
Re: Etiquette*

Lancecastor said:
The subject of Etiquette has been rumbling around here and on the Internet generally forever.

Recently, it has been said by some to be defocusing things here (and on the GB).

I've previously suggested this Forum's Moderators consider adding some basic Etiquette to the Sticky.

To promote discussion or simply remind us of the need to discuss ideas in an open way, I went out and did a quick search to start things off.

I grabbed this from a place called Conservative News Service and it looks mostly reasonable to me, though I'd never seen or heard of the site or the org. before.

mon cher Lance,

i tink dat you must 'ave made a mistake, dere.....da Conservatives do NOT publish anyting wurt quoting frum, n'est-ce-pas?

---da REAL Jean
Re: Re: Etiquette*

D'ose conservatives I was talkin bout in dat wasn't dose same ones as mister big ears joe who?, eh.

D'em are H'amerkins, dose conservatives and in talkin bout da good manners I t'ink, well, you know, dat dey are hokay bout dat.


luvsubbbbb said:
Lancecastor said:
The subject of Etiquette has been rumbling around here and on the Internet generally forever.

Recently, it has been said by some to be defocusing things here (and on the GB).

I've previously suggested this Forum's Moderators consider adding some basic Etiquette to the Sticky.

To promote discussion or simply remind us of the need to discuss ideas in an open way, I went out and did a quick search to start things off.

I grabbed this from a place called Conservative News Service and it looks mostly reasonable to me, though I'd never seen or heard of the site or the org. before.

mon cher Lance,

i tink dat you must 'ave made a mistake, dere.....da Conservatives do NOT publish anyting wurt quoting frum, n'est-ce-pas?

---da REAL Jean
Re: Re: Re: Etiquette*

Lancecastor said:
D'ose conservatives I was talkin bout in dat wasn't dose same ones as mister big ears joe who?, eh.

D'em are H'amerkins, dose conservatives and in talkin bout da good manners I t'ink, well, you know, dat dey are hokay bout dat.


ohh....h'ockay, da must to know what you are talking h'about, dere.....even if, unlike moi, you talk outta boat sides of da mouth!!

---Jean le tyrant
Re: Re: Re: Re: Etiquette*

Dats right...I'm da boss of dat ting.

luvsubbbbb said:

ohh....h'ockay, da must to know what you are talking h'about, dere.....even if, unlike moi, you talk outta boat sides of da mouth!!

---Jean le tyrant
G'Mornin' Lance

Lancecastor said:

Breakfast here....good morning Art.

(like that old Wile E Coyote cartoon)

Of course,...this is the NEXT morning,...but hell, know me,...Ol'"old and slow". I hope you had a good breakfast yesterday,...and have a good one today.

Yep,'s that time again for ME,...I am going to bed. C'yall later. :D
Re: Etiquette*

Lancecastor said:
The subject of Etiquette has been rumbling around here and on the Internet generally forever.

Recently, it has been said by some to be defocusing things here (and on the GB).

I've previously suggested this Forum's Moderators consider adding some basic Etiquette to the Sticky.

To promote discussion or simply remind us of the need to discuss ideas in an open way, I went out and did a quick search to start things off.

I grabbed this from a place called Conservative News Service and it looks mostly reasonable to me, though I'd never seen or heard of the site or the org. before.

I recognize their views on the relative paramouncy of Free Speech differ somewhat from Lit's in terms of process.

I have no preference except to do what's reasonable and complies with the wishes of our Hosts here.

With that.....


The CNS Bulletin Boards and Chat Rooms are some of the hottest on the web. It's your passion that makes them so. Sometimes, passion can obscure the sense of judgement, so here are a few guideposts for participating:

No personal attacks
No name-calling
No bigoted or racist remarks
No threats or remarks that incite violence
No libelous remarks
No false impersonations of other people
The particulars for defining these items are left to the participants. If a person feels that they have been attacked, and they ask it to stop, it should stop.

Some posters are pretty thick skinned, while others are less so. Some people take great offense at being called names like "jerk" or "clown," while others can be tagged a "!@#$%^&*)+/ and not be bothered by it. Remember that perception is reality.

If a person is asked to stop objectionable posts that reflect on fellow CNS posters rather than ideas, and if the person declines to stop, they will be asked by CNS to stop or take their behavior elsewhere. If they still decline, the poster will be prohibited from posting items on the Boards. This correspondence will be handled via the e-mail address you use when registering.

We try to keep an eye on Bulletin Board activity, but cannot see everything all the time. If you're having a problem, please e-mail <name deleted by Lance> with the particulars of the situation. CNS will handle it from there and inform you of the disposition of the matter.

Critical debate of ideas should not devolve into attacks on people holding those ideas. The best posts are those that dissect the issue at hand, not the keeper of an opinion.



*My 666th post!

Bumped for the new faces.

I would add to Lance's post that revealing private conversations (as in pms) is also not acceptable. As is stated in the forum sticky, revealing personal information such as email address on the board is a no-no too.

Anyway, this is a good set of guidelines to follow. Mostly, it is just good old fashioned common sense.
Just an idea:

But why not take the post you quoted and start a thread. I am afriad new comers will try to weed through all the pages, read some of the shit storm that was brewing or simply get bored.

But the original idea is sound.

Any thoughts?
MissTaken, I agree. There is no way on earth that I am going to dig through a thread the size of this one. I think a new thread is a wonderful idea. :D

Helena :rose:
Re: Etiquette*

Lancecastor said:
The subject of Etiquette has been rumbling around here and on the Internet generally forever.

Recently, it has been said by some to be defocusing things here (and on the GB).

I've previously suggested this Forum's Moderators consider adding some basic Etiquette to the Sticky.

To promote discussion or simply remind us of the need to discuss ideas in an open way, I went out and did a quick search to start things off.

I grabbed this from a place called Conservative News Service and it looks mostly reasonable to me, though I'd never seen or heard of the site or the org. before.

I recognize their views on the relative paramouncy of Free Speech differ somewhat from Lit's in terms of process.

I have no preference except to do what's reasonable and complies with the wishes of our Hosts here.

With that.....


The CNS Bulletin Boards and Chat Rooms are some of the hottest on the web. It's your passion that makes them so. Sometimes, passion can obscure the sense of judgement, so here are a few guideposts for participating:

No personal attacks
No name-calling
No bigoted or racist remarks
No threats or remarks that incite violence
No libelous remarks
No false impersonations of other people
The particulars for defining these items are left to the participants. If a person feels that they have been attacked, and they ask it to stop, it should stop.

Some posters are pretty thick skinned, while others are less so. Some people take great offense at being called names like "jerk" or "clown," while others can be tagged a "!@#$%^&*)+/ and not be bothered by it. Remember that perception is reality.

If a person is asked to stop objectionable posts that reflect on fellow CNS posters rather than ideas, and if the person declines to stop, they will be asked by CNS to stop or take their behavior elsewhere. If they still decline, the poster will be prohibited from posting items on the Boards. This correspondence will be handled via the e-mail address you use when registering.

We try to keep an eye on Bulletin Board activity, but cannot see everything all the time. If you're having a problem, please e-mail <name deleted by Lance> with the particulars of the situation. CNS will handle it from there and inform you of the disposition of the matter.

Critical debate of ideas should not devolve into attacks on people holding those ideas. The best posts are those that dissect the issue at hand, not the keeper of an opinion.


