Em & HR's Wicked Fairytales - Vol II: Jane and her Jungle Man


Tarzan was not sure when he had fallen asleep, he had kneels over Jane’s naked body, veiled only lightly by the sheet of her bed, a good while, watching her soft, peaceful breathing, the rise and fall of the swells of her perfect breasts, rising and falling. He contemplated removing the sheet, and joining her wrapping his arms around her, their bodies intertwined. He reached out his hands, drawn to her, wanting to caress, touch, worship the woman that he had fallen in love with and nearly mated earlier that day.

At first he just laid down, but it was so nice there with her, he also soon found the sweet peace of sleeping beside the one your heart truly desires. He jerked at the feel of her touch on his shoulder, jerking his head, was there danger, had the bad man in with the fire stick returned?

She said his name, but the next words he did not understand, he only smiled, and turned towards her. “Ja… Jane…”. He smiled. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, resume what had been interrupted, his eyes were as hungry as they were filled with adoration. “Jane? Are you awake yet? I need to talk to you.

Tarzan heard the voice, and Jane’s reaction. It was not the voice of the man with the fire stick the one who had said, what was it, Ffuu …. Fuucckkin … Fucking, Slut… Tarzan remembered and would ask but this was not he, this was the older man, the man Jane seemed to respond to, to care for?

Tarzan heard her call out, past him to the man, and she pushed him gently down, and he could tell by not just her gesture, but by her look, that she wanted him to be quiet. He did as she asked, biting his lip as she got up, her body glorious and bare, only to be covered by some sort of human drapery. He wondered why she would wear such, cover such perfection, when he so enjoyed its display.

He watched Jane try to carefully leave the tent, seemingly hiding him. The older man seemed upset or sad or both? He could not understand their exchange, only the changes in tone. At first Jane was contrite, soft, only to become adamant, and then somewhat pleased. Tarzan breathed a sigh of relief, but then the older man saw Tarzan, pointing at him, and Jane opening the tent.

Suddenly the conversation began again, Jane seemed to be explaining negotiating, and at least the older man was listening, occasionally nodding, looking over at Tarzan who could only offer a simple, somewhat stupefied grin, as he reluctantly pulled his eyes away from Jane.

When they finished and she walked back in, she seemed to be smiling. Tarzan stood, not sure of what happened, simply happy to be alone. He pointed to the ground, this tent, “Tarzan?” He was asking if he could stay? He closed to her, and as he pushed his hands inside her robe to grasp her waist, the tie of her robe gave way, and again, his eyes glanced down, briefly enjoying the sight of her bare flesh, the swells of her breasts, her mound. “Tarzan … Jane”

He spoke softly, reverently, respecting he was in her cave, a guest, but, “Jaaane…” He moaned, pulling her body to his, her lips to his, and pressing his tongue into her mouth, as their bodies pressed tighter and tighter! His lips still brushed hers as the kiss broke, he was going nowhere, he slid his hand down from her waist and pressed his fingers into her mound, just as he did earlier but sounds were in his head, sounds he wanted to juderstand, and so he softly whipsered, “Jane…. Fu cling … slut?” Yet said it with the sweetest, most innocent grin on his face.

Professor Archimedes Q. Parker

Jane’s father could not unsee what he had just seen, but what he knew was far worse was, he didn’t want to! He had been shocked to see her, his beautiful, chaste daughter, in a state of near total undress, her body specitacular as her body intertwined and her hand stroked the massive phallus of the beast.

He had acted instinctively, yelling at his daughter, stopping her, however, while Clayton was clearly repulsed by Jane’s actions, the older, far more open minded, father was not! He could hardly speak going home, he had avoided his daughter, he needed time to sort, reflect and indulge.

In that moment his daugher had reminded him so much of his dear departed wife! Jennifer Parker had also been a beauty, a voluptuous figure, that contained a woman of voracious sexual appetite. While they were both of night British society, there was a dark underbelly that they had become a part of, one of ribald taste and extreme sexual appetites. It was there that his wife and he had found a world in which they reveled. It was there that Archimedes learned his pleasure at being a voyeur, and their mutual pleasure at the sharing of his wife.

