Fading (or Phasing) out...

Thank you, cym

It seems that the toughest part of making a major change, is taking that first step. It always is for me anyway.

But the instant you do, the benefits begin to be felt. You can feel that you're taking action to "make it better".

Soak up some peace, Risia. It just might be better medicine than laughter. Although, never pass up an opportunity for that!

Then again, look who i'm talking to. The Risable One. Reine des cieux qui rient. (is that right? it's got a neat symmetry even if it's wrong)

Blessings Unending,
Feel Better


I wanted to post this for two reasons. The first is that I am truly saddened at the pressures, stress and illness you have been dealing with. Your presence here will be missed, and your posts all the more looked for. However I am glad that you are doing the right thing by taking it easier.

"You have to take care of the goose that lays the golden eggs."

The second reason I wanted to post this is to show that I was up here on the boards and didn't choose to particate in the crap that is going on. It was a message I felt important to say.

Feel better :rose:

Thank you, everybody. I was thrown for a loop by last week's events, but as I calm down and start acting instead of reacting, I know that in the end, I'll be fine.

My sincerest thanks to everyone who posted words of support here or sent me PM/email encouragement. You're more help than you know. :rose:

*ducking out*
okay having messed up royally last time I tried to post here I'll keep it simple and just send my best wishes to you R in whatever challanges life is throwing you

I am so excited about your dreams coming to fruition and all your hard work paying off...

Concerned about your health because you are special and deserve the very best...

And sorry to see you participate less... you know we have to have a few more switches around these parts..

May you always have the very best....

