is a highly structured form of oriental poetry.
Each poem has three lines. The first line contains
five syllables, second line contains seven syllables
and the third line contains five syllables.
Traditionally haikus are nature based subject wise.
hope ©Delicate Flower

rainbow of color
found suspended in the sky
heavens gift gives hope

is this the form we will use for this haiku...? which to me is actually easier then a seasonal form that I use... either or.. or another just let me know
Du loves Haiku :nana:

The way I will be looking at the haiku will be based upon the following definition.

"A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature."
Cor van den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London

I elaborate on this further on several of my articles I have posted on lit: What is Haiku? and Not Seventeen: More on Haiku

I think van den Heuvel has one of the the best grasps on English language haiku these days.

jim : )
Thank you Jim...

jthserra said:
The way I will be looking at the haiku will be based upon the following definition.

"A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature."
Cor van den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London

I elaborate on this further on several of my articles I have posted on lit: What is Haiku? and Not Seventeen: More on Haiku

I think van den Heuvel has one of the the best grasps on English language haiku these days.

jim : )

Thank you Jim.. that is exactly the haiku style I use except I make it seasonal.. so now I know what you will be looking for.. I know what to run with..
look forward to the write and challenge
My Erotic Tale said:

lOOkin' for ya
this was at poetry basics as a guideline?

Art... Art... you got to go to the specialists:

Haiku Basics - Jane Reingold

Modern Haiku

These are a couple of sites, Jane Reingold has been around a while and in addition to publishing her own Webzine is very involved with the World Haiku Conference.

Modern Haiku is fairly new.

jim : )
jthserra said:
The way I will be looking at the haiku will be based upon the following definition.

"A haiku is a short poem recording the essence of a moment keenly perceived in which Nature is linked to human nature."
Cor van den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology W.W. Norton & Company, New York, London

I elaborate on this further on several of my articles I have posted on lit: What is Haiku? and Not Seventeen: More on Haiku

I think van den Heuvel has one of the the best grasps on English language haiku these days.

jim : )

This should be interesting, I put the boys down about 8 pm so any time after that will be good for me. I have the Wiggles to help me but the songs they sing stick with you for a long time. Mash Potato Mash Potato, well there is half a haiku.
If Serra Serenade does not wish to take part in the competition, you may take this declaration as my desire and wish to be a part of the verbal competition....
Trent_Dutch said:
If Serra Serenade does not wish to take part in the competition, you may take this declaration as my desire and wish to be a part of the verbal competition....

Hello Trent_Dutch

Seranade hasn't gotten a hold of me but had PM me last week saying he wanted to do this if we did it, so you most deffinetly may participate, I did so enjoy the last volley and look forward to numero ocho (gunfight) but if this is half as much fun as last time then I will be satisfied till the guns blaze again <grin>

run down,

Du Lac
= haiku

average gina
=prose - freestyle

myself >> sa ba nim (instructor/judge)
jim >> zen master of pen
jthserra said:
Art... Art... you got to go to the specialists:

Haiku Basics - Jane Reingold

Modern Haiku

These are a couple of sites, Jane Reingold has been around a while and in addition to publishing her own Webzine is very involved with the World Haiku Conference.

Modern Haiku is fairly new.

jim : )

Modern Haiku is fairly new >>> <grin>

yes sir, jim
I stared at the elementary level <smile>
then jumped to edgar allen poe <omg>
I even read Haiku by jthserra <big grin>
Well, since I didn't do what I was supposed to do, I will be available Wednesday. I'll look for a time later or PM me because I'm mentally disruptive.
Miss Oatlash said:
I thought I was the only one in the world who says 'cool beans!'

hehehe Like socks on a chicken ...or was that cock <grinin'>
hey MISS Oatlash (~_*) Now I'm all warm and fuzzy ... like
a peach in the sun. <chuckleboned>

Okay ladies and gents

<<<<<<< 8pm central time >>>>>>>>
jim will post the theme and time length of write with Haiku rules ?
please post a few minutes before that to insure whos who <grin>

(as of right now)
regular prose and freestyle
average gina

Ninja Nookie

when complete PM poem to My Erotic Tale
I will place them together and present them to the judges
who have till late thursday to send reply and results

the poems will post for viewing

when the judges have all sent their results back to me I will
post their findings announcing the winners <grin>
Time Zones

CST = GMT - 6 hrs. I'm assuming. So thats 2am again for me... I could be quite drunk by then, again.
Trent_Dutch said:
CST = GMT - 6 hrs. I'm assuming. So thats 2am again for me... I could be quite drunk by then, again.

I'll be asleep...<g> I work 11 pm to 6 am, so not going to be up at 9...I know, I know, where's my dedication? hehehe
Remec said:
I'll be asleep...<g> I work 11 pm to 6 am, so not going to be up at 9...I know, I know, where's my dedication? hehehe

Yes I know, I am shallow by saying it, but consider the source, dad gum it.

You are interrupting my American Idol time, dad gum it! LOL

I am in like flynn. I'll be there, because I'm a trapezoid.

hell that is 9 pm my time.. I am early lol... okay I will wait
Du Lac said:
hell that is 9 pm my time.. I am early lol... okay I will wait


so Du Lac vs Ninja = haiku

average gina vs Trent_Dutch = prose

in less than one hour,
jim will kick it off with a the theme and time <grin>

My Erotic Tale said:

so Du Lac vs Ninja = haiku

average gina vs Trent_Dutch = prose

in less than one hour,
jim will kick it off with a the theme and time <grin>

Remec sorry you will not be here.. I was looking forward to it.. may I take a rain date lol... ha! where oh where is my mind going lol... sleep well and work safe Remec..
Ninja I bow deeply... and look forward to the challenge!

My Erotic Tale said:

so Du Lac vs Ninja = haiku

average gina vs Trent_Dutch = prose

in less than one hour,
jim will kick it off with a the theme and time <grin>

okay I am here, I may not be all here but I am here.
Ninja Nookie said:
okay I am here, I may not be all here but I am here.

okay, thanks for pm ing those~ nin

I have confirmed

jim judge
remec judge

I can be but was and am looking
for one more very poetic keen eye.

but as it sits we're ready to go
Du Lac said:
Remec sorry you will not be here.. I was looking forward to it.. may I take a rain date lol... ha! where oh where is my mind going lol... sleep well and work safe Remec..
Ninja I bow deeply... and look forward to the challenge!


Ditto Du lac

I am ready ; )
My Erotic Tale said:
hehehe Like socks on a chicken ...or was that cock <grinin'>
hey MISS Oatlash (~_*) Now I'm all warm and fuzzy ... like
a peach in the sun. <chuckleboned>

Okay ladies and gents

<<<<<<< 8pm central time >>>>>>>>
jim will post the theme and time length of write with Haiku rules ?
please post a few minutes before that to insure whos who <grin>

(as of right now)
regular prose and freestyle
average gina

Ninja Nookie

when complete PM poem to My Erotic Tale
I will place them together and present them to the judges
who have till late thursday to send reply and results

the poems will post for viewing

when the judges have all sent their results back to me I will
post their findings announcing the winners <grin>

okay jim will deligate at 8?

good luck ...counting down...
kicks computer <grin>