Afher Jennifer passed of the plague, a disease he always wondered if she had acquired during their play, he had vowed to raise their young daughter conservatively, and even as she grew into an equal if not greater beauty than her mother, he tried not to notice, think or God forbid allow his more taboo nature to arise and sully her.

That had been all well and good until earlier today, when he saw, watched and felt his heart beat, his cock harden, she was in so many ways her mother’s daughter. Back at his tend, he reviewed every second, closed his eyes and saw her gorgeous naked body, her full breasts, her virgin pussy.

He imagined the beast, her fingers and delicate hand could not contain him, he could only imagine, how he might spread his daughter wide open and impale her on that magnificent cock. He came twice in his tent at his own hand, his own graphic fantasies. He awoke in shame, came to talk to his beautiful virgin daughter, only to have her come out, clearing wearing only a robe.

Never had he been more aware of the outline of her young body, his eyes going from hers, to her cleavage to the simple tie that stopped him from seeing all of her. He haged himself for how badly he wanted that knot to slip! He had come with the idea of having her forget Tarzan, but both her pleading and his unspoken desires rendered that unilkely. Then he saw the beast, he was hidden in his virgin daughter’s quarters, but was that still true?
His eyes wide open, he looked at his daughter!

“Now please, daddy, don’t freak out. He was there when I woke up. I think he was watching over me. He just… wants to protect me. I think he sees me as his mate,” The words stirred him, aroused him, wanting to ask, “And you my daughter, what do you want?” He didn’t have to, he thought of Jennifer and again arousal swept through his body, he knew.

He played the part of the good father, he loved her dearly, but if it were to happen, then he wanted it to happen within his puview and so he set conditions. Jane and Tarzan had awoken something deep inside Professor Parker, something innate and primitive, something that had him considering his daughter in new, most un fathery, but wickedlhy delicious ways. He was speaking to himeself as much as her as he walked away, “An interesting study indeed…”
Jane was relieved her father had relented at last and was going to let her spend time with Tarzan. It was unfortunate they were restricted to camp, but perhaps it was for the best. Jane was still ashamed of her behavior last night and didn’t want to disappoint her father again. She would be with Tarzan in camp and teach him, but nothing more... As the civilized lady, Jane had to set the example. She couldn’t let herself lose control again. Daddy was right; it was probably best not to be alone with the tempting, virile jungle man!

“Tarzan?” he asked her, drawing her from her thoughts, pointing at the ground of her tent.

Jane understood intuitively what he asked. “Yes Tarzan, you can stay,” Jane said happily. Tarzan pulled her close, his rough, strong hands slipping inside her robe, finding her waist.

He held her tight and looked down, stealing glances at her erotic nubile body he’d nearly entered the night before. “Tarzan … Jane,” he murmured.

His murmur of her name struck her in her core as he stared at her with great reverence in his chocolate brown eyes. He moaned her name and tightened his hold on her. Jane felt a rush of heat that obliterated all earlier thoughts of maintaining control as he kissed her. He held her body against his, kissing her eagerly. Jane moaned against him, hands clutching at his forearms, gripping him tight. Her nipples hardened beneath her robe and one breast slipped out when Tarzan dragged a hand down her waist to touch her as he had last night, hoping to discover her heat once again. Everywhere he touched her made her burn with desire.

Jane’s breath quickened and she tried to get a handle on herself. She had to put a stop to this! Yet it was Tarzan who did, indirectly, for what he said next shocked her.

Jane fought to hold back her laughter as Tarzan called her a “Fu cling slut” with the most endearing expression she’d ever seen. He was smiling at her sweetly, as if he’d just asked a question as innocent as what her favorite color or what she’d fancy for breakfast.

“Tarzan, no,” Jane said firmly, squirming out of his grasp. “Jane is not a fucking slut. Jane no slut. Clayton” – she pointed outside the tent then mimicked aiming the fire stick – “is bad. Bad man. Jane is not a fucking slut.” Jane repeated herself multiple times and conveyed the seriousness of her feelings with a stern look. When she was satisfied that Tarzan understood, at least for the most part, she kissed him but scooted away before they could get carried away again.

“Please wait outside my tent while I get changed,” Jane said. As she spoke she pointed to her suitcase full of clothes, at herself, at him, then the flap of the tent. “Tarzan wait outside.” When he still stood there with his big goofy grin and made a move to embrace her again, Jane took him by the hand and gently pulled him towards the tent flap. “Tarzan outside. Jane change. Jane be with Tarzan soon.”

