
Re: Ahhh...

Lancecastor said:'s the redoubtable RisiaSkye, noted countercountercountercounteragent for the forces of....just a second while I count the "counters" here.....

Hey you know who's side Risia's on?
I can answer that...I'm on *my* side.

(slips back into his idiom)

Ah.....Risia, you look as lovely as always this morning in your skin tight leathers, your cigarette smouldering, reminding me of the unspeakable pleasures you've inflicted upon your victims of lust.

What brings you to the Temple of Castor? Surely not.........a spanking??

Not a chance, sugar-pants. But thanks for the offer, all the same.
I'm here in a purely voyeuristic capacity.
Re: Re: Ahhh...

RisiaSkye said:

I can answer that...I'm on *my* side.

Not a chance, sugar-pants. But thanks for the offer, all the same.
I'm here in a purely voyeuristic capacity.

Hmmmmm....a free agent then, are ye?

Cool, distant, slightly haughty....methinks it best that we watch you, my riddle-speaking friend.

But for now...I'm off!

Oh, do be a darling and lock the Temple of Castor door when you leave? And flick off the lights....the electricity bill here is enough to drain any double-naughty spy's expense account!

Lance "Pierce" Castor
Double Oh, Ate
Re: MissT

artful said:

Now is not the time to be hasty,...I must do this expertly,...or else,...
well,...or else, my ass will be *toast*.

Knowing the nefarious, and witty Persephone to be assigned, "Guardess of the Victim", he would take artful's advice and use the "Secret Code" word,- "Please" and insert it carefully in his post.

Hmmmm, I rather like being referred to as nefarious and witty -- WHY Art! You summed me up rather well there!

I have to say though -- being a suspiciously sensible, sentient, and sensual semi-sub, semi-switch (and friend to all) --

I think I shall express a sentiment similar to Risia's (if she doesn't mind)

In any game -- I'm on *my* side.

Persephone dances to her own beat, takes no prisoners :rose:
Re: Re: MissT

Persephone36 said:
artful said:

Now is not the time to be hasty,...I must do this expertly,...or else,...
well,...or else, my ass will be *toast*.

Knowing the nefarious, and witty Persephone to be assigned, "Guardess of the Victim", he would take artful's advice and use the "Secret Code" word,- "Please" and insert it carefully in his post.

Hmmmm, I rather like being referred to as nefarious and witty -- WHY Art! You summed me up rather well there!

I have to say though -- being a suspiciously sensible, sentient, and sensual semi-sub, semi-switch (and friend to all) --

I think I shall express a sentiment similar to Risia's (if she doesn't mind)

In any game -- I'm on *my* side.

Persephone dances to her own beat, takes no prisoners :rose:

"suspiciously sensible, sentient, and sensual semi-sub, semi-switch" Wow, I can't wait til she gets to the letter "T" to describe herself.

Perhaps - "tender, tenacious, tickled, task-obeying, titilating, thong-wearing, teasing, triumphant" ???
Re: Re: Re: MissT

zipman7 said:

"suspiciously sensible, sentient, and sensual semi-sub, semi-switch" Wow, I can't wait til she gets to the letter "T" to describe herself.

Perhaps - "tender, tenacious, tickled, task-obeying, titilating, thong-wearing, teasing, triumphant" ???

I think you pretty much got all my "T'" adjectives in there for me Zip...(oh, but for the record -- "task-obeying" isn't one of them, I'm only a sexual sub -- and a semi one at that, lol.)

hmmm, although I always like a challenge.

Well....there's...tremendously talkative, tirelessly theoretical, testosterone tester, tasty (therapeutically so I've been told), tongue torrid, transient thespian (past tense), and on occasion -- thermonuclear. (But perhaps for that last one I need a testimonial) :D

How's that? (only for you Zip, only for you my fellow Arien -- just consider it our little tete a tete)

Next letter please....

(God, this is what happens when a smart woman is without employment, ugh...UGH! And there you go -- "U"!) ;)

P. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: MissT

Persephone36 said:

I think you pretty much got all my "T'" adjectives in there for me Zip...(oh, but for the record -- "task-obeying" isn't one of them, I'm only a sexual sub -- and a semi one at that, lol.)

hmmm, although I always like a challenge.

Well....there's...tremendously talkative, tirelessly theoretical, testosterone tester, tasty (therapeutically so I've been told), tongue torrid, transient thespian (past tense), and on occasion -- thermonuclear. (But perhaps for that last one I need a testimonial) :D

How's that? (only for you Zip, only for you my fellow Arien -- just consider it our little tete a tete)

Next letter please....

(God, this is what happens when a smart woman is without employment, ugh...UGH! And there you go -- "U"!) ;)

P. :rose:

Of course, my apologies for the one "T" that I got wrong (although I was thinking about it in a sexual sense).

"this is what happens when a smart woman is without employment," and batteries ;)

Until later, my fellow arien :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MissT

zipman7 said:

Of course, my apologies for the one "T" that I got wrong (although I was thinking about it in a sexual sense).

"this is what happens when a smart woman is without employment," and batteries ;)

Until later, my fellow arien :rose:

Ah, no -- no, not without batteries! (Heaven forbid!!)

No, just under instructions not to go near the toys, or myself, until I've spoken to him tonight.

And yes, folks -- this is what you call, a newbie sub and a newbie Dom, lol.

"It's the 'Newbie D/s Show' -- with your host, Bob Eubanks..."

