Exotica: the new form

flyguy69 said:
Exotica: I hear brass and crash, the tinkling of bells behind veils. The smell of prairie sage and turned earth. The heat fits like a shirt, palpably heavy. There is movement, always movement. Sometimes so subtle I can't tell if it is me or the world turning, but always movement.

I have to write some!

It is a sexy start FlyG! :heart:
CharleyH said:
Thanks, Boo. :rose:

Ok. So what is erotic in your own writings (addressing all poetry people)? And what is the form you(all) take as 'exotica' by your, I am sure, very diverse definitions?

I don't think anything I write is exotic. I think that I write very plainly. Using straightforward, everyday words and phrases.

Setting the smut aside, I don't think I write anything erotic either. The eroticism comes from the mind of the reader.
The_Fool said:
I don't think anything I write is exotic. I think that I write very plainly. Using straightforward, everyday words and phrases.

Setting the smut aside, I don't think I write anything erotic either. The eroticism comes from the mind of the reader.

Exotic as a form, though? Erotic? You do and have :D I know!
CharleyH said:
I have always dreamed of being in the Enquirer along with .... Prince Charles and .... UFO's? :confused:


No not that kind of scandal. Like um an 18th century Restoration Comedy scandal. A School for Scandal, lol. The Enquirerer is so Philistine.

I don't ever want to be anywhere in the vicinity of Prince Charles. He creeps me out. The UFO I'd take if it were air conditioned and had a cd player.
Angeline said:
No not that kind of scandal. Like um an 18th century Restoration Comedy scandal. A School for Scandal, lol. The Enquirerer is so Philistine.

I don't ever want to be anywhere in the vicinity of Prince Charles. He creeps me out. The UFO I'd take if it were air conditioned and had a cd player.


But if I keep posting tonight, right now? I am going to get yelled at! :D kinky :devil:
Connotations of form: A defined shape or mold.

Poetic Form: Defined shape of a poem. Meter? Rhyme? Space? Medium?

Exotica as a Poetic Form: To me the first thoughts would be some of the illustrated poems I see. Another might be the formats used by several poets here where spacing is critical to the delivery. Both vertical and horizontal.

Stretching the limit:

Perhaps the best form of poetic exotica is writing your words with your fingers on a lover’s skin. Only for the two of you to enjoy. Or murmuring your words into their skin…

What is Exotic? So far removed from our everyday thoughts as to be almost indescribable. Unimaginable unless experienced. Always desirable.

I think to find an Exotica Form of Poetry, we have to look outside of what we would typically consider as poetry. I think we would even have to question if it is poetry at all.
What is

erotica? I think it is the moist fuzzy place between your porn dvd and the evening sitcom! (in a literary form of course)

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I'm trying to write a sestina about Boadicea, Charley. Now that's exotica to me.

This is Rumi's fault. If I make it through all 39 lines I don't know whether I'll want to kiss him or break his kneecaps.
Angeline said:
I'm trying to write a sestina about Boadicea, Charley. Now that's exotica to me.

This is Rumi's fault. If I make it through all 39 lines I don't know whether I'll want to kiss him or break his kneecaps.

Well, I want to see it when you're done, even if you don't like it. She's one of the most fascinating of historical creatures. I like to think we share the same genes.
Angeline said:
I'm trying to write a sestina about Boadicea, Charley. Now that's exotica to me.

This is Rumi's fault. If I make it through all 39 lines I don't know whether I'll want to kiss him or break his kneecaps.

So sad....

You never learn...