With that she disappeared into her tent, but not before placing a kiss on his cheek. She yanked the tent flaps tight then changed hastily, not wanting Tarzan to get impatient and enter her tent, or worse, leave.

When Jane emerged she wore a long brown skirt tied together at the side, and a plain white fitted top. The slit in her skirt would tease Tarzan with flashes of her right leg all the way up to her thigh, thighs he’d been so close to sinking between last night! Her shirt was tight to her body, and she wore no bra. Her breasts were modest, so she didn’t really need one for support. As a result, her hard nipples became quite prominent when hard, like now.

Jane smiled sweetly at Tarzan and took his hand in hers while her eyes scanned the camp. There were numerous books and a chalkboard, some instruments, a kitchen area, and a clothesline. Jane led Tarzan to the chalkboard and showed him how to spell first her name, then his.

“T-A-R-Z-A-N” Jane spelled out on the chalkboard.

She spent the better part of the morning teaching him some basic words and phrases using the chalkboard, even getting him to write some things.

At one point Daddy brought them some eggs and bacon, both of which Tarzan seemed to enjoy very much. Jane had to help him with his fork, a foreign tool to him. He tried to use it like a spear at first, sending eggs flying everywhere and causing Jane to giggle, but he caught on quickly.

After breakfast Jane continued with the chalkboard for a while, but then had a better idea.

“Daddy!” she called. “Where did we store the projector? I want to show Tarzan some pictures from our world.”

As she spoke her hand remained clasped within Tarzan’s. It was clear the two were a pair now, despite their vastly different upbringings. But would Jane really be able to tame this jungle man? Or would he be the one to unlock her wildest sexual desires?
With Jane awake and her discussion with the older man seemingly finished With him leaving, Tarzan hoped the smile on Jane’s face meant she was coming back to him, wanting to continue what had been the most amazing experience of his life. Tarzan had been raised by the apes, and in the wild, there was no more fundamental need, than the desire to mate an copulate.

While not quite to the same extent, Tarzan was hung like a gorilla. He knew when a female was in heat, and although he had never taken or considered one of the gorillas, he thought Jane was the most amazing and beautiful creation God ever put on this earth, but even more, it was her scent, something not innate to humans, but highly attuned to a gorilla, that while Jane knew she was aroused by Tarzan, Tarzan was 100% confident, that Jane was in heat!

He had slid his hands inside her robe, and despite his long latent, and now raging desire, it was natural for Tarzan to be gentle and loving. He had never truly kissed until yesterday, and what a revelation. What she did with her tongue, and when he responded how she reacted, it was an epiphany, never did he realize his mouth could be the epicenter of such incredible feeling echoing through the entirety of his being!

He couldn’t wait for me, and initially Tarzan was sure Jane wanted the same! While reserved for at most a moment, he felt her press into his kiss and her tongue begin to work its magic. She was spectacular, and pressing his muscular thigh between her legs, he flet the tickle of her fury patch as well as the intoxicating moistness and heat, wafted up, filling his nostrils with her musK. His bitch was in heat, his mate needy, and now it was time to fulfill his destiny…

He mirrored the words he hadd heard the man with the firestick utter with such passion, surely that would only inspire her further and…“Tarzan, no,” NO? What was this NO word, Jane had used several words with Tarzan, but not No, certainly not when they had been in the water, he did not understand. . “Jane is not a fucking slut. Jane no slut. Clayton” – she pointed outside the tent then mimicked aiming the fire stick – “is bad. Bad man. Jane is not a fucking slut.”

Tarzan had felt her pulling away, talking, pointing, to what or why he did not know, other than she was no longer in her arms, and she seemed upset. She was still talking, females talked a lot, much more than Mama, she was quiet, Jane, not quiet. Yet she was so pretty when she talked, that he found himself just watching grinning, as his eyes went from her mouth to her robe, to all the delights that robe contained. Suddenly she had his hand, and he was outside, shooed away like Mama did, Tarzan had apparently been a bad monkey?

When she came out, she was dressed, and Tarzan scowled a bit, why would she do that, her body was perfect and more importantly, he did not understand the purpose of clothes in mating. Did she not see how his loin cloth was being propped up, but the nearly nine inch thick pole of his mating instrument, there was no reason to delay, the mating concert could begin.

