Fake Doms & subs

Right on Roscoe!

LEL (that's - laugh even louder)

Laaaaadieesssss and gentlemen.

Tonight's contest is between two terrifc fighters.............

Let's get ready to rrrrrrumble!

I say we strip em both, throw'em in a steel cage, with various items at their disposal, such as floggers, whips, chains, etc, and let them duke it out!

Who wants in on the action?
Ding, ding round 1 begins

"This is Dick Hurtz your ring side announcer." "The bell has just begun for round one." "Rick comes into the center of the ring and unleashes a blinding series of golden showers". "Lance turns yellow and retreats". "But wait, somehow Lance is able to respond with a powerful fecal blow!" "It's a load that Rick can't seem to handle."
painting the side of a barn

I hate WWF almost as much as I hate it when people paint with broad brush strokes....... But then I am an artist.

Re: painting the side of a barn

A Desert Rose said:
I hate WWF almost as much as I hate it when people paint with broad brush strokes....... But then I am an artist.


WWF is rather tiresome... But, a good ole fashioned Boxing Match? I'm there!

:rose: subtle
Re: painting the side of a barn

A Desert Rose said:
I hate WWF almost as much as I hate it when people paint with broad brush strokes....... But then I am an artist.


Damn,...when you said you were a graphic artist,...I thought you meant PORNOGRAPHIC ! ! !

LQOKING at your Avy-(Sheesh) :rose:
Everything About Rick DeVille in 10 Seconds.

Okay, Rick....you are someone's toady, a meat puppet, sent from the GB to Lance D. Boil.


You understand short sentences.

Or at least speak in them.

And I think that sums you up.



Rick DeVille said:

Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds
I don't understand why this thread bothers some people. Yeah, some D&S people are smoke&mirrors. That's kind of a fact of life, like saying Wonder Bread (do they still make Wonder Bread?) is white. In fact, you could take it one step further and say that some people who belong to every kind of group imaginable are bound to be folks who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. What's annoying about it unless one takes the remark personally....and if you're taking this extremely general remark personally, have you asked yourself if you might just be a tad bit insecure?

I don't know, maybe it's the guy who said it. Maybe there's a history? Could be, but I wouldn't know as this forum is new to me.

Oh, one other thing: there's nothing wrong, IMO, in "talking" without "walking" as long as one is honest about it and doesn't cruelly lead others on. D&S can be a very extreme activity and one of the ways you get yourself used to the waters is by talking about it first before doing anything, trying it on in your head, so to speak, to see if it really suits you. Not everybody wants to just blindly dive right into this stuff.

Regards to all,
Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
Re: Fluffy

Lancecastor said:

But I'd rather you stuck to fluffing....you're better at it.


LOL, not to change the subject of the thread or anything (heh!), but that's a job I've always aspired to: fluffer on a porn set. Fun, fun, fun! :cool:


Y'all are just crackin' me up!

I never fake it...
I either have one or I don't...
ooh wait that's not what you're talking about ... ooops

I don't understand why this thread bothers some people. Yeah, some D&S people are smoke&mirrors. <snip> In fact, you could take it one step further and say that some people who belong to every kind of group imaginable are bound to be folks who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. What's annoying about it unless one takes the remark personally....and if you're taking this extremely general remark personally, have you asked yourself if you might just be a tad bit insecure?
Of course, the flip side of the "insecure" coin is the likelihood that no one will think that "smoke and mirrors" refers to him/her. Most of us are thoughtlessly certain that we're okay -- that we're the exceptions to the widely-accepted fact that we hasten to agree with.

In fact, I submit that the only people who are likely to suffer any agonies of introspection because of comments like Rick's are the people whom he would be the least likely to accuse of being "fake." It's these people, I think, whose opinions I tend to value: people who question their perceptions of reality and their place in it.
Hi Nemo;

It sounds like the people you would like the most are those who would be easily cowed by and buy into Rick's aggressive "when did you stop beating your wife" style of attack-posting.

Is that what you meant?

If, in the alternative, you meant you prefer people with a conscience, values & a backbone....I'm withya.

But lemmings? Not for me, thanx.



