Erotic Illustrators & Writers

rhinoguy said:

I so miss regular and passionate sex!

I feel sure I would do some very stupid things if I were looking at a long period without sex. Even though I had no difficulty the last time, during the pregnancy, to be cut off alone, fat and fifty as I am, I think I would engage in risky behavior for it. I am very glad not to be in that case. I'm fairly driven.

Thanks, Loraine. It's the faces which make it for me, and the hands, too. Expression evokes a story and makes the situation come to life.

edited to add: The drawing will serve to illustrate "Pleasing Ellie" in the Anthology.
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Oh my, those are hot.

Just added them to my stash of fairy pics. LOL

How about your Urban Fairies? What's happening with them?

rhinoguy said:
I am not positive that I follow.

It is certainly SEXUAL.
but not "arrousing"?

how do you distinguish between "sexy" and "erotic"?

It is not arousing. It is captivating, though.
rhinoguy said:
As I said earlier: "I'm pathetic"


You should do an alternative with her other hand between her legs..... :D

Good stuff Rhino...
rhinoguy said:
Would that be "erotic"?

or does she have to look serious? :mad:

Depends on the mood, I've seen women that laughed that were incredibly erotic.
rhinoguy said:
as expected. different strokes.
WHat you (The Fool) and I might find erotic are not the same as what Impressive finds stimulating.

We all have our fetishes, hangups, biases, positive and negative experiences.

I do like to hear which drawings ARE and aren't erotic to whom and why...if it can be articulated.

I like your fairy drawings for a number of reasons. They have a magical fantasy feel. To me, many of your fairies seem to have an expression of single-minded determination to engage in whatever sex act is available to them. I had stated earlier that sometimes a woman laughing, especially during the act of sex can be very erotic. In your drawings, your females often show the utter exhilaration of indulging in the act of sex, real or not, realistic or not. Many of your drawings offer a level of innocence that adds to the level of depravity exhibited.

Maybe that’s it. Your pictures capture joy and innocence in an erotic fantastic element. They stretch the imagination to think beyond the obvious.