Ebay is no longer bdsm friendly.

I just bought two things in the last two days from FA - and i've got four open (and currently winning) bids still going, too.

There's no one there, just about. You bid on it: you win it.

But still...still...i gotta slow down a little.
I won 3 on FA (2 last week), and I have some open bids over there now, I have had my eye on this quirt since Dusty said she won 1 from the same seller, but I had other things to get before I could bid.

WHOAAAAAA this is my 100th post
About that eBay policy "change":

I won an auction at FA. After recieving the notification, i replied to the vendor and asked if we could wait on payment/shipping because i was bidding on another auction of his, it was still open, and i was, at the moment, the high bidder. He agreed, easily.

His sig line contained his website.
On his website is a copy of the letter eBay sent out to the vendors of BDSM stuff when they ended all those auctions early. I found the letter very interesting. I noticed a call for unity among those like us in terms of buying from kink-friendly auction sites (FA) if eBay doesn't want our business. I noticed, too, that this vendor (and, i assume, others like him) is discounting his auction stuff for now in an effort to make the transition to FA all the sweeter for all of us.

In other words, now is the time to make those toy purchases you've been putting off, boys and girls and bois. The discounts are real and deep at FA right now. Jump on it.

Here's the site from the vendor with whom i'm dealing: http://www.bdsm-gear.com/
Um, that was me up there.

Apparently i should be asleep right now, not still up - and my brain knows it even if my body doesn't.

zipperdiva said:
We absolutely listen to others. It is how FA was built. PKA chose us, we got hacked to bits and changed servers and rebuilt the whole auction code by code. I hired a superb script writer. PKA, which is a groups of sellers, told us what they wanted and we built it. Out of over 100 suggestions, we incorporated 92 of those suggestions.

We will continue to do so. We want to offer a quality space for buyers and sellers. We are players, toy buyers, toy makers, etc. We know how important it is to find what you need. LOL..it's all about making play happen. It's a good thing.

Lady Catherine

I bumped this because I have been trying to log onto the Fetishauctioneer.com site and have not been able to. I was just wondering if anyone knew if the site still existed?

Thank you.;)

Fetish Auctioneer

March 25, 2003

We're closed for the next several days. We apologize for the interruption of service.
We had to change our host suddenly and without warning.

We decided to take this opportunity to bring you a whole new FA. If you liked FA before you're going to love us now! We're upgrading to a new, professionally tested software for our auctions. We want our buyers and sellers to have access to the best tools on the web.
Pure said:

Fetish Auctioneer

March 25, 2003

We're closed for the next several days. We apologize for the interruption of service.
We had to change our host suddenly and without warning.

We decided to take this opportunity to bring you a whole new FA. If you liked FA before you're going to love us now! We're upgrading to a new, professionally tested software for our auctions. We want our buyers and sellers to have access to the best tools on the web.

Ty Pure

That must be new because I swear I couldn't get on before.

Ok, carry on.
I, too, have gotten some rather delicious items off ebay here recently.

(I do have to go get some batteries now, don't I?)

From an email...

Dear Fetish Auctioneer user,

We're back open for business with a professional grade program!

This program has been previously tested by tens of thousands of
users a day. We're confident that if you liked us before, you're
going to love us now.

We have many more features for buyers and sellers and a whole
new look! Some of the new features are:

- Faster upload of the home page of featured auctions for dial
up users
- Bulk uploads, 12 active auction sorters and more seller tools
including your own home page
- Login cookies for your account
- If you buy multiple items from one seller in one day, you'll
get one email with totals for all items
- Side bar with a running dialogue to help you every step of the
way to sell and buy
- Multiple picture upload capability
- Dutch auctions
- Quick bid feature, buyers can bid on multiple items without
reopening item listing
- Track items and see closed items whether you won or not

and so much more!

All buyers and sellers will need to re-register with us. Once you
receive your registration email, click the link to your account
and change your password in two clicks! While the sellers are
placing their items up for auction over the next few days, please
take that time to familiarize yourself with all the service
intensive features we have to offer.

We want to provide our clients the best tools in the business.
Check out dozens and dozens of features on the new Fetish
Auctioneer today!


The Fetish Auctioneer Team
eBay and FA

People are still selling BDSM stuff (toys, movies, etc.) on eBay. Look in the "Everything Else - Mature" section for some of them, or do a search on "bondage" in the main area. Most of the sellers are using "bondage" as the keyword to indicate general BDSM, to skirt the eBay censors.

I like FA, but I've never bought anything there because I have yet to see a good bargain.

- Jesse