Tarzan sniffed, and his eyes took her in, the things on her body, still made it look beautiful, and he particularly took notice of the hard little bumps in the middle of the swells of the flesh on her chest. And the lower thing, perhaps he was wrong, for her thigh was playing peek-a-boo with him, and he smiled. Perhaps she was teasing him, she was in heat, playing like the female doe who scooted away from the buck only to finally slow and present herself. Tarzan would be ready, when it was that Jane finally presented her flanks!

Yet, if she was teasing, she had great patience. She moved her finger in the sand, and slowly but surely he learned words. He wanted to learn a specific word, and so he did a charade of scrunching his face in a sour mood, until she finally guessed, “Angry” “mad”? He nodded. “Jane angry Tarzan?” He pointed to the tent, suggesting earlier, wondering what happened, “Tarzan make Jane mad?” And then he cocked his head innocently, he could not understand why they would have stopped, what they were doing. This learning was fine, he sort of enjoyed it, but it sure wasn’t mating?

It was only a few moments later when Jane called out to the older man, the man who Tarzan now liked as the food was delicious, even if he had to eat it with that odd four pronged spear!
Jane loved the way Tarzan looked at her. He always appeared fascinated, and more often than not he had an adorable smile on his face. The way he looked at her made her blush, which in turn made her even more attractive to him. She did not know why it was so intense, but Tarzan did. He knew her to be in heat. Jane just knew herself to be in love.

Jane taught Tarzan the english words for the basic emotions. She was going to move on to hello and goodbye, please and thank you, some more basics, but he suddenly twisted his handsome face into a look of anger. He thought she was mad at him from earlier! Jane felt a wave of guilt. She didn’t want Tarzan to feel like her putting a stop to their mating ritual was in any way his fault.

“No, Clayton makes Jane mad. Tarzan makes Jane happy. So very happy!” she exclaimed. Jane beamed at him to get the point across, and wrote out the word “happy” in the sand. She drew a smiley face next to it. As she drew she leaned over him, causing her breast to brush his arm. The slightest touch sent shivers to her core. Jane wanted him so badly.

She had to avert her eyes and call out to her father for the projector to distract herself from lustful thoughts of Tarzan. She couldn't help herself from glancing at the wild man's loincloth every so often, which was pushed up by his large, needy cock!

Jane swallowed hard. She'd been so close to having that hard cock inside her. Her pussy throbbed. Oh how she wanted him.

Archimedes quickly brought over the projector as she asked; perhaps he feared she would run off with Tarzan into the jungle to mate if they were not kept otherwise occupied.

“Splendid idea, Jane!” her father said as he loaded up some slides into the projector. “Visuals should expedite things.”

Jane flushed. She thought about stripping and teaching Tarzan the word for every part of the female anatomy. She tried to push that thought far from her mind as she turned on the projector and fired up the first slide. It was of a gorilla.

“Go-rill-a” Jane spoke the word slow and clear, pointing at the image on screen. “Your family.” As she said the word family, she reached her arm around her father and briefly gave his shoulders a squeeze in demonstration. Then she released him and fired up the next slide. It was a picture of the jungle.

“Tarzan… jungle. Tarzan is from the jungle,” Jane explained. The next slide was of a busy street in England. “And Jane is from England.”

The fourth slide was of a man and woman dancing in a parlor. Tarzan seemed quite intrigued by this one.
Tarzan knew Jane wanted him, but whatever she was trying to teach him, must be very, very important if she was somehow able to put aside her heat, that he could smell in ever breath as she moved up and about and all around him. So he tried, he learned, and, he lusted! He was still confused with what had happened earlier, Jane pulling away and shooing him from her tent, asking in his own, charade like fashion, mixed with the few words he was starting to understand, if she was angry with him.

“No, Clayton makes Jane mad. Tarzan makes Jane happy. So very happy!” she exclaimed. Jane beamed at him to get the point across, and wrote out the word “happy” in the sand. She drew a smiley face next to it. As she drew she leaned over him, causing her breast to brush his arm. The slightest touch sent shivers to her core. Jane wanted him so badly.
He listened, not really understanding, but getting the gist, Clayton, or fire stick man, as Tarzan knew him, was bad, and Tarzan was good!

