Dueling Samurai

Remec said:
not so comforting when
all the work is
coming from government

that's all i could say on that one cause i was laughing to hard to do anything else. (big grin)
Remec said:
I can't just
rely on good thigh
muscles and a
well-developed sense
of balance to slalom
my way by?


no, but they sure do help
if they are used
nin- :rose:
babbling brook chanting
while finger toils
in rippled water
to wipe the sword's blade
in water's now,
red shade
My Erotic Tale said:
babbling brook chanting
while finger toils
in rippled water
to wipe the sword's blade
in water's now,
red shade

if you get ran over by a truck
does it hurt any less
that it was because
the driver swerved to miss a cat :rolleyes:
templeminded said:
pain is nothing but a thought from the mind :)
nin- :kiss:

I thought so
I keep telling my foot it don't hurt
and that it's in my head <grin>
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One of life's little ironies...


Where you stick yourself with a pin
So it doesn't hurt somewhere else.
My Erotic Tale said:
I thought so
I keep telling my foot it don't hurt
and that it's in my head <grin>

words don't ever leave the mind......
just the thought that you percieved from the words do :)
love you,
nin- :kiss:
templeminded said:
words don't ever leave the mind......
just the thought that you percieved from the words do :)
love you,
nin- :kiss:

dang I knew I wasn't suppose to say what I was thinking...<grin> hope ya feel better....
My Erotic Tale said:
dang I knew I wasn't suppose to say what I was thinking...<grin> hope ya feel better....

thank you my love......no better as of today but still working on it
if there is opposition and disagreement
is there discourse and conflict
or enlightenment and understanding
that there is more than one ...
Du Lac said:
samurai blinded
never solo touched by MORE
suckled morning dew

Du Lac, liked what your poem did, I commented, after sleeping for four hours I woke up, realized the full impact of whatt was done.
twelveoone said:
Du Lac, liked what your poem did, I commented, after sleeping for four hours I woke up, realized the full impact of whatt was done.

thank you 1201, I must admit at first I was on the defensive.. thought oh no here is another one slamming my poetry because they just do not want to be open enough to the diversity of what I was trying to do... but instead I was honored!!! You took the time to explain to me that my intentions in writing that poem did get to someone... it did what it was suppose to do... you see 1201 I write in layers.. what you see is not always what you get.... thank you for taking the time to tell me your experience with Chartreuse...
du~ :catroar:
ps.. the picture I used was one of my own.. and the tree was the focal point of that poem.. hence why I used it.. instead of borrowing someone else's work... two layers if the words don't get you maybe just maybe my vision in the photo might.. hence the illustration..du~
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