(Don't think though that we'll be playing it out on LIT for everyone's entertainment factor, just a hunch.) ;)

P. :rose:
*snap*crackle*-Transmission from Field Agent Extraordinaire(AKA)-Dble OTT Buckshot7

Lancecastor said:'s the redoubtable RisiaSkye, noted countercountercountercounteragent for the forces of....just a second while I count the "counters" here.....

Hey you know who's side Risia's on?

(slips back into his idiom)

Having studied the "Manual for Identifying Elusive Counter Agents"-(Written by the infamous Shadowsdream) exstensively, and taken prodigious notes on such endeavors as presented by SpectreT, I will attempt to-*snap*crackle*

(Taps the *TOP* of his mini sized nipple disguised mic)-tap-tap-tap-Hello,...hello,...are you still with me Sir Lance?.......(Damn violet wand,...I told ya Dream,...
Now turn that damn thing OFF!)

(Mumble-Grumble-Mumble,...and I really needed to tell Sir Lance to be careful of the *Switch* with RisiaSkye.)

Now the "Forces of Orgasmic Eruption" may have an advantage of exploding without a Dominate Agent being present to ~Control the Issue~.

art-Perse FEARING in the field-ful
WillowPuss said:
Ohhhhhh best of luck

Thanks Willow! Actually, we meet for the first time this weekend -- R/L no less. Eep! ;) But, we're just in the getting to know each other stage -- no props yet, lol.

So, time will tell whether our kinks compliment each other. ;)

(Can anyone else see my nerves stretched thin from here???) ;)

P. :rose:

Persephone36 said:

(Can anyone else see my nerves stretched thin from here???) ;) P. :rose:

Only 007 can see that, but I assure you, he also knows, they will be even thinner by Friday! :cool:
:devil: :rose: :D
Re: Perse

artful said:

Only 007 can see that, but I assure you, he also knows, they will be even thinner by Friday! :cool:
:devil: :rose: :D

I must certainly agree with Master err I mean 007 on that one dear Perse and just hope that your nerves are ALL that's stretched!!:D
looks for my secret favorite wand hmmm "WHERE did HE PUT IT?'
I guess I will make this my Goodnight Forum-Last Post Thread

Goodnight all! :devil:
Re: Perse

artful said:

Only 007 can see that, but I assure you, he also knows, they will be even thinner by Friday! :cool:
:devil: :rose: :D

Right now -- they're non-existant, lol.

Dream, lol, I caught that salacious remark -- you naughty girl! (and that's why I like you) :devil:


P. :rose:

Persephone36 said:
Thanks! LOL! I actually didn't know there were real rules to this. You're adorable (god, am I allowed to say that to a Dom) ;)

(and btw -- you are *toast*!) :p P. :rose:

Toast?,...Toast? Toast?

Toast you say,...of course I will make a toast.

Here's to the *WINNER*,...~Art *POPS* the cork on the bottle of champagne~, (reserved ESPECIALLY for this occasion).

Knowing that Perse is gonna be somewhat surprised as he tilts the bottle to his lips, ~*Glug*-*Glug*~, takes a couple of gulps, then,...rips her clothing off in a VERY Dominant way.

With one arm,...he forces her to the floor, empties the bottle on her luscious nakedness, and proceeds to,..."Rub-it-in!" :rose: :devil: :D
Hey Art...

:p :p :p :p :p :p

all in affection, of course

*Perse blinks innocently as she pulls rug out from underneath Artful causing him to splat on his derriere*

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature's daughter

*Thunder and lightening cue*

Oh, by the way did I also mention :p ?

P. :catroar:

Persephone36 said:
Hey Art...

*Perse blinks innocently as she pulls rug out from underneath Artful causing him to splat on his derriere*

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature's daughter

*Thunder and lightening cue*

Oh, by the way did I also mention :p ?

P. :catroar:

LMAO as I fall down. Luckily,...I am VERY experienced at falling on my ass. I got it down to a practiced *Art*,...pun intended. Never fear sweet damsel,...I never missed a lick,...and am still,..."Rubbing-it-in" ! :rose: :devil: :p :p :p
lmfao@Perse ..

Persephone36 said:
Hey Art...

:p :p :p :p :p :p

all in affection, of course

*Perse blinks innocently as she pulls rug out from underneath Artful causing him to splat on his derriere*

It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature's daughter

*Thunder and lightening cue*

Oh, by the way did I also mention :p ?

P. :catroar:

and Hre Dom/me liness over my Master lol:heart:

Artful's dream said:

and Her Dom/meliness over my Master lol:heart:

SOooooooo,...ya wanna *spanking* without the "After Rub" baby??? :rolleyes: :rose:
G'Night ALL

Art is going to bed.(STILL,"Rubbing it in Perse")
Oh,...and with a few:p :p :p :p :p licks, for good measure.:rose:
This Thread

I *WAS* just gonna use this thread for signing off and going to bed thread. Now,...I think I will add on,'s also gonna be my,..."Hey,...I gotta go eat something", thread also. Be back in a while folks. :rose:

P.S.-I knew you guys cared!
Re: This Thread

Excuse me; have any roast beef over there? I'm feeling peckish....

artful said:
I *WAS* just gonna use this thread for signing off and going to bed thread. Now,...I think I will add on,'s also gonna be my,..."Hey,...I gotta go eat something", thread also. Be back in a while folks. :rose:

P.S.-I knew you guys cared!
Re: Re: This Thread

Lancecastor said:
Excuse me; have any roast beef over there? I'm feeling peckish....

Beg your pardon: is peckish a Canadian thing? What does that word mean?