As she bent over him, drawing the smile, he felt a rush through his body, as the nub of her very hard nipple, lightly brushed his arm, and he felt , he let the smile spread on his face, as he lowered his hand, sliding it up inside the slit of her dress, as her eyes had fallen to see his barely covered, and outrageously large and hard cock. “Tarzan make Jane happy?” And for the first time since yesterday, he again cupped her sex, as his finger pushed the flimsy cotton covering ot the side. And for a moment, he slid his finger within her wet, dripping petals. She was surely startled, but he pulled her closer, and again repeated, “Tarzan make Jane happy?” As his own happiness, was there, all they needed to do was lift her dress, and slide her down his wanting pole!

Tarzan had very keen hearing and he let her go when he heard a rustling behind them. However he was thinking about this as the older man came scampering over, putting some boxy looking thing on a table, and helping Jane hang a sheet, where they would show the illuminated pictures. Jane looked flushed, and her scent wafted ever stronger. Tarzan’s most fundamental need to mate with his love was overwhelming.

When the box turned on the pictures, Tarzan nodded. “Gorilla“ He repeated, as the picture showed one of his kind. “Family…” He thought he understood, but then when she touched the older man, at first Tarzan didn’t like, but then, “Oooh oooh…” He grunted, “Family?” He asked, understanding that somehow the old man was not a rival but part of Jane’s family. He pointed at the tent of the man with the fire stick, “Family?” He asked, meaning Clayon?

The next picture showed many people, all dressed, and things Tarzan had never seen, sort of boats, on land? Yet he knew none of thos words, but Jane had taught him a word earlier, and so he guessed, pointing, “Home? England? Home?”
Tarzan was very smart, but this was hard, all these words. But the next excited him, “Jane!” He pointed, at the picture of the woman, with a man?? Tarzan looked at the older man, then the man in the picture, they looked similar? He looked again at Jane, “Jane?” And again he pointed at this screen. He let her explain, but…

The next picture flashed, and the woman in the picture was kissing a man, sitting on his lap, a new man, not the older man look a like, but younger, and quite a bit darker man, with hair above his lip. However, none of that was what both angered and aroused Tarzan! No, it was how the woman’s top was around her waist, her fleshy mounds exposed and the man was gripping her flesh mounds, pinching those nubs, and the wom was kissing that man… and… the other man, the younger version of the older man, was in this picture, looking… and smiling…

Tarzan didn’t understand completely, yet, in the confusion, his hand had found his cock, and … he was stroking it looking at Jane’s look a like breasts!
Jane shook her head when Tarzan asked if Clayton was family. “No, Clayton is not family. Daddy is family,” she said, patting her father on the chest gently.

The next slides were of England. Tarzan recognized it as Jane’s home quickly. Jane smiled warmly at him. He caught on fast.

Another click and a new picture appeared - this time of a young woman merely a few years older than Jane. In fact, she looked very much like Jane indeed, with chestnut hair tied back in a neat bun and brown, wide doe-eyes. Even her physique was like Jane’s. The only differences lay in some subtle differences in bone structure in the face, and where Jane had inherited her father’s button nose instead of her mother’s pointed, elegant one. The woman looked nearly identical to Jane; so much so that Tarzan looked at her with a curious look.

“Jane?” Tarzan asked, pointing at the screen.

“Not Jane, Jane’s mother. Jane’s Tuinato,” she explained, referring to Tarzan’s mother. “But my mother isn’t here anymore. She passed away.” Jane did not expect Tarzan to understand, but nonetheless she enjoyed telling him about her life. It would help him understand more in time.

After establishing with Tarzan that the woman on screen was her mother and not Jane herself, Archimedes changed the slide. The next image was shocking. Jane could hardly believe what she was seeing. Surely the image had been tampered with. There was no way her mother and father would act in such ways, let alone keep a record of it!

But one look at her father told Jane all she needed to know. The truth was written all over his face. He looked about as guilty as Jane had when he’d caught her naked with Tarzan under the waterfall. Jane gaped at him.

