Erotico-Literary Theory


Originally posted by oggbashan Even DurtGurl's masterpieces have literary merit because they brilliantly parody some of the erotica on the net.

Too bad they can't get posted on here.

MG (DurtGurl's mom)
"How refreshing" I thought, as I read the first couple or three posts, some few people speaking out in defence of marginal wank material. I write "stroke". I've defended it no end of times. I've fortunately been praised for defending it occasionally. But then they had to jump in didn't they?

If it's got no character development/plot/background it's not a real story. What's the favourite word? Ah yes. vignette.

How many times have I got to say this? A short story can encompass all these things and still be strokable.

Whether anyone here on Lit can accomplish this is another question. But at least some of them try.

Here he goes again, blowing his own trumpet.

Naa. Although I am

To be blunt, though, I'm finding some of the prose on this site a bit off the mark, in my humble opinion. Truly, authors are attempting to polish their craft and expand their repertoires, but isn't the major point of the stories on this site to arouse sexual impulses within certain parameters?

Hi sack_lunches and welcome to litland :)

you've given me much food for thought with this single comment.

i believe you're basically right. Literotica is a place designed for readers. the stories are set in categories for the reader to choose from easily, even the voting is aimed mainly for the readers (too many variables for the author's to use the statistics in any particular reliable way).

the trouble is any serious writer is going to want to improve on their writing. how else to do that apart from improving their storytelling skills via this particular website?

how does one improve on their existing jack fucks jill type story? by changing the parameters i think. altering the type of story written, altering the skills previously used, advancing in knowledge, being daring and trying things not tried before, etc.

yes, any of us who are serious in improving our writing, are using Literotica to that end. that the reader and other authors get to watch as we improve or fail, is a side effect.

for me i've noticed the advances i've made since i began writing. early on i was very flowery, too verbase, i'm learning to hone my skills, to say whats essential to get the character's points across. i've moved through different categories to 'try them on and see how they fit'. it's all really to do with my growth as a writer.

Literotica is one place where I can try anything and everything I want to see how I turn out as a writer.

i appreciate you giving me serious things to consider. thanks dear.

ps i sure hope you stick around. i've a feeling that i for one am going to learn a lot in the future.
Originally posted by sack_lunches I'm actually afraid to read the hypnosis stuff, because I'm concerned that someone implant a suggestion through the story, and I'll awaken broke, cold, and with my cock in a strange goat.

As opposed to a goat with whom you're personally acquainted?
Hello, sack_lunches, and welcome. Hope you enjoy your time here.

Personally, I like stories that have _story_ to them. If I'm not interested in the characters and the circumstances before the leaping-into-bed, I won't read on. I strive for that in my writing, as well, though I do like to believe that there's plenty of steamy clinching along with the description and dialogue and character interaction ;)

It's just that, as I was writing, I noticed the goat under my desk, and then it hit me... I've already been hypnotized by this lovely beast. Ah, well, I'll just hide my credit cards and read the hypnosis stuff, anyway. I'm sure I owe it to someone, if only the goat.

Thank you for the wonderful welcome, wildsweetone. I'm sure we'll all learn alot from one another. And, since everyone keeps bringing this up...

Please see my new thread. You'll know which one it is...
TheEarl said:
There are more than enough stories here which are more than just 'I had a spare five minutes and was horny' and the would still be viable (and a hell of a lot more condensed quality) if there was a vetting system.
You are showing your age for the first time. here is the ladybird version of how a web site works.

This site exists by taking money from advertisers (unless the group calling itself "Laurel" and "Manu" is funded by a mad millionaire).
Advertisers want a maximum number of clicks.
Wankers click a lot on smutty picture ads.
Therefore this site wants a lot of wankers.
Therefore it carries a lot of wank-fest stories.
Other people click on ads.
Therefore this site carries other sorts of stories.

If it were a charitable fund or a University, it could encourage high quality literature and to hell with the expense, but it isn't.

PS. And I haven't even mentioned that the people doing the vetting might not agree with you on what constitutes literary merit.
Un-registered said:
You are showing your age for the first time. here is the ladybird version of how a web site works.

Cheap shot. Not impressive.

I feel that even wankers can appreciate something with a little more quality than some of the worst stuff here. I've read stories on here that, although not very literary, were very hot. I've also read stories that were not very literary or very hot at all. These are the stories which should be removed IMHO.

I appreciate the comments, but not the personal remark. My age has nothing to do with my posts or my understanding of how a website works, especially since I used to earn money building and maintaining websites for local companies.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Cheap shot. Not impressive. ... I appreciate the comments, but not the personal remark. My age has nothing to do with my posts ...
It wasn't intended as a cheap shot. It was intended to mean that most of your posts are mature, far beyond the age given in your profile, but that this posting was relatively naïve.
Two strikes

Originally posted by TheEarl Cheap shot. Not impressive.

You're lucky, Earl. I'm both young and female. Look at all the abuse I take around here. Maybe I had a better name. Something with Prince, Master, Earl, Dook ...............
Name Names

It's hard to get a grip on this when we don't know exactly what you're idea of non-sexual content is. For one person a description of curtains blowing in the wind is sexual, for another it's not.

Why not tell us the stories you're talking about and let us see what you mean? Erotic content or its lack is a perfectly valid criterion for critiquing a story, and feecback on the subject would probably be much appreciated by the author. It's very unfortunate that almost all the postings to the feedback board are in response to requests by the author. We should have a lot more opinions there of any sort of piece that strikes you as especially good or bad.

When we start talking in vague generalities about things like "non-erotic content", no one knows what anyone's saying, and the discussion isn't worth much. Be specific and see what other people think.

Un-registered said:
It wasn't intended as a cheap shot. It was intended to mean that most of your posts are mature, far beyond the age given in your profile, but that this posting was relatively naïve.

Fair enough. It just sounded very patronising.

MG: You don't get abused around here do you?

The Earl
I'm relatively new here, so I haven't posted too much, mainly because most of my comments would have consisted of, "Yeah, me too."

Having said that--Yeah, me too.

I, too, want some story in a story. I mostly don't read the vignette type story that consists of a single sexual encounter between two individuals. I want multiple characters, a significant span of time that embraces multiple sexual encounters, a plot to connect it all that makes some sort of sense, and maybe a subplot or two. A little humor helps as well. The plot should drive the sex, not the reverse.
A quick study

Haroldx said:
I'm relatively new here, so I haven't posted too much, mainly Having said that--Yeah, me too.

Smart boy, that Harold.
Nah, I'm not up for the challenge, Doc. At this point, I don't even care anymore...

Next time I find a story that bores me, I'll be sure to toss it to the group, though. Sounds like a better idea than posting my general thoughts has been.

Boring Stories

I getting better at writing long boring stories.

Check my output if you have a week or so to spare.