NemoAlia said:

Of course, the flip side of the "insecure" coin is the likelihood that no one will think that "smoke and mirrors" refers to him/her. Most of us are thoughtlessly certain that we're okay -- that we're the exceptions to the widely-accepted fact that we hasten to agree with.

In fact, I submit that the only people who are likely to suffer any agonies of introspection because of comments like Rick's are the people whom he would be the least likely to accuse of being "fake." It's these people, I think, whose opinions I tend to value: people who question their perceptions of reality and their place in it.
Well, Lance. Thanks for noticing my sleepless lack of clarity! When I wrote "agonies of introspection" I didn't mean "stimulus/response pain and self-pity." I meant that people who take every opportunity (including those provided by incendiary internet posts) to look inside themselves and to question what they find are often people whose self-confidence I tend to respect.
I thought that's what you meant...you are always consistent in your right-minded view of things, I find.

You'd make a fine Moderator here...


Awww...shucks. Thanks, Lance. But no thanks on that Moderator bit: I'll leave that to the professionals!
UCE said:
I don't understand why this thread bothers some people. Yeah, some D&S people are smoke&mirrors. That's kind of a fact of life, like saying Wonder Bread (do they still make Wonder Bread?) is white. In fact, you could take it one step further and say that some people who belong to every kind of group imaginable are bound to be folks who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. What's annoying about it unless one takes the remark personally....and if you're taking this extremely general remark personally, have you asked yourself if you might just be a tad bit insecure?

I don't know, maybe it's the guy who said it. Maybe there's a history? Could be, but I wouldn't know as this forum is new to me.

Oh, one other thing: there's nothing wrong, IMO, in "talking" without "walking" as long as one is honest about it and doesn't cruelly lead others on. D&S can be a very extreme activity and one of the ways you get yourself used to the waters is by talking about it first before doing anything, trying it on in your head, so to speak, to see if it really suits you. Not everybody wants to just blindly dive right into this stuff.

Regards to all,
Unda. Crucia. Eximius.

I think for a new subbie there is great risk to run into a wannabe Dom (no disrespect to those Doms reading) . I was blessed along time ago to meet a real sweetheart that allowed me to learn my sexuality at my pace. He made it fun but at the same time he was in total control. Eventually entering the world of a Switch and I owe it all to him. My advice to anyone new joining this lifestyle, be cautious, be safe and be aware at all times.
NemoAlia said:

Of course, the flip side of the "insecure" coin is the likelihood that no one will think that "smoke and mirrors" refers to him/her. Most of us are thoughtlessly certain that we're okay -- that we're the exceptions to the widely-accepted fact that we hasten to agree with.

In fact, I submit that the only people who are likely to suffer any agonies of introspection because of comments like Rick's are the people whom he would be the least likely to accuse of being "fake." It's these people, I think, whose opinions I tend to value: people who question their perceptions of reality and their place in it.

It's an interesting thing, Nemo, how some people whenever there's a conflict immediately assume the other party is wrong, while others look for things they may have done wrong themselves that may have led up to it.

"Reality" is a tricky and difficult thing... funny how hard it is to pin it down, and yet how important, don't you think?
NemoAlia said:
Well, Lance. Thanks for noticing my sleepless lack of clarity! When I wrote "agonies of introspection" I didn't mean "stimulus/response pain and self-pity." I meant that people who take every opportunity (including those provided by incendiary internet posts) to look inside themselves and to question what they find are often people whose self-confidence I tend to respect.

People without self-confidence are often the slowest to question themselves, and the quickest to resort to name-calling and violence, don't you think?
Sandia said:

People without self-confidence are often the slowest to question themselves, and the quickest to resort to name-calling and violence, don't you think?

Or those in denial. :)
Ebonyfire said:

You mean de-nial ain't just a river?



No, Ebony, it isn't just water anymore. Although, for some, it is a fluid, slippery way of relating. ~smiles~
Gee, Sandia, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to agree with you! Your points about self-confidence and reality are well-considered, and (on my part) well-taken.

I wonder how this thread's discussion would fit in with Lance's theory of insecure twenty- and thirty-something women.