“Daddy, what is this?” she asked, for surely there had to be an explanation for this. Surely there was a perfectly good reason her mother was exposing herself like that, seated in another man’s lap, kissing…

Her father floundered, lips opening and closing several times. Jane’s expression grew more cross the longer he hesitated. “Daddy,” she urged, a touch of pleading in her voice, begging him to explain himself. “Why is mum with that other man? And why are you… why are you allowing it?”

Tarzan was ignorant to the family drama that was unfolding before him. Instead, he was reaching for his cock, turned on the Jane doppleganger on screen. Jane heard the shuffling beside her and instantly turned her attention to him, noticed what he was doing, and reached for his hand to pull it away. She grasped his hand tightly in hers, preventing him from touching himself any further as tears pricked at her eyes. Tarzan, intelligent as he was, would hopefully understand the seriousness of the moment by the look in her eyes and oblige her.

Jane felt confused and a little disturbed, betrayed even. How could her father lecture her about her own sexual endeavors when he clearly had a torrid past of his own? In Jane’s mind, having been brought up to hold traditional values, she had never even fathomed the possibility of a sexual encounter involving more than two people! How dare her father judge her for her weakness with Tarzan when he’d done more scandalous acts in his youth, and while married, no less?

“Father. I think you owe me an explanation, especially after how you shamed me for my behavior with Tarzan.”
Tarzan was understanding that the older man, the one who occasionally smiled, occasionally frowned at Tarzan was Jane’s father. Yet he had made such a fuss at one point, just when Tarzan thought he was about to mate, he did not understand? All parents should want their children to mate, extend their progeny! A word Tarzan did not know, but certainly knew the meaning of, and Tarzan had great confidence, although no proof, that he would be an excellent breeder!

When he and the other gorillas had “entertained” themselves, his instrument was nearly as large as his, and when they finally released, his stuff flew half again as far. The king of the apes was a virile as he was handsome and strong. Did Janes father not understand, he could satisfy her as few others were able, and when it came to bearing cubs, his daughter had perfect hips for the moment, when it arrived!

The other thing he did not understand the need for, were all these fabrics and layers worn over their bodies. Were they not aware of the head and humidity of the jungle, the need to move quickly and the danger of catching these items when swinging through the trees and vines, not to mention the aforementioned mating? How possibly were these helpful? In fact, Tarzan could easily explain how much more his own body reacted and was poised for reproducing, the less Jane wore?

Yet in the pictures, everyone wore clothes, sat in these puffy, contraptions, rode in some sort of vehicle, a small boat with wheels. It was all a marvel and Tarzan eagerly anticipated each new picture and scene, until the woman, Jane explained as her mother appeared.

Jane seemed to smile and be happy with the first, the second, but then something changed. Suddenly the woman appeared to be preparing for mating, very logically, her garments beginning to disappear, and Tarzan was quite attracted to the resultant images. Finally people were dressing and acting in a manner he understood!

Tarzan found himself pursing his lips, remembering the soft kisses of Jane, first in the pond, and then in her tent this morning. There was a flurry between Jane, who was seemingly upset, and her father who was, fumbling. Tarzan did find it odd the man in the picture doing the fun things was not Jane‘s father but rather he seemed to be watching, smiling, enjoying. Why then, had he not enjoyed what Tarzan and Jane were doing? He figured she must be asking the same.

Tarzan didn’t even realize he had begun to fondle his cock as he stared at the picture, until Jane pushed his hand away. He looked at her confused, pointing to the screen, as the next picture popped up. Things had moved, and suddenly the “other Jane” was on her knees, her blouse open, and that other man’s cock in her hand. He was hard, but not all that big, at least by Tarzan and gorilla standards. She was gripping it, her face hovering only inches above, and her mouth wide open!

”Turn it off, turn it off!!!!” Archibald was dIrving for the chord and unplugging the machine. How had had possibly let those pictures get in with these, he thought, Oh my God, I brought the wrong reel!” He looked up with terror in his eyes, ashamed, and aroused. “Honey, it isn’t what it looks like…”. Except it was, it was exactly what it looked like and about to get much worse!
The slideshow from Hell continued, and Jane bore witness to her mother with her lips open wide over a man’s cock, hovering just above while a younger version of her father watched on. Jane could not believe the sight before her. She was relieved when her father pulled the cord. She did not want to contemplate what more horrors the slide show had in store!

Jane was normally the type of person to give one the benefit of the doubt, but in this situation there could be no alternate explanation, so when her father said it wasn’t what it looked like, Jane did not believe him.

