Erotic story cliches

How about stories where a young, inexperienced white wife ends up sleeping with a huge black man and it is the greatest sex she ever had and becomes a super slut. Just once I would find it amusing for the above type story for the wife to be underwhelmed by the man (size or performance) and go back to being a good faithful wife who just made a mistake.
That sounds like a great story idea, for humor/satire (not interracial). I'll keep that in mind.
Thanks ezgoin,

I have a similar story currently in progress, but like my other stories, it is not finished yet, I feel it is missing something.
I always wonder about people who take one word, or one description and condemn the whole story. Can't they get around one word? The story might be worth reading and hot, but they have a hang up on 38 DDD - for instance.

Guys, there are actually living breathing women in this world who actually have 38 DDD, and yes - gasp - even larger. Natural ones, not Silicone Valley specials. Learn to live with it! If you want to learn a new word then look up zaftig.

I had a reader get to the word "shitty" in a story of mine and quit reading. 'Anonymous' said I lacked a vocabulary. I defy him to read the rest of the story or others of mine and say I can't use words correctly. In that case the girl was young and believe it or not, that is one of the words they use - like "you know"!

Don't condemn a story on one word, or description. You might be cutting your nose off to spite your face and missing a good thing.
Tawny T said:
I always wonder about people who take one word, or one description and condemn the whole story. Can't they get around one word? The story might be worth reading and hot, but they have a hang up on 38 DDD - for instance.

Guys, there are actually living breathing women in this world who actually have 38 DDD, and yes - gasp - even larger. Natural ones, not Silicone Valley specials. Learn to live with it! If you want to learn a new word then look up zaftig.

I had a reader get to the word "shitty" in a story of mine and quit reading. 'Anonymous' said I lacked a vocabulary. I defy him to read the rest of the story or others of mine and say I can't use words correctly. In that case the girl was young and believe it or not, that is one of the words they use - like "you know"!

Don't condemn a story on one word, or description. You might be cutting your nose off to spite your face and missing a good thing.

Okay, a few things real quick (If I'm capable of saying things quickly), Tawny.
One: The 38DDD situation...that's something the reader doesn't need to know. That's why we're complaining aout it, and it is a universal complaint, not just for this thread, but all over the site. Basically, if you ay she has extremely large breasts, we can go from there better than by the actual number. And, quite frankly, to most male readers, we don't really know how big 38DDD breasts are, just that they're "Extremely large breasts," like I said before. Women might know, but men never do, because we don't wear bras (most of us, anyway) and we don't need to know how big 38DDD is for any reason. When I take a girl's bra off, it isn't to read the tag; understand what I'm saying?

Two: Secondly, and I don't mean to criticize your writing because I haven't read it, but the word "shitty" is far too inexact, in fact, it has no defined meaning whatsoever. It's like saying something is wierd. It isn't defined well enough for the reader to understand what you're trying to say in most situations without excessive explanation afterward. Maybe your story is an exception (they are most certainly out there) but words such of these have to be elaboarted on to explain their meaning to the extent that they are almost useless in any story where the reader is to understand the writer's meaning.

Three: Learn from what's being said here, or ignore the thread altogether. Taking offense just makes the advice we post here about something that it isn't really about.
Quiet_Cool said:
Two: Secondly, and I don't mean to criticize your writing because I haven't read it, but the word "shitty" is far too inexact, in fact, it has no defined meaning whatsoever. ...

If you'll re-read Tawny's post, you'll note that the word "shitty" was criticized in the context of a young character's use of it.

As inexact as the word is from a pedantic viewpoint, it has a very rich range of very precise meanings from the slang or vernacular viewpoint -- especially when used in dailogue attributed to a character!

As Tawny said, it a word that is used every day, like, you know?

Even from a narrator's viewpoint, a word like "shitty" can convey a fairly precise meaning: "Cutey-Pie was having a very shitty day, and it was about to get worse." Whether I ever explain what made Cutey-Pie's day "shitty," 99% of English speakers will understand that her day hasn't been going well.
Breast-penis size

My opinion, for whatever it's value, about breast and penis size in Lit stories or other adult entertainment venues follows; In the more current adult videos, not including amateur productions, it's the norm for the actresses to posses huge if almost anime proportion sized breasts and the males to be equaly endowed. Is this any surprise as the 'fantasy' element is at work here, so why by simillar convention, those traits are carried over into text. Characters in stories are larger-than-life in both the scope of their adventures and their physical prowess. Otherwise why would you want to read about an everyday person having non-descript sex, it would be like listening through the wall to your parent's bedroom on a Saturday night, unless of course your parents are retired porn actors.
Males are visual beasts, sometimes we just have to have a description bordering on the technical to establish a mental image that brings a character to life, mind that's a terribly overstated belief that may not always apply so any offense taken by my fellow males at Lit is not intentionally meant.
Women are much more interested in the emotions and motivations of a character than just the four letter words and graphic descriptions sometimes given in a story, again, that doesn't represent all the ladies at the BBS nor is meant to stereotype anyone.
I draw the above general conclusions from adult videos produced for specific markets, meat and potatos for guys, a mixed salad for women and of course those compilation tapes for those prefering a buffet. That said, my dollar still doesn't buy a cup of anything at Starbucks.....
ezgoin said:

Also, how exactly is a hard cock measured, anyway? Is it along the top from the belly to its tip, or from the bottom, including the balls, or would that be cheating? I think a measuring tape would be better than a rigid ruler: in case the shaft has curviture to it.