“I think it's exactly what it looks like. You and mum were devious eccentrics that frequented sex clubs… What other possible explanation could there be?” Jane asked. She almost laughed at the absurdity of it all.

“No wonder I’m going crazy for Tarzan. It must be in my blood, Daddy! And you knew it this entire time! How dare you try to shame me!” She glared at him, hands on her hips. She turned towards Tarzan, grasped him by the shoulders and kissed him heatedly but swiftly, her tongue dipping into his mouth for but a second before releasing.

She turned to her father, hand grasping Tarzan’s. “I'm going to go have sex with Tarzan because I’m tired of holding back my urges. Clearly you and mother had even less restraint than me!” though she sounded angry, looking at her father she almost… pitied him. Clearly this was weird, maybe even fucked up, but Jane knew that her father loved her mother. It seemed they were just kinkier… a LOT kinkier, than she’d thought!

“I guess it must run in the family, huh?” she joked, trying meekly to make light of things before she pulled Tarzan in the direction of the waterfall to complete the mating ritual they’d started the night before…

When they were out of earshot of camp Jane reached for Tarzan’s loin-cloth covered cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her lips moved to his neck and she kissed him lightly before moving to his ear. “Take me somewhere private to mate,” she said to him, kissing his earlobe briefly. From the look in his eye she was confident he understood.
Tarzan was confused, aroused by what he saw on the screen, only to be confounded by not only Jane’s reaction but the tone of exchange and the emotions displayed by each of them. Jane was outraged and incensed, or so it seems, but the older man, the one Tarzan intuitively felt a sense of empathy for, was flustered, embarrassed and hurt!

Tarzan would have given anything to understand what was being said. “I think it's exactly what it looks like. You and mum were devious eccentrics that frequented sex clubs… What other possible explanation could there be?”

Her father stuttered, needing to fan himself, as those memories came flooding back. “No.. not sex clubs… more parties .. friends… experimenting… no, not experimenting… more learning….” Oh how he wanted to turn it into some academic study, but the truth was, while he did not consider themselves eccentrics, Jane’s mother and himself had found they had robust and varied sexual appetites, Jane’s mother an exhibitionist, and he, a voyeur.

He had so long tried ot hide this fact sincer his wfie’s death, and it was really the seeing of Jane and Tarzan that had resuscitated those demons. He had expressed outrage, while trying to dissuade, even convince himself that he did not find the sight of catching his own sweet daughter being intimate with the savage wasn’t incredibly arousing!

He felt it again as he watched her grab Tarzan and kiss him passionately. “Oh god, the way her lips pressed to Tarzan’s, how his cock tented in response, Jane’s father could barely not moan himself. We are who we are, and he was a voyeur, but could he daughter ever understand? Or more, would she possibly be willing… oh dear God, he couldn’t ask that, could he?

“I'm going to go have sex with Tarzan because I’m tired of holding back my urges. Clearly you and mother had even less restraint than me!” He could only sigh, it was true, but … “Jane, please don’t leave ….” That question implied much more than his daughter understood.

Suddenly Tarzan felt Jane whisk him away, and despite his own desires, he found himself looking over his shoulder, feeling sorry for the older man who stood there, biting his lip.

They were barely out of sight when Jane turned, and reached under his loin cloth, and he felt her delicate fingers grip his massive and quickly hardening cock, he felft her lips on his neck and he began to paw at her clothes as well, fondling her breasts while trying to deal with those blasted small circles that thread through the holes of her blouse. It was with as much urgency as Tarzan could possibly feel he figured out how to unleash the woman bound by this confounding material.

They were kissing and pawing, he was now enormous in her hand, grinding and thrusting as he layer by layer shed her clothes. She whispered something, he assumed correctly she wanted him to take her some place, this was the moment they would mate for life! She was nearly naked, her clothes scattered amongst the leaves and branches, only panties remaining when he swept her up in his arms … he was deciding whether to take her to the water or his cave, when suddenly, his own mother pierced the air with a summoning call.

There was trouble in the nest, a fight, and Tarzan was needed. He tried to explain, pointing in the direction of the call, and scooping Jane up in his arms to give her one more kiss! As his hands and arms held and fondled her near naked body!