Penis size is measured along the bottom of the shaft, from tip to base (not including the balls). I'm not just saying that to make myself feel better, either. I've actually researched this.

...Direct self-worth... to penis size... dependency showing...
Weird Harold said:

If you'll re-read Tawny's post, you'll note that the word "shitty" was criticized in the context of a young character's use of it.

As inexact as the word is from a pedantic viewpoint, it has a very rich range of very precise meanings from the slang or vernacular viewpoint -- especially when used in dailogue attributed to a character!

As Tawny said, it a word that is used every day, like, you know?

Even from a narrator's viewpoint, a word like "shitty" can convey a fairly precise meaning: "Cutey-Pie was having a very shitty day, and it was about to get worse." Whether I ever explain what made Cutey-Pie's day "shitty," 99% of English speakers will understand that her day hasn't been going well.

I stand corrected on that "Shitty" issue. I missed that it was within dialogue. Used outside of dialogue or thought, I stand by what I said, but given that it was not used outside of it, my apologies to Tawny T for my misunderstanding.
Cliches = Higher rankings.

Many of the high ranked, yet poorly written stories (which are thankfully diminishing in number) stand as testament to that fact.
Do you read erotic stories for education? No? Maybe for 'fact' finding? No? Well, how about for seeing where the devil is leading the flock astray? No? Of course not! People read erotic stories for the same reason they go to the movies. ENTERTAINMENT
That said, I wouldn't be much interested in reading a story where the main character was extremely fat, or thin, or flat chested, or no-cocked, small cocked, couldn't get it up cocked, planet sized cock, or boobs for that matter either.
I look for a character to be human, but above average in looks (if it is a woman) and normal build (in the case of a man). Being a male, I want to have a picture in my mind of an attractive female being the purpose of the story.
Do you go to the movies and then look for the local constable to act and look like Bruce Willis, or Arnold Schwartzenegger? God help us if the local constable acted like them. Breaking into the bad guy's house or office without a warrant, beating them up, or worse shooting them up.
See? Reading is the 'oldest' form of entertainment, next to of course the 'oldest profession'.:)
I don't like to see overly large anything, but in some cases they do exist.
Oh, all right, not planet sized boobs, or redwood sized cocks.
Re: Breast-penis size

fallen5of7 said:
...Characters in stories are larger-than-life in both the scope of their adventures and their physical prowess...Males are visual beasts, sometimes we just have to have a description bordering on the technical to establish a mental image that brings a character to life...

I consider myself to have a pretty good imagination, but to be perfectly honest, exact descriptions are kind of lost on me in terms of helping me visuallize. But exaggerated characteristics are one way to get something to stick in my mind for the duration. A few vivid colors help.

I think that sometimes mundane details can be used to give the story a sense of realism that it might otherwise lack--for example, Marilyn Monroe is famous for the mole on her cheek--which makes her seem like less of a caricature.

Another way to get things to stick in my head is simply to use a lighter description. So instead of six paragraphs of visual description of a character "Ample girl with short auburn hair and a red dress around her waist" is usually enough of a tag for me.

As for cliches, I think that one cliche is another person's fetish--to paraphrase. Sometimes, a formula is just the thing I'm looking for. I'm certainly not interested in reality when I think of nonconsent fantasies, for example. Reality would be too brutal. I mean, who would really be turned on by a woman screaming and fighting? I want the cliche of the woman who really wants it but pretends not to.

I guess, in this sense, many of these stories are often about expressing specific sexual fetishes in the form of a scenario. Like that Anne Rice erotic novel about sleeping beauty. Clearly, it seemed to refer to specific fetishes (although it rather confused me.) While the actual scenarios were ridiculous, the references to specific fetishes seemed quite real. The details led me to believe that she had contact with a specific subculture which practices these scenes.
Quint said:
Have I told you about my girlfriend, Sally? Boy, you're in for a treat. That girl has the wildest adventures.

First, a little about Sally. She is the most gorgeous girl on the planet. She has tits the size of a planet, hell, TWO planets, if the planets were 48DD. Her blonde hair falls down below her sweet curvy ass that I'd love to fuck if she would let me, and in the front is the sweetest pussy man ever tasted. It certainly was the sweetest pussy her twin sister Shelly ever tasted, she assured me! I guess Shelly's pretty hot too.

Need I go on? o)

That's plagiarism...I'm SURE I wrote that story first!:D

Did you bring their father